See DSQ50445
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
FM error - invalid aggregation number set for column.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
The fixed area cannot be scrolled left or right.
The fixed area of the report can only be scrolled forward and backward. You cannot scroll left or right because the fixed area width exceeds the screen width.
To scroll left or right, reduce the width of the fixed area.
See DSQ50445
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
FM error - invalid ending option.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
FM error - fragmented report object.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
FM error - invalid ending option.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Record length of the print device is too small.
The record length of the print device you are using is too small to contain lines of the minimum width for QMF.
By some operation outside QMF, change the record length of the print device to at least 22, and use a line width no larger than the record length.
See DSQ50445
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Use a GDDM PRINTER that has a page depth from &V4 to 999.
The GDDM printer &V2 has a page depth which is too small to print &V1.. The printer is defined to have a page depth of &V3.. The name of a GDDM PRINTER can either be specified as an option on the PRINT command, on the PROFILE panel, or on the PRINT command prompt panel.
Enter the name of a GDDM PRINTER that has a page depth from &V4 to 999.
Use a LENGTH from &V3 to 999 to print this object.
The value specified for LENGTH must be any number from &V3 to 999. This value can either be specified as an option on the PRINT command, on the PROFILE panel, or on the PRINT command prompt panel.
Enter a value from &V3 to 999 for LENGTH for the &V2 object.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
&V1 cannot be printed using a fixed page length.
The number of lines required to format the page heading, detail heading, and page footing (&V2) exceed or equal the maximum allowable print length (&V3). This makes it impossible to print &V1 using a fixed page length.
Print &V1 with a print length of CONT. This can be specified in your profile or on the PRINT command.
Reduce the number lines needed for the page heading, page footing, and/or detail heading in the report (using the FORM PAGE, COLUMNS, and/or DETAIL panels).
The report cannot be printed; the fixed area is too wide.
The width of the fixed area must be at least two characters smaller than the print width.
Reduce the width of the fixed area or specify a larger print width in the PRINT command.
See DSQ50445
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
See DSQ50445
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
See DSQ50445
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
See DSQ50445
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Unresolved global variables in the report.
A global substitution variable in your report is not assigned any value. The variable in your report is shown as the variable name as given in the form.
Enter a SET GLOBAL command for a global variable shown in your report if you would like to replace the variable with some text.
WIDTH of column &V1 is too narrow to wrap DBCS data.
Column &V1 (&V2) is defined in the FORM with a WIDTH less than 4, yet it contains DBCS data. DBCS data may only be column wrapped in report columns with WIDTH 4 or greater.
On the FORM.COLUMNS (or FORM.MAIN) panel, set the WIDTH for column &V1 to a value from 4 to 32,767. Then reenter your command.
See DSQ50445
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
See DSQ50445
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
RP failure on scan initialization.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
See DSQ50445
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
See DSQ50445
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Invalid function code '&1' passed to module.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
See DSQ50445
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Field id '&1' is not valid for the FORM object.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
Use a number from 0 through 999 under INDENT, not '&V1'.
'&V1' is not a valid value of INDENT. INDENT tells the number of blank characters between the right edge of the previous column and the left edge of the present column.
Set INDENT to a number from 0 through 999 and press ENTER.
Use a number from 1 through 32767 under WIDTH, not '&V1'.
'&V1' is not a valid value of WIDTH. WIDTH tells the maximum number of characters that can appear in a column. Numeric data in the column that is longer than the WIDTH value is replaced by asterisks (*****). Character data that is longer than the WIDTH value is cut off on the right, if column wrapping is not specified.
Set WIDTH to a number from 1 through 32767 and press ENTER.
&V1 is not a valid usage code.
This is a list of valid usage codes.
Choose from the codes shown above.
You cannot leave the date edit code blank.
For date data, use one of the codes listed below.
Code Effect Meaning TDYx YYYYxMMxDD 4-digit year, Year first TDMx MMxDDxYYYY 4-digit year, Month first TDDx DDxMMxYYYY 4-digit year, Day first TDYAx YYxMMxDD abbreviated year, Year first TDMAx MMxDDxYY abbreviated year, Month first TDDAx DDxMMxYY abbreviated year, Day first TDL installation provides the date formatting routine TD default date format of the database system
where x can be any non-alphanumeric character, including blank. Character and user edit codes may also be used with date data.
