getActionableEntries() - Method in interface com.ibm.notes.java.ui.views.NotesUIView
Gets a list of view entries to perform an action on.
getAliases() - Method in class com.ibm.notes.java.api.data.NotesViewData
Gets the aliases of the view.
getBaseUrl() - Method in class com.ibm.notes.java.api.data.NotesData
Gets the URL of the data object encoded in UTF-8 format.
getBEDocument() - Method in interface com.ibm.notes.java.ui.documents.NotesUIDocument
Return the back-end document that corresponds to the currently open document.
getCalendar(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, TimeZone) - Static method in class com.ibm.notes.java.api.util.NotesDocumentUtil
Returns the calendar with the specified date and time set.
getCalendarDate(int, int, int) - Static method in class com.ibm.notes.java.api.util.NotesDocumentUtil
Returns the calendar with the specified date.
getCalendarTime(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class com.ibm.notes.java.api.util.NotesDocumentUtil
Returns the calendar with the specified time.
getCollection() - Method in class com.ibm.notes.java.ui.events.CollectionOpenedEvent
Gets the collection of view entries that were opened.
getCollection() - Method in class com.ibm.notes.java.ui.events.ViewEntryChangeEvent
Gets the collection of entries that have been changed by this event.
getColumns() - Method in interface com.ibm.notes.java.ui.views.NotesUIView
Gets the columns in this view.
getColumnValues() - Method in interface com.ibm.notes.java.ui.views.NotesUIViewEntry
Gets a list of the column values for this view entry.
getColumnValueString(int) - Method in interface com.ibm.notes.java.ui.views.NotesUIViewEntry
Gets the value of a specific column as a String.
getComposeItems() - Method in class com.ibm.notes.java.api.data.NotesFormData
Gets the map of items to values for this form.
getCurrentDocument() - Method in class com.ibm.notes.java.ui.NotesUIWorkspace
Deprecated. Replaced by NotesUIWorkspace.getCurrentElement()
getCurrentElement() - Method in class com.ibm.notes.java.ui.NotesUIWorkspace
Returns a NotesUIElement object representing the element that is currently open.
getCurrentField() - Method in interface com.ibm.notes.java.ui.documents.NotesUIDocument
Return the field that the cursor is in.
getCurrentView() - Method in class com.ibm.notes.java.ui.NotesUIWorkspace
Deprecated. Replaced by NotesUIWorkspace.getCurrentElement()
getDatabaseData() - Method in class com.ibm.notes.java.api.data.NotesAgentData
Gets the data of the database containing the agent.
getDatabaseData() - Method in interface com.ibm.notes.java.ui.documents.NotesUIDocument
Gets the database data for the database containing this document.
getDateTime(Session, Date) - Static method in class com.ibm.notes.java.api.util.NotesDocumentUtil
Creates a DateTime object from the specified Date object and session.
getDateTime(Session, Calendar) - Static method in class com.ibm.notes.java.api.util.NotesDocumentUtil
Creates a DateTime object from the specified Calendar object and session.
getDocumentData() - Method in interface com.ibm.notes.java.ui.documents.NotesUIDocument
Gets the document data for this document.
getDocumentData() - Method in interface com.ibm.notes.java.ui.events.NotesDocumentDataEvent
Gets the document data from the event.
getDocumentData() - Method in interface com.ibm.notes.java.ui.views.NotesUIDocumentEntry
Gets the document data for this entry.
getDocumentKey() - Method in class com.ibm.notes.java.api.data.NotesDocumentKeyData
Gets the document key.
getEditUrl() - Method in class com.ibm.notes.java.api.data.NotesDocumentData
Gets the Notes URL to open this document in edit mode.
getError() - Method in class com.ibm.notes.java.ui.events.CollectionOpenedEvent
Gets any error that may have occurred while opening the collection.
getError() - Method in interface com.ibm.notes.java.ui.events.NotesUIEvent
Gets any error that happened during the event.
getError() - Method in class com.ibm.notes.java.ui.events.ViewEntryChangeEvent
Gets any error that occurred during this event.
getField(String) - Method in interface com.ibm.notes.java.ui.documents.NotesUIDocument
Get the field from the document.
getFields() - Method in interface com.ibm.notes.java.ui.documents.NotesUIDocument
Return all of the fields within the document.
getFilePath() - Method in class com.ibm.notes.java.api.data.NotesDatabaseData
Gets the file path to this database.
getFirstEntry() - Method in interface com.ibm.notes.java.ui.views.NotesUIViewEntryCollection
Gets the first view entry in this collection.
getForm() - Method in interface com.ibm.notes.java.ui.documents.NotesUIDocument
Get the name of the document's form.
getFramesetUnid() - Method in class com.ibm.notes.java.api.data.NotesFramesetData
Gets the frameset unid.
getIndex() - Method in interface com.ibm.notes.java.ui.views.NotesUIViewColumn
Gets the index of this column.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.ibm.notes.java.api.util.NotesPlatform
Deprecated. Returns the singleton instance.
getItemCalendar(String) - Method in interface com.ibm.notes.java.ui.documents.NotesBEDocument
Return the value as a Calendar for the given item.
getItemDouble(String) - Method in interface com.ibm.notes.java.ui.documents.NotesBEDocument
Return the value as a Double for the given item.
getItemInteger(String) - Method in interface com.ibm.notes.java.ui.documents.NotesBEDocument
Return the value as an Integer for the given item.
