Interface ThemeControl

All Known Implementing Classes:
UIColumnEx, UICommandButton, UIComponentTag, UIDataColumn, UIDataEx, UIDataTable, UIDateTimeHelper, UIFileDownload, UIFileuploadEx, UIFormEx, UIGraphicEx, UIInclude, UIIncludeComposite, UIInputCheckbox, UIInputEx, UIInputHidden, UIInputRadio, UIInputRichText, UIInputText, UIInputTextarea, UIMessageEx, UIMessagesEx, UIOutputEx, UIOutputFormat, UIOutputLabel, UIOutputLink, UIOutputScript, UIOutputText, UIPager, UIPagerControl, UIPanelEx, UIPassThroughTag, UIPassThroughText, UISection, UISelectListbox, UISelectManyCheckbox, UISelectManyEx, UISelectManyListbox, UISelectOneEx, UISelectOneListbox, UISelectOneMenu, UISelectOneRadio, UITabbedPanel, UITabPanel, UIViewColumn, UIViewColumnHeader, UIViewColumnText, UIViewPager, UIViewPanel, UIViewRootEx, UIViewRootEx2, UIViewTitle, XspColumn, XspCommandButton, XspDataTableEx, XspDateTimeHelper, XspDiv, XspFileDownload, XspFileUpload, XspForm, XspGraphicImage, XspInputCheckbox, XspInputHidden, XspInputRadio, XspInputRichText, XspInputText, XspInputTextarea, XspLineBreak, XspMessage, XspMessages, XspOutputLabel, XspOutputLink, XspOutputScript, XspOutputText, XspPager, XspPagerControl, XspParagraph, XspSection, XspSelectManyCheckbox, XspSelectManyListbox, XspSelectOneMenu, XspSelectOneRadio, XspSpan, XspTabbedPanel, XspTable, XspTableCell, XspTableRow, XspTabPanel, XspViewColumn, XspViewColumnHeader, XspViewPanel, XspViewTitle

public interface ThemeControl

Interface implemented by controls that supports style kits.

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getStyleKitFamily()
          The styleKitFamily is basically the default themeId, to use if the "themeId" property is not set on this control instance in the XPage source.

Method Detail


java.lang.String getStyleKitFamily()
The styleKitFamily is basically the default themeId, to use if the "themeId" property is not set on this control instance in the XPage source. For example, "InputField.EditBox" is used for most Edit Box controls. See Domino/xsp/nsf/themes/webstandard.theme for more examples.

The implementation may return different values depending on the configuration of the current control, for example the Button control returns a different value and looks different when it is configured as a cancel button.

a non-null themeId corresponding to the configuration for this type of control in a theme file.