
Util classes.


Class Summary
CustomControlUtils Some custom controls utilities.
DataPublisher This is used by UIComponents to publishing "var"s to the requestMap, and saving any previous value that was present under that name in a list of DataPublisher.ShadowedObjects.
DataPublisher.ShadowedObject Saves any previous value that was present in the RequestMap
DirLangUtil Utility for checking RTL/LTR settings
FacesUtil This class provides various utility methods.
HtmlUtil This is helper utility class for HTML and XHTML renderers
JSUtil Some basic client side JavaScript utilities.
StateHolderUtil Utility used by UIComponent and StateHolder implementations, to save and restore maps of StateHolders, lists, etc.
TypedUtil Wrappers for JSF methods returning collections with the correct generic types, used to remove untyped warnings from the calling java code.
ValueBindingUtil The utility used for parsing ValueBindings and MethodBinding s.

Package Description

Util classes.