Using the L-option for tracing

The L-option lets you tell QMF to write messages and commands to an external QMF trace data output that you allocate before you begin your QMF session. There are two L-options you can choose:

Every QMF message is written to the QMF trace data output.
Every QMF message and command is written to QMF trace data output. For example, you can use L2 to trace and debug Q.SYSTEM_INI system initialization procedure commands and messages.

You can set the L-option in one of two ways:

  1. Issue the DISPLAY PROFILE command, and when the PROFILE object appears, change the TRACE option to either L1 or L2.
  2. Issue the command:
    where x is either L1 or L2.

If you allocate the trace data output yourself, you can arrange for the trace information to be printed or subsequently viewed at a terminal. In either case, you can then examine the data after the QMF session. See Allocating the QMF trace data output for details on allocation, or consult your information center.

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