Use one of the edit codes shown above.
&V1 is not an edit code.
You used &V1 as an edit code. Permitted codes are:
Applicable Column Permitted Edit Codes Data Types -------------------------- ------------ -- B BW Character -- X XW Character -- C CW CT CDx Character, Date, Time, Timestamp -- L<Z>xx I<Z>xx J<Z>xx Numeric K<Z>xx P<Z>xx D<Z><C>xx E<Z> -- G GW Graphic -- TDYx TDMx TDDx TDL Date TDYAx TDMAx TDDAx TD -- TTSx TTCx TTUx TTL Time TTAx TTAN TT -- TSI Timestamp -- Uxxxx Vxxxx any allowed by user edit routine An optional Z in the second position of a numeric edit code performs the same function as the corresponding edit code, with the additional function of displaying the value of zero as blank. An optional C in the second or third position displays the user definable currency symbol instead of the standard currency symbol. This symbol is defined by the Global Variable DSQDC_CURRENCY. If both Z and C are specified, C must follow Z.
Use one of the edit codes shown above.
&V1 is not a Date, Time, or Timestamp edit code.
You used &V1 as an edit code. Permitted codes are:
Applicable Column Permitted Edit Codes Data Types ---------------------- --------------- TDYx TDMx TDDx TDL Date TDYAx TDMAx TDDAx TD TTSx TTCx TTUx TTL Time TTAx TTAN TT TSI Timestamp
Use one of the edit codes shown above.
See DSQ60123
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Field id '&1' is not a valid COLUMNS field.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
A column heading cannot be in error.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
Field id '&1' is not a valid COLUMNS field.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Use an edit code under EDIT.
You cannot leave EDIT blank.
Applicable Column Valid Edit Codes Data Types -------------------------- ----------- -- B BW Character -- X XW Character -- C CW CT CDx Character, Date, Time, Timestamp -- L<Z>xx I<Z>xx J<Z>xx Numeric K<Z>xx P<Z>xx D<Z><C>xx E<Z> -- G GW Graphic -- TDYx TDMx TDDx TDL Date TDYAx TDMAx TDDAx TD -- TTSx TTCx TTUx TTL Time TTAx TTAN TT -- TSI Timestamp -- Uxxxx Vxxxx any allowed by user edit routine An optional Z in the second position of a numeric edit code performs the same function as the corresponding edit code, with the additional function of displaying the value of zero as blank. An optional C in the second or third position displays the user definable currency symbol instead of the standard currency symbol. This symbol is defined by the Global Variable DSQDC_CURRENCY. If both Z and C are specified, C must follow Z.
Use one of the edit codes shown above.
Use a number from 0 through 999 under INDENT.
INDENT tells the number of blanks between the right edge of the previous column and the left edge of the present column. You cannot make the value itself blank. If you want no space between columns, set INDENT to 0.
Set INDENT to a number from 0 through 999 and press ENTER.
Use a number from 1 through 32,767 under WIDTH.
WIDTH tells the maximum number of characters that can appear in a column; it cannot be 0 or blank. If you want to omit the column from the report entirely, use OMIT as its USAGE code.
Set WIDTH to a number from 1 through 32,767 and press ENTER.
You cannot leave the time edit code blank.
For time data, use one of the codes listed below.
Code Effect Meaning TTSx HHxMMxSS includes seconds, 24 hour clock TTCx HHxMMxSS includes seconds, 12 hour clock TTAx HHxMM excludes seconds, abbreviated TTAN HHMM excludes seconds, abbreviated, no time delimiter TTUx HHxMM AM USA style HHxMM PM TTL installation provides the time formatting routine TT default time format of the database system
where x can be any non-alphanumeric character, including blank. Character and user edit codes may also be used with the time data.
Use one of the edit codes shown above.
'E' edit code cannot be followed by anything except 'Z'.
The user cannot specify the number of places after the decimal point.
The 'E' or 'EZ' edit code presents numeric data in the format of scientific notation.
The optional 'Z' in the second position of the 'E' edit code performs the same function as the 'E' edit code, with the additional function of displaying a value of zero as blank.
