Interface RegistryAnnotaterInfo

public interface RegistryAnnotaterInfo

Information provided by the registry parser to the RegistryAnnotater objects, for use in their parsing of optional registry information.

Method Summary getDesignIconUrl(java.lang.String iconPath)
          null or a URL to an icon referenced in the xsp-config file.
 FacesRegistry getRegistry()
          The FacesRegistry where the FacesExtensibleNode being parsed will be saved.
 java.util.ResourceBundle getResourceBundle()
          null or the ResourceBundle associated with the xsp-config file for the current locale.

Method Detail


java.util.ResourceBundle getResourceBundle()
null or the ResourceBundle associated with the xsp-config file for the current locale. Note, this may generate a log warning if the bundle doesn't exist, so it should only be invoked when actually attempting to resolve a bundle key to translated text.

the translated text for this xsp-config file

getDesignIconUrl getDesignIconUrl(java.lang.String iconPath)
null or a URL to an icon referenced in the xsp-config file. It may return URLs that do not resolve, so the code using the returned URL should be prepared for errors. Note, this may log an error if the iconPath does not exist, so it should not be used for exploration of which icons exist. For certain config files, this may be not implemented, always returning null.

iconPath - a path from the xsp-config file, referencing some icon.
null or a possibly-invalid URL to an icon referenced in the xsp-config file.


FacesRegistry getRegistry()
The FacesRegistry where the FacesExtensibleNode being parsed will be saved. Note, it is not saved until after the file is parsed, so you cannot expect previous definitions in the current xsp-config file to exist in the registry.