Using QMF

Changing a chart in the ICU

The changes you make to a chart by using QMF forms usually affect the data you want to display on the chart. The changes you make to a chart in the ICU usually affect the format of the chart itself.

Use the ICU to change chart presentation properties, such as color, position, and size. Table 9 identifies changes you make to charts in the ICU.

Table 9. Quick reference for changing a chart in the ICU

Change ICU Home Panel Select
Axis titles AXIS OPTIONS X-axis; function key for Y-axis
Legend position HEADING, LEGEND, AND LAYOUT Legend Position and Format
Color and size of legend text DATA ENTRY & IMPORT Group Name Attributes
Chart size HEADING, LEGEND, AND LAYOUT Chart Dimensions
Color and appearance of data DATA ENTRY & IMPORT Data Attributes
Position of data along X-axis DATA ENTRY & IMPORT Data Interpretation
X-axis label color and size DATA ENTRY & IMPORT Data Label Attributes
Chart heading color and size HEADING, LEGEND, AND LAYOUT Chart Heading (answer YES)
Heading and axis positions HEADING, LEGEND, AND LAYOUT Heading and Axis Positions

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