Table and field numbers for the prompted query object

The following table contains prompted query table and field numbers for T records that describe each table in the prompted query exported format. The information in the DESCRIPTION column uniquely identifies specific fields in the prompted query base panel.

Table definitions (field number 1110) are always exported. Join conditions (field number 1510) are always exported if more than one table is selected.

To import a prompted query file, the file must have a H record followed by the tables T record. No tables need to be specified. If no tables are specified, an empty query is imported. Join conditions are not required unless more than one table is selected.

Table 24. Table and field numbers for exported prompted query object
Record type Table number Field number Field Description
T 1110 - Table definitions table
1112 -- Table ID (valid table IDs are A-Z, and #,$,@)
1113 -- Table name
T 1150 - Join conditions table
1152 -- Column 1 name
1153 -- Column 2 name
T 1210 - Columns table
1212 -- Column type:
  • C=column
  • E=expression
  • S=summary function with expression
  • F=summary function with only a column
1213 -- Column name, expression, or summary function
T 1310 - Row selection conditions
1312 -- Entry type:
  • 1 - left of operator
  • 2 - operator
  • 3 - right of operator
  • 4 - connector
1313 -- For entry type '1', identifies column type:
  • C=column
  • E=expression
  • S=summary function
  • F=summary function (column name only specified)
-- For entry type '2', identifies the verb:
  • IS for 'is' (Default)
  • ISN for 'is not'
-- For entry type '3', (not used)
-- For entry type '4', identifies a connector:
  • O for 'or'
  • A for 'and' (Default)
1314 -- For entry type '1' this field is:
  • Column name, expression, or summary function
-- For entry type '2', identifies the operator:
  • EQ for 'equal to'
  • LT for 'less than'
  • LE for 'less than or equal to'
  • GT for 'greater than'
  • GE for 'greater than or equal to'
  • BT for 'between'
  • SW for 'starting with'
  • EW for 'ending with'
  • CT for 'containing'
  • NL for NULL
-- For entry type '3', identifies a value
-- For entry type '4', (not used)
T 1410 - Sort conditions table
1412 -- Sort direction:
  • A for 'ascending'
  • D for 'descending'
1413 -- Column
V 1501 Duplicate rows treatment:
  • K for 'keep'
  • D for 'discard'

The meaning of values for fields 1313 and 1314 depends on the sequence number indicated in field number 1312 in the 1310 table.

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