You might want end users to interact primarily with your application, or you might want them to use your application as a customized function in QMF.
End users interacting primarily with the application
Suppose you write an application that uses QMF services. This application provides the end user with a menu-driven interface, as shown in Figure 1.
J & H Supply Company
Information System
Please select one of the following:
1. Print the monthly sales report
2. Create a new report
3. Modify information in the database
4. End the application
====> 1
When the user selects an option, the application issues the appropriate QMF commands. If the user selects option 1, for example, the application runs a QMF procedure that might run a query and print the resulting report.
In the preceding example, your application controls QMF. Your user interacts only with your user interface and is not aware that QMF is active.
End users starting your application within a QMF session
Suppose you write an application that sends a QMF report from one user to another.
You expect your users to run your application from within the QMF environment, so you can assign the application a command synonym (SEND_TO) that the end users can issue from the command line, or you can assign the application to a function key instead, which automatically runs your application.
After the user generates a report, the user can send this report to Smith by entering SEND_TO SMITH on the QMF command line, as shown in Figure 2.
--------- ------ ----- ---------- ----------
DANIELS 10 MGR 19260.25 -
JONES 10 MGR 21234.00 -
LU 10 MGR 20010.00 -
MOLINARE 10 MGR 22959.20 -
HANES 15 MGR 20659.80 -
KERMISCH 15 CLERK 12258.50 110.10
NGAN 15 CLERK 12508.20 206.60
ROTHMAN 15 SALES 16502.83 1152.00
JAMES 20 CLERK 13504.60 128.20
PERNAL 20 SALES 18171.25 612.45
SANDERS 20 MGR 18357.50 -
SNEIDER 20 CLERK 14252.75 126.50
ABRAHAMS 38 CLERK 12009.75 236.50
MARENGHI 38 MGR 17506.75 -
1=Help 2= 3=End 4=Print 5=Chart 6=Query
7=Backward 8=Forward 9=Form 10=Left 11=Right 12=
OK, here is your report.