Interface DataChangeListener

public interface DataChangeListener

An interface that allows clients to listen for changes to a DataNode. Clients should register their interest in listening to a DataNode via DataChangeNotifier.addDataChangeListener(DataChangeListener).

Field Summary
static int ITEM_INSERTED
          A flag used to denote an item inserted event, that is an item has been added to a collection
static int ITEM_REMOVED
          A flag used to denote a deletion event, that is an item has been removed from a collection
static int VALUE_CHANGED
          A flag used to denote a value changed event, that is the value of an attribute has changed
Method Summary
 void onValueChanged(java.lang.Object object, int operation, IMember member, int position)
          Called by the DataChangeNotifier anytime the DataNode is modified.

Field Detail


static final int VALUE_CHANGED
A flag used to denote a value changed event, that is the value of an attribute has changed

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int ITEM_INSERTED
A flag used to denote an item inserted event, that is an item has been added to a collection

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int ITEM_REMOVED
A flag used to denote a deletion event, that is an item has been removed from a collection

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


void onValueChanged(java.lang.Object object,
                    int operation,
                    IMember member,
                    int position)
Called by the DataChangeNotifier anytime the DataNode is modified.

object - the object that was modified
operation - typically one of:
member - the DataNode member that changed
position - the position of the item