DSQ Global Variables That Control How Information is Displayed on the Screen

All of these global variables can be modified by the SET GLOBAL command.

Callable Interface Variable Name Command Interface Variable Name Length Description
DSQDC_COST_EST none 01 Optionally suppress database cost estimate. Values can be:
= no--Do not display the cost estimate.
= yes--Display the cost estimate. This is the default.
DSQDC_CURRENCY none 18 The currency symbol used when the DC edit code is specified. The value can be a string with a length from 1 to 18 bytes. For English, the default is the euro currency symbol. The default varies for other languages. In a DBCS environment, this value can be a mixed string of SBCS and DBCS characters. The total length of the mixed string, including the shift-out and shift-in characters, cannot exceed 18 bytes.
DSQDC_DISPLAY_RPT DSQADPAN 01 Display report after RUN QUERY. Values can be:
if you don't want QMF to display the resulting report from a RUN query command. This is the default if QMF is started interactively with DSQQMFE or in BATCH mode. Changing this variable when QMF is started in BATCH mode will not cause any QMF screen to display.
if you want QMF to automatically display the report. This is the default if QMF is started with the callable interface. This can be overridden with the DSQADPAN program parameter on the START command.

This global variable is for applications only. It has no effect when the RUN QUERY command is entered on the command line.

DSQDC_LIST_ORDER none 02 Sets the default sort order for objects in a list of database objects. Values for the first character can be:
The list will use the default order
The list will be sorted by object owner.
The list will be sorted by object name.
The list will be sorted by object type.
The list will be sorted by date modified.
The list will be sorted by date last used.

Values for the second character can be:

The list will be sorted in ascending order.
The list will be sorted in descending order.

This variable applies only to objects that are listed as a result of the LIST command. It does not apply to lists produced in other contexts, such as from a Display prompt panel, and it does not apply to lists of tables.

DSQDC_SCROLL_AMT none 04 Sets the scroll amount for QMF panels. Values can be:
Sets scroll amount to cursor. Depending on whether the user scrolls backward, forward, left, or right, QMF scrolls the line or column where the cursor is positioned to the bottom, top, far left, or far right of the scrollable area.
Sets scroll amount to half the scrollable area.
Sets scroll amount to a full page. This is the default.
Sets scroll amount to n number of lines or columns. n can be any number from 1 to 9999.
DSQDC_SHOW_PANID DSQCPDSP 01 Display panel IDs on CUA-like panels. Values can be:
Suppress panel identifiers. This is the default.
Display panel identifiers.
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