Invalid function code '&1' passed to module.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
See DSQ50445
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Invalid function code '&1' passed to module.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Report has no data to chart.
Chart data is taken from columns in the report. At least one row and two columns of data must exist in the report, and at least one column must contain numeric data.
If only two columns exist in the report, and only one contains numeric data, the non-numeric column must either be the left-most in the report, or it must have a BREAK or GROUP usage specified in the form.
Also, there is no data for the chart if all column values in the report that would be selected are null (' - '), overflow ('>>>'), or in columns that that are too narrow ('***').
Use a report that meets the criteria described above.
Report must have a Y-data column.
No column in the report qualified to contain Y data for a chart. A column cannot be chosen to supply Y data for a chart if:
Use a report that meets the criteria described above.
More than 999 Y data columns found.
The GDDM Interactive Chart Utility can handle a maximum of 999 Y data groups. The current report has more than 999 numeric columns that could be selected for Y data groups.
Use a report with fewer numeric columns. For example, omit columns in the form to reduce the number of columns in the report.
See DSQ70047
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
See DSQ50445
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Report has no column headings (needed for chart keys).
Chart keys are taken from the column headings shown on the FORM.MAIN or FORM.COLUMNS panels. The column headings cannot be blank and must be included in the report.
Use a report that meets the criteria described above.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
See DSQ50445
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
More than 999 X values found.
The GDDM Interactive Chart Utility can handle a maximum of 999 X values. The current REPORT has more than 999 lines from which X values are taken.
Use a report with fewer detail lines. For example, summarize the data using GROUP usage for one or more columns in the FORM.
See DSQ70047
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Chart cannot be created; too much data in report.
The report contains more data than the GDDM Interactive Chart Utility (ICU) can use to create the chart.
Create a smaller report. Omit columns, summarize the data using the GROUP usage in the form, or do both.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Chart cannot be created; ICU error code is &V1..
The GDDM Interactive Chart Utility cannot create a CHART because:
Correct the problem, if possible, then retry command. See GDDM Messages manual for further assistance.
ICU chart format &V4 does not exist.
The GDDM Interactive Chart Utility (ICU) could not find the chart format named &V4..
Use a different chart format name for the ICUFORM option in your command. If you believe this message is in error, contact your QMF administrator and give them the details of your problem. ICU code: &V1
ICU chart format &V4 is not usable.
The GDDM Interactive Chart Utility (ICU) cannot create the chart because the contents of the chart format &V4 is invalid. Either the chart format is not actually a chart format or its contents have been improperly altered. The actual message returned by the ICU follows:
ICU code: &V1 &V2 &V3
Use a different chart format name for the ICUFORM option in your command. Contact your QMF administrator and give them the details of this problem.
See DSQ70089
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Not enough storage to create chart.
Insufficient storage was available to the GDDM Interactive Chart Utility (ICU) to create the chart.
ICU code: &V1
Create a smaller report. Omit columns, summarize the data using the GROUP usage in the form, or do both. Or try again when more storage is available.
Chart cannot be created; ABEND occurred in ICU.
The GDDM Interactive Chart Utility (ICU) or an underlying subsystem abended while attempting to create the chart. The ICU has returned the following error message:
ICU code: &V1 &V2 &V3
See the GDDM Messages Manual for more information. Contact your QMF administrator if you need assistance.
CWIDTH value exceeds print width.
CWIDTH is the width of the chart area in the units identified in the UNITS option. The value you have chosen exceeds the page width defined for the printer. Neither the value for CWIDTH nor the sum of that value and the HOFFSET (horizontal offset) value can exceed the width of the paper on which the chart will be printed.
ICU code: &V1
Use a numeric value for CWIDTH that is greater than 0, such that its sum with the value for HOFFSET does not exceed the print width.
CLENGTH value exceeds print length.
CLENGTH is the length of the chart area in the units identified in the UNITS option. The value you have chosen exceeds the page length defined for the printer. Neither the value for CLENGTH nor the sum of that value and the VOFFSET (vertical offset) value can exceed the length of the paper on which the chart will be printed.
ICU code: &V1
Use a numeric value for CLENGTH that is greater than 0, such that its sum with the value for VOFFSET does not exceed the print length.
HOFFSET value exceeds print width.
HOFFSET is the horizontal offset of the chart area from the left of the output area, in units given by UNITS. The value you have chosen exceeds the page width defined for the printer. Neither the value for HOFFSET nor the sum of that value and the CWIDTH (chart width) value can exceed the width of the paper on which the chart will be printed.
ICU code: &V1
Use a numeric value for HOFFSET that is greater than or equal to 0, such that its sum with the value for CWIDTH does not exceed the print width.
VOFFSET value exceeds print length.
VOFFSET is the vertical offset of the chart area from the top of the output area, in units given by UNITS. The value you have chosen exceeds the page length defined for the printer. Neither the value for VOFFSET nor the sum of that value and the CLENGTH (chart length) value can exceed the length of the paper on which the chart will be printed.
