
Lookup Classes.


Interface Summary
FilteredLookup.Filter A filter interface that determines whether an item at a certain index should be accepted or not.

Class Summary
BooleanLookup A lookup that only has two values: true & false.
DataNodeLookup A lookup that returns a list of labels and codes based on a datanode.
EnumerationLookup Provides an enumerated lookup.
FilteredLookup This lookup provides a mechanism for providing a filter on the lookup.
IntegerLookup A lookup with String labels and integer codes.
InvertedBooleanLookup A boolean lookup where 0 represents true and 1 represents false.
ListLookup A lookup that can be used in conjunction with a list of objects.
LookupUtils Utilities to help find items in a lookup.
SortedLookup Creates a sorted lookup.

Package Description

Lookup Classes.

Contains lookup implementations.