You can write many applications entirely as procedures. You can create procedures on your development system and either keep them for your personal use or move them to your production system for public use.
If you are using QMF in the CICS environment, you can use QMF linear procedures. If you are using QMF in the CMS, TSO, or native OS/390 batch environments, you can also use REXX statements and functions in your QMF procedures. REXX functions and procedures with logic are not available in the QMF CICS environment.
This chapter focuses on information you need to know to use QMF procedures to implement your application.
For information about how to create, build, and run a procedure, see Using QMF.
Using ISPF services in a QMF procedure requires a few extra steps. For information about running ISPF commands from a QMF procedure with logic running under ISPF, see Using ISPF commands from a procedure with logic.
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