Creating the JDBC provider (Microsoft SQL Server)

The next step in the process is to create the JDBC provider.

About this task

Perform the following steps to create the JDBC provider.


  1. Log in to the WebSphere® Application Server Integrated Solutions Console, if you are not still logged in.
  2. Click Resources > JDBC Providers.
  3. Click New.
  4. Enter the following values in the Configuration tab:
    • Database type: SQL Server
    • Provider type: Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Driver
    • Implementation type: Connection pool data source
    • Name: JDBC provider name (for example, mcsJDBC). If you use a name other than mcsJDBC, use that name in place of mcsJDBC later in this procedure.
    • Description: Descriptive text (for example, JDBC provider for Multi-Channel Server database).
  5. Click Next.
  6. Enter the directory location for the database driver JAR file for MICROSOFT_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH. Click Next.
  7. Check the summary. Click Finish.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Create the data source for the JDBC provider you just created.
    1. Select the JDBC provider you just created (for example, mcsJDBC).
    2. Click Additional Properties > Data Sources. Click New.
    3. Enter the following values in the Configuration tab:
      • Name: Data source name (for example, mcsDS). If you use a name other than mcsDS, use that name in place of mcsDS later in this procedure.
      • JNDI Name: JNDI name (for example, jdbc/mcsDS). The name must start with jdbc/. If you use a JNDI name other than jdbc/mcsDS, use that name in place of jdbc/mcsDS later in this procedure.
  10. Click Next.
  11. Enter the database properties for the new data source.
    • Database name: Name of the MCS database (for example, mcs)
    • Port number: Port number of the database (for example, 1433)
    • Server name: Host name of the database server (for example,
  12. Click Next.
  13. Select the previously created J2C entry from the Component-managed Authentication Alias drop-down list (for example, mcsDBauth). Click Next.
  14. Check the summary. Click Finish.
  15. Click Save to save the configuration.
  16. Restart the server1 application server using the following commands:
    wp_profile_root/bin/ server1 -username WAS_admin -password WAS_admin_password_value
    wp_profile_root/bin/ server1
    wp_profile_root\bin\stopServer server1 -username WAS_admin -password WAS_admin_password_value
    wp_profile_root\bin\startServer server1
  17. Log in to the WebSphere Application Server Integrated Solutions Console.
  18. Click Resources > JDBC Providers > mcsJDBC > Data Sources.
  19. Select the mcsDS check box and click Test Connection.
    Note: If the test connection fails and you modify the configuration, you must restart the server1 application server before testing the connection again.

What to do next

After creating the JDBC provider, proceed to the next topic, Updating the MCS configuration file.

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