Data records

Data records are of fixed-length format and contain the data to be exported. The maximum length a data record can be is 7,000 bytes. The length of a data record is the sum of the widths of the data types that comprise the record. Use the following table to calculate the widths of each data type.

You cannot export a table with a VARCHAR column whose maximum allowable length is over 254.
Table 23. Data widths in encoded format data records Calculate the width of a particular data type by adding the number of bytes in each column.
Data type
Length Field SO/SI Data
Character 2 Length in header (LIH)
Date 2 LIH
Floating point 2 8
Integer 2 LIH
Small integer 2 LIH
Time 2 LIH
Time stamp 2 LIH
Decimal 2 (Precision + 2) // 2
Graphic 2 2 (LIH × 2)
Variable character 2 2 LIH
Variable graphic 2 2 2 (2 × LIH)
The LIH is the width given in the header record for that column.

Every data record has two bytes of indicator information, which can have the following values and corresponding meaning:

Value Meaning
X'0000' The column contains valid data.
X'FFFF' The column contains a null value. Any data in the column is meaningless.
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