getItemList(String) - Method in interface com.ibm.notes.java.ui.documents.NotesBEDocument
Return the values as a List for the given item.
getItems() - Method in class com.ibm.notes.java.api.data.NotesAgentData
Gets the map of items to values for the document the agent will use.
getItemString(String) - Method in interface com.ibm.notes.java.ui.documents.NotesBEDocument
Return the values as a String for the given item.
getName() - Method in class com.ibm.notes.java.api.data.NotesAgentData
Gets the unencoded name of the agent
getName() - Method in class com.ibm.notes.java.api.data.NotesFormData
Gets the form name or alias.
getName() - Method in class com.ibm.notes.java.api.data.NotesFramesetData
Gets the frameset name.
getName() - Method in class com.ibm.notes.java.api.data.NotesPageData
Gets the page name.
getName() - Method in class com.ibm.notes.java.api.data.NotesViewData
Gets the view name.
getName() - Method in interface com.ibm.notes.java.ui.documents.NotesUIField
Returns the name of the field.
getName() - Method in interface com.ibm.notes.java.ui.views.NotesUIViewColumn
Gets the name of this column.
getNewField() - Method in class com.ibm.notes.java.ui.events.DocumentFieldChangeEvent
Returns the currently selected field
getOldField() - Method in class com.ibm.notes.java.ui.events.DocumentFieldChangeEvent
Returns the previously selected field
getOpenUrl() - Method in class com.ibm.notes.java.api.data.NotesData
Gets the encoded Notes URL to open the NotesData object.
getOpenUrl() - Method in class com.ibm.notes.java.api.data.NotesDatabaseData
getOpenUrl() - Method in class com.ibm.notes.java.api.data.NotesDocumentData
getOpenUrl() - Method in class com.ibm.notes.java.api.data.NotesDocumentKeyData
getOpenUrl() - Method in class com.ibm.notes.java.api.data.NotesFormData
getOpenUrl() - Method in class com.ibm.notes.java.api.data.NotesFramesetData
getOpenUrl(String) - Method in class com.ibm.notes.java.api.data.NotesFramesetData
Gets the Notes URL to open this frameset within a specified view.
getOpenUrl(NotesViewData) - Method in class com.ibm.notes.java.api.data.NotesFramesetData
Gets the Notes URL to open this frameset within a specified view.
getOpenUrl() - Method in class com.ibm.notes.java.api.data.NotesPageData
getOpenUrl() - Method in class com.ibm.notes.java.api.data.NotesViewData
getParser() - Method in class com.ibm.notes.java.api.data.NotesData
Deprecated. this method should only be used internally
getReplicaId() - Method in class com.ibm.notes.java.api.data.NotesDatabaseData
Gets the replica id of this database.
getSearchUrl(String) - Method in class com.ibm.notes.java.api.data.NotesViewData
Gets the Notes URL to search this view.
getSelectedText() - Method in interface com.ibm.notes.java.ui.documents.NotesUIDocument
Gets the text that is highlighted in the UI.
getServer() - Method in class com.ibm.notes.java.api.data.NotesDatabaseData
Gets the server of this database.
getSession() - Method in class com.ibm.notes.java.api.util.NotesPlatform
Deprecated. Returns the shared session object.
getSession() - Method in class com.ibm.notes.java.api.util.NotesSessionJob
Retrieve the session in which this Job is running.
getTemporaryDocument(Session) - Method in class com.ibm.notes.java.ui.NotesUIWorkspace
Returns a new, empty document in a local, temporary database.
getText() - Method in interface com.ibm.notes.java.ui.documents.NotesUIField
Retrieve the current text of the field.
getTitle() - Method in class com.ibm.notes.java.api.data.NotesDatabaseData
Gets the title of the database.
getTitle() - Method in interface com.ibm.notes.java.ui.NotesUIElement
Get the title of the element.
getUIDocument() - Method in interface com.ibm.notes.java.ui.documents.NotesUIField
Get the document that contains this field.
getUIDocument(IWorkbenchPart) - Method in class com.ibm.notes.java.ui.NotesUIWorkspace
Tries to create a NotesUIDocument from the given IWorkbenchPart.
getUIView(IWorkbenchPart) - Method in class com.ibm.notes.java.ui.NotesUIWorkspace
Tries to create a NotesUIView from the give IWorkbenchPart.
getUnid() - Method in class com.ibm.notes.java.api.data.NotesDocumentData
Get the document.
getUnid() - Method in class com.ibm.notes.java.api.data.NotesPageData
Gets the page unid.
getUnid() - Method in class com.ibm.notes.java.api.data.NotesViewData
Gets the view unid.
getUrl() - Method in interface com.ibm.notes.java.ui.NotesUIElement
Get the URL of the element.
getViewData() - Method in class com.ibm.notes.java.api.data.NotesFramesetData
Constructs a NotesViewData object from this NotesFramesetData object.
getViewData() - Method in interface com.ibm.notes.java.ui.views.NotesUIView
Gets the view data for this view.
getViewData() - Method in interface com.ibm.notes.java.ui.views.NotesUIViewEntry
Gets the NotesViewData for the NotesUIView in which this view entry resides.
getWindow() - Method in interface com.ibm.notes.java.ui.NotesUIElement
Return the workbench window that holds the element.
gotoNextField() - Method in interface com.ibm.notes.java.ui.documents.NotesUIDocument
Places the cursor in the next field on a document.
gotoPreviousField() - Method in interface com.ibm.notes.java.ui.documents.NotesUIDocument
Places the cursor in the previous field on a document.