ICU code: &V1
Use a numeric value for VOFFSET that is greater than or equal to 0, such that its sum with the value for CLENGTH does not exceed the print length.
Sum of CWIDTH and HOFFSET values exceeds print width.
CWIDTH is the width of the chart area in the units identified in the UNITS option. HOFFSET is the horizontal offset of the chart area from the left of the output area. The sum of the two values exceeds the page width defined for the printer.
ICU code: &V1
Use a value greater than 0 for CWIDTH and a value greater than or equal to 0 for HOFFSET, such that the sum of the values does not exceed the print width.
Sum of CLENGTH and VOFFSET values exceeds print length.
CLENGTH is the length of the chart area in the units identified in the UNITS option. VOFFSET is the vertical offset of the chart area from the top of the output area. The sum of the two values exceeds the page length defined for the printer.
ICU code: &V1
Use a value greater than 0 for CLENGTH and a value greater than or equal to 0 for VOFFSET, such that the sum of the values does not exceed the print length.
Sum of CWIDTH and HOFFSET percent values exceeds 100.
CWIDTH is the width of the chart area and HOFFSET is the horizontal offset of the chart area from the left of the output area. Because UNITS=PERCENT, the values are percentages of the total width of the page on which the chart will be printed. The sum of the two values cannot exceed 100 percent of the page width.
ICU code: &V1
Use a value greater than 0 for CWIDTH and a value greater than or equal to 0 for HOFFSET, such that the sum of the values does not exceed 100 (percent).
Sum of CLENGTH and VOFFSET percent values exceeds 100.
CLENGTH is the length of the chart area and VOFFSET is the vertical offset of the chart area from the top of the output area. Because UNITS=PERCENT, the values are percentages of the total length of the page on which the chart will be printed. The sum of the two values cannot exceed 100 percent of the page length.
ICU code: &V1
Use a value greater than 0 for CLENGTH and a value greater than or equal to 0 for VOFFSET, such that the sum of the values does not exceed 100 (percent).
Not enough disk storage to &V9 chart.
The GDDM Interactive Chart Utility (ICU) cannot &V9 chart to '&V8.', because no more disk space is available for the data.
ICU code: &V1
Provide more disk space. Contact your QMF administrator if you need assistance.
See DSQ70110
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
I/O error occurred in the ICU.
The GDDM Interactive Chart Utility (ICU) or an underlying subsystem encountered an I/O error while attempting to create the chart. The ICU has returned the following error message:
&V2 &V3 ICU code: &V1
See the GDDM Messages manual for more information, Contact your QMF administrator if you need assistance.
Chart cannot be created; &V7 did not open.
The GDDM Interactive Chart Utility (ICU) failed to open &V7 while attempting to create the chart and returned the following error message:
ICU code: &V1 &V2 &V3
See the GDDM Messages manual for more information, Contact your QMF administrator if you need assistance.
Chart cannot be created; &V8 did not open.
The GDDM Interactive Chart Utility (ICU) failed to open &V8 while attempting to create the chart and returned the following error message:
ICU code: &V1 &V2 &V3
See the GDDM Messages manual for more information, Contact your QMF administrator if you need assistance.
See DSQ70132
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Chart cannot be printed; request queue is full.
A request to print cannot be completed because the print request queue is full.
ICU code: &V1
Wait until items already in the print request queue have been printed, and then retry your PRINT CHART command. Contact your QMF administrator if you need assistance.
GDDM Printer &V7 not defined in request queue.
A request to print cannot be completed because the specified printer, &V7., has not previously been defined in the GDDM print request queue.
ICU code: &V1
Specify a defined printer in your PRINT CHART command. Contact your QMF administrator if you need assistance.
Chart cannot be created; GDDM file inaccessible.
The GDDM Interactive Chart Utility (ICU) was unable to access a required file while attempting to create the chart and has returned the following error message:
ICU code: &V1 &V2 &V3
See the GDDM Messages manual for more information, Contact your QMF administrator if you need assistance.
Chart cannot be created; &V8 is not usable.
The GDDM Interactive Chart Utility (ICU) is unable to use the required file &V8 because it contains invalid data. The actual message returned by the ICU follows:
ICU code: &V1 &V2 &V3
See the GDDM Messages manual for more information, Contact your QMF administrator if you need assistance.
Chart cannot be created; &V7 is not usable.
The GDDM Interactive Chart Utility (ICU) is unable to use the required file &V7 because it contains invalid data. The actual message returned by the ICU follows:
ICU code: &V1 &V2 &V3
See the GDDM Messages manual for more information, Contact your QMF administrator if you need assistance.
See DSQ70151
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
ICU cannot &V9 chart on target device.
The GDDM Interactive Chart Utility (ICU) cannot &V9 the chart because the target device is incompatible. It has returned the following error message:
ICU code: &V1 &V2 &V3
See the GDDM Messages manual for more information, Contact your QMF administrator if you need assistance.
ICU error message received: &2 &3.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.