Using QMF

Specifying text to appear at the end of your report

You can place text at the end of your report for any purpose you want. For example, you can explain items in the report, or you can include information that summarizes the data, such as totals or averages. You specify the final text for your report on the FORM.FINAL panel.

Use the FORM.FINAL panel to do the following:

For this example, you add final text to the report that shows the total number of employees for the Western Division and the average of their salaries.

To specify final text:

  1. On the QMF command line, enter:

    The FORM.FINAL panel displays.

    Figure 119. Specify text for the end of a report on FORM.FINAL.

    | FORM.FINAL                                           MODIFIED                  |
    |                                                                                |
    | New Page for Final Text?   ===> NO      Put Final Summary at Line ===> 1       |
    | Blank Lines Before Text    ===> 0                                              |
    | LINE  ALIGN   FINAL TEXT                                                       |
    | ----  ------  ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+          |
    | 1     LEFT    Total Number of Employees for the &11 Division is                |
    | 1     APPEND   &COUNT1.                                                        |
    | 2     LEFT    Average Salary for the &11 Division is &AVG6.                    |
  2. Leave the defaults, or type new values for the New Page for Final Text?, Put Final Summary at Line, and Blank Lines Before Text fields.

    For this example, leave the defaults for these fields.

  3. Type the final text for each line under the FINAL TEXT field. You can use form variables in the text.

    For this example, change the alignment to LEFT, and type Total Number of Employees for the &11 Division is for the first line. Specify APPEND for alignment for the next line, change the line number to 1, and type &COUNT1. Be sure to leave a space before &COUNT1. For the next line of final text, change the alignment to LEFT, and type Average Salary for the &11 Division is &AVG6.

  4. Press the Report function key to display the changed report.

    Figure 120. The final text displays at the end of your report.

    |         Employee:  DAVIS                                                       |
    |               ID:  300                                                         |
    | Years of Service:  5                                                           |
    |           Salary:  15454.50                                                    |
    |       Commission:  806.10                                                      |
    |                                                                                |
    | ===> Number in SALES position in Department 84:  2                             |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | Total Number of Employees for the WESTERN Division is 9.                       |
    | Average Salary for the WESTERN Division is 16913.69.                           |
    |                                                                                |
    | ** Company Name **                                                             |
    | *** END ***                                                                    |

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