Using QMF

Calculating values to use in a report

Note to CICS Users

You cannot calculate values to use in a report in CICS.

The values in your reports can come from the following:

You can specify calculations in a form that are similar to the calculations that are performed in a query. QMF evaluates calculations in a form by using the REXX language. Calculations can take advantage of all the built-in REXX functions. You can also specify REXX EXECs you write in a form. However, calculations in a form can affect performance.

You can create calculations to use in a report in one of the following ways:

QMF Reference, SC26-4716-05 describes expressions in detail. For more information on REXX EXECs, see the TSO/E Procedures Language REXX/MVS Reference (for TSO) or the VM System Product Interpreter Reference (for CMS). Your installation might not support use of calculations and REXX functions. Check with your QMF administrator before you try to use calculations in a report.

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