Allocating the QMF trace data output

You must allocate the QMF trace data output before you invoke QMF if tracing is to be used. It is possible that the output was allocated automatically through your startup procedure. Even so, you might want to reallocate the output if the original allocation does not meet your needs.

For examples of how to allocate QMF trace data output for CMS or TSO, see the assemble or compile and execution coding example in the chapter discussing the appropriate language:

Assembler language interface, beginning on page Assembler language interface.
C Language
C Language Interface, beginning on page C Language Interface.
COBOL language interface, beginning on page COBOL language interface.
FORTRAN language interface, beginning on page FORTRAN language interface.
PL/I language interface, beginning on page PL/I language interface.
REXX language interface, beginning on page REXX language interface.

The commands in the examples allocate a sequential trace data output that you can examine at a terminal after your QMF session is over. The output consists of fixed length, 80-character records. The trace information is formatted to 80 characters per line. You can view an entire line of output on a terminal screen.

For CICS, you can use program parameters DSQSDBQT and DSQSDBQN to specify where QMF puts your trace data. Use caution when using CICS temporary storage because QMF can produce a large amount of trace data. CICS temporary storage is recommended for message or small application trace data only.

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