Given number 1,234,567, the 'E' or 'EZ' edit codes format the number as follows:
Given number 0, the 'E' or 'EZ' edit codes format the number as follows:
E displays 0.00000E+00 EZ displays a blank.
Use only the 'E' or 'EZ' by itself under EDIT.
'&V1' edit code has a scale that is not 0 to 99.
Edit codes D<Z><C><xx>, I<Z><xx>, J<Z><xx>, K<Z><xx>, L<Z><xx>, and P<Z><xx> are numeric edit codes. Z, C and xx are optional format modifiers that must appear in the order presented here when used. The value of xx is the numeric scale and can be any integer from 0 to 99. It formats the data with that number of digits after the decimal point.
Change the edit code to contain the correct scale. Verify its value and position within the edit code.
Field not in error and form not being modified.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
Use a number from 1 through 999 under SEQ.
SEQ indicates the relative column sequence in a report for a given column. It cannot be 0 or blank. The sequence values will not be used in formatting the report if the automatic reordering option on the FORM.OPTIONS panel is set to YES or ACROSS usage is specified.
Set SEQ to a number from 1 through 999 and press ENTER.
Use a number from 1 through 999 under SEQ, not '&V1'.
'&V1' is not a valid value of SEQ. SEQ indicates the relative column sequence for a given column in a report. The sequence values will not be used in formatting the report if the automatic reordering option on the FORM.OPTIONS panel is set to YES or ACROSS usage is specified.
Set SEQ to a number from 1 through 999 and press ENTER.
Use a unique number from 1 through 999 under ID, not &V1..
&V1 is either an invalid ID value or not unique among the ID values on the FORM.CALC panel. The ID value links the calculation expression in the same row with a CALCid usage on FORM.COLUMNS or an &CALCid variable a FORM text panel, where "ID" is the ID value. For example, if the first row on FORM.CALC has an ID value of 3, then the expression in the first row will be evaluated wherever &CALC3 occurs in the formatted report.
Set the ID to a unique number from 1 through 999 and press ENTER.
Use YES or NO for the Pass Nulls value.
The Pass Nulls value controls whether null or null-like values from a data row are substituted for variables in your expression. Valid values are YES and NO. NO is the default.
When you enter NO, QMF assumes that when a variable value in an expression is null, the result is also null. QMF doesn't attempt to evaluate the expression.
When you enter YES, QMF substitutes a predefined character string for any variable that is not valid numeric or character data (for example, null or undefined data). You can write a REXX exec or expression that will substitute a useful value, 0 for example, for the predefined string. You can also use the predefined string to conditionally format lines in the report.
The following table summarizes the predefined strings that will be used if you specify YES for the Pass Nulls option.
Predefined Data Value is string is --------------------- ------------ Null DSQNULL Overflow DSQOFLOW Undefined DSQUNDEF No Relationship DSQNOREL (RM data only) No Instance DSQNOINS (RM data only)
Enter YES or NO for the Pass Nulls option.
Field id &1 is not a valid CONDITION field.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
Field not in error and form not being modified.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Panel ID '&1' not found in DXEPCB chain.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Map ID '&1' not found in DXEMDL chain.
This is a system error. Please see your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
&V1 is not a valid calculation expression variable.
Only the following variables are valid in calculation expressions:
In the above, "n" is a column number in the FORM.
Global variables are also allowed in calculation expressions.
Change the variable to one that is valid or remove it.
Variable &V1 is not allowed in a conditional expression.
The substitution variable you entered is not one of those allowed in a FORM.CONDITIONS expression field.
Variables allowed in conditional expressions are:
&n &DATE &TIME &ROW &global
where "n" is the number of an existing column.
Correct the spelling of the variable name, enter a SET GLOBAL command for a global variable, or change the conditional expression.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
'&V1' has an invalid column number.
A column number cannot be zero or greater than the number of columns of the FORM (&V2).
Change the column number and press ENTER.
Variable &V1 is not allowed in a definition expression.
The substitution variable you entered is not one of those allowed in a definition expression.
Variables allowed in definition expressions are:
&n &DATE &TIME &ROW &global
where "n" is the number of an existing column and "global" is the name of a global variable.
Correct the spelling of the variable name or change the definition expression.
