Adding a new client to WebSphere Portal

To support a new device whose user agent does not match a user agent pattern of the supported clients, you must add a new client and associated information.

About this task

Perform the following steps to add a client to WebSphere® Portal and configure this new client to use the XDIME markup.
Note: See the Supported clients help for more information about this procedure.


  1. Log in to WebSphere Portal as a portal administrator.
  2. Navigate to Administration > Portal Settings > Supported Clients.
  3. Click Add new client.
  4. In the Manage Clients window, enter the desired information in the appropriate fields. To configure this new client to use the XDIME markup, make sure to modify the following fields:
    • User Agent - enter string
    • Markup - enter XDIME
    • Markup Version
    • Position - enter the order this new client should be in the supported clients list
      Note: The sequence is important when WebSphere Portal checks for the User Agent.

What to do next

After adding the new client for the new device, you must also make sure that the Multi-Channel Server device repository supports the new device. If the device is not in the repository and you have ordered the IBM® Mobile Portal Accelerator Device Update feature, submit a request to IBM to add the device to the repository. After the device is added to the master repository, you can run the device update service to update your copy of the device repository. For more information about adding a device to the repository, see the topic Using the device update service in this information center.

In addition, for AIX, Linux, or Solaris operating systems, if you encounter the too many files open exception, you will need to increase the ulimit value. See the topic Preparing to modify WebSphere Portal client definitions for more information.

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