Interface FacesComponentDefinition

All Superinterfaces:
FacesDefinition, FacesExtensibleNode
All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface FacesComponentDefinition
extends FacesDefinition

A definition for a class implementing UIComponent.

The method FacesDefinition.getDefaultProperty() always returns "children" for a FacesComponentDefinition.

A FacesComponentDefinition's parent is always either null or a FacesComponentDefinition.

A FacesComponentDefinitions parent will be either its FacesDefinition.getTagName() or, if that is null, its getComponentType()

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getComponentFamily()
          The component-family, either defined for this component, or inherited from it's parent component.
 java.lang.String getComponentType()
          The component-type defined for this component.
 FacesFacet getFacet(java.lang.String facetName)
 java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> getFacetNames()
          Lists the component's non-inherited expected facets.
 java.lang.String getRendererType()
          The renderer-type defined for this component.
Methods inherited from interface
getDefaultFacesProperty, getDefaultProperty, getDefinedInlinePropertyNames, getDefinedPropertyNames, getFile, getFirstDefaultPrefix, getGroupTypeRefs, getId, getJavaClass, getNamespaceUri, getParent, getProperty, getPropertyNames, getReferenceId, getSince, getTagName, isDefinedProperty, isGroupProperty, isProperty, isTag
Methods inherited from interface
getExtension, setExtension

Method Detail


java.lang.String getComponentType()
The component-type defined for this component.


java.lang.String getRendererType()
The renderer-type defined for this component.


java.lang.String getComponentFamily()
The component-family, either defined for this component, or inherited from it's parent component.


java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> getFacetNames()
Lists the component's non-inherited expected facets. To get the full list of facets that are expected, aggregate the facets on this component, its ancestors, and the per-renderkit renderers associated with the component. Note that there is no runtime restriction on the facets that may be placed in a component, so other facets may be specified in the final component.


FacesFacet getFacet(java.lang.String facetName)
facetName -
The Facet that corresponds to the provided name. Null if none is found.