Interface IComplexPanelFactory

public interface IComplexPanelFactory

A factory interface whose subclasses create complex property panels. The complex panel factory is normally defined via extension point ("").

Method Summary
 IComplexPanel createPanel(java.lang.String contextId, XPagesKey key, java.lang.String className, org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite parent)
          Creates a complex panel given a parent Composite, a class name, an XPage tag name and a context id.

Method Detail


IComplexPanel createPanel(java.lang.String contextId,
                          XPagesKey key,
                          java.lang.String className,
                          org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite parent)
Creates a complex panel given a parent Composite, a class name, an XPage tag name and a context id.

contextId - an id that allows the framework return different panels for the same tag based on the context id. The id is normally null
key - an XPagesKey that describes the tag that the panel is to be generated for
className - a fully qualified class name that is provided via extension point.
parent - the parent Composite of the panel that is to be generated
an instance of a complex panels