Warning conditions

A warning condition results when the values in two or more entry areas conflict. Unlike an error, a warning condition need not be corrected before you use the form. Instead, QMF warns you of the conflict and interprets the condition to format the report or chart.

You can either accept the report or chart as is, or change one or more of the conflicting entries to correct the form.

Table 13, following, lists some common warning conditions and how QMF formats the report. These warning conditions can also affect the chart representing that report.

Table 13. Warning conditions
Condition QMF Action
More than one ACROSS usage Accepts first ACROSS; omits remaining ACROSS columns from report
ACROSS usage without GROUP usage Omits ACROSS column from report
GROUP usage without aggregating usage Omits GROUP column from report
ACROSS and GROUP usage with one or more blank usages If aggregation used, omits columns with blank usages from report; otherwise, omits ACROSS and GROUP columns from report
GROUP usage with at least one aggregation usage and one or more blank usages Omits columns with blank usages from report
Line wrapping with ACROSS usage or with column wrapping edit code Ignores line wrapping
ACROSS usage without automatic column reordering Ignores value of column reordering option; produces standard ACROSS report
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