
XPages Data Tooling API Classes.


Class Summary
AbstractDataContainerPublishedProvider An abstract PublishedObjectProvider.
AbstractDataPublishedProvider An abstract Published Object provider used by data sources to contribute to the Domino Designer data tooling.
DataContextPublishedProvider Provides Published Objects for the dataContext tag.
ELPathSerializer A serializer object that will save the el expression that describes a node in a schema.
XmlPublishedObject The default concrete implementation for XML (Schema) based data sources.
XPathSerializer A serializer object that will save the XPath expression that describes a node in a schema.
XSPNodeData Implementation of an script data map for a particular XSP node.

Package Description

XPages Data Tooling API Classes.

This package contains classes which allow users to easily contribute information to the Domino Designer Data Tooling framework. It is strongly encouraged to also examine the contents of the package also. The classes in this package work in conjunction with the extension point.