DSQ Global Variables That Show Results of CONVERT QUERY

None of these global variables can be modified by the SET GLOBAL command.

Callable Interface Variable Name Command Interface Variable Name Length Description
DSQQC_LENGTH_nnn DSQCLnnn 05 Length of converted result nnn
DSQQC_QRY_COUNT DSQCQCNT 03 Number of queries in converted result. Value must always be '1' unless the original query is a QBE I. or U. query.
DSQQC_QRY_LANG DSQCQLNG 01 Language of converted query. Values can be:
for SQL
for QBE
for prompted
DSQQC_QRY_TYPE DSQCQTYP not specified First word in converted results
DSQQC_RESULT_nnn DSQCQnnn not specified Converted result nnn
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