Summary of Editing Expressions

Table 8, following, summarizes the results returned when an edit code is applied to an expression. For details on edit codes for calculations, see Edit Codes.

Table 8. Edit code summary
Result from User Expression Applicable Edit Code Edited Result
Numeric Numeric Edited according to edit code
Nonnumeric Character representation of result edited according to edit code
Uxxxx, Vxxxx As edited by user edit routine (expression result for Uxxxx is passed to routine as extended floating point data)
Nonnumeric Numeric As if C (character)
Nonnumeric Cxx Character
Uxxxx, Vxxxx As edited by user edit routing

Note: In COBOL, a long floating point format for the first eight bytes of numeric data should provide suffiecient accuracy. If not, use the Vxxxx

edit code for maximum accuracy.
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