Invalid function code '&1' passed to module.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
You cannot use &V1 in a calculation expression.
Calculation expressions cannot be defined in terms of another calculation expression through the use of &CALCid variables. However, any of the following FORM variables are valid in calculation expressions:
In the above, "n" is a column number in the FORM. Global variables may also be used in calculation expressions.
Replace &V1 with an expression using any of the above variables, as needed.
You cannot use &V1 in a definition expression.
A definition expression cannot be defined in terms of calculation expressions through the use of &CALCid variables. However, any of the following FORM variables are valid in definition expressions:
In the above, "n" is a column number in the FORM. Global variables may also be used in definition expressions.
Replace &V1 with an expression using any of the above variables, as needed.
See DSQ50445
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
You have too little storage space.
Your command cannot be executed because you do not have enough space in computer storage. The amount of reserved space (parameter R on the command ISPSTART) may be too large.
See your QMF administrator about increasing your amount of storage space. You cannot correct the problem through QMF.
See DSQ50445
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
FM error - invalid function code.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
See DSQ50445
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
FM error - recall buffer has invalid status.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
FM error - recall spill buffer not available.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
FM error - buffer control record not found. Trace data written.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
FM error - buffer pool record not available.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
FM error - delete buffer control record failed.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
FM error - delete buffer pool failed.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
FM error - delete buffer pool record failed.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
FM error - invalid function code.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
FM error - library row not available.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
See DSQ50445
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
FM error - invalid column data type.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
See DSQ50445
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
See DSQ50445
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
FM error - insert across heading record failed.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
FM error - retrieval of report record failed. Record not found.
Some of the possible causes are:
Check for possible updates to the database, then run the query and form again.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
See DSQ60246
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
FM error - invalid report line type.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
See DSQ50445
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
FM error - invalid function code.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
See DSQ50445
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
See DSQ50445
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
See DSQ50445
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
See DSQ50445
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
See DSQ50445
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
See DSQ50445
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
FM error - invalid function code.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
FM error - summary checkpoint buffer not available.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
See DSQ50445
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
FM error - failed to obtain record from checkpoint index.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
See DSQ50445
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
RP failure on scan initialization.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
RP failure on scan right.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
FM error - failed to delete record from checkpoint index.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
FM error - failed to insert record into update checkpoint index.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
FM error - Invalid source data type.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
FM error - Invalid edit code.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
See DSQ50445
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Panel ID '&1' cannot be processed by the module.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
See DSQ50445
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
See DSQ60246
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
See DSQ50445
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
See DSQ60246
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Map ID '&1' not found in DXEMDL chain.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Panel ID '&1' not found in DXEPCB chain.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
See DSQ50445
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Map ID '&1' not found in DXEMDL chain.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Unable to convert floating point value. Error code: &1
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
Data type '&1' in DXEORC is not valid.
This is a system error. Please see your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
Map ID '&1' not found in DXEMDL chain.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
The default form cannot be created for your date data.
Column &V2 contains date data. The installation default date format is a local format. The local format requires a local date routine to edit your date data. The local date routine cannot be used, the message describing the error is:
Contact your QMF administrator.
The default form cannot be created for your time data.
Column &V2 contains time data. The installation default time format is a local format. The local format requires a local time routine to edit your time data. The local time routine cannot be used, the message describing the error is:
Contact your QMF administrator.
Panel ID '&1' not found in DXEPCB chain.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Map ID '&1' not found in DXEMDL chain.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Map ID '&1' not found in DXEMDL chain.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Panel ID '&1' cannot be processed by the module.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Source variation MDL '&1' does not match target variation MDL '&2'.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
Panel ID '&1' not found in DXEPCB chain.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
See DSQ50445
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Received user error code &V1 for &V2 EDIT code.
Your installation's edit program returned error code &V1 while attempting to format data according to the &V2 EDIT code.
Check with your installation on the rules to be observed with the &V2 EDIT code.
See DSQ50445
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
User edit program memory overwrite; edit code &2.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
EDIT code &V2 is not recognized.
The &V2 EDIT code used in the form is not valid. One of the following cases probably exist:
Check the code again and specify a correct EDIT code. If your EDIT code is correct, inform your QMF administrator.
Improper input data type for &V2 EDIT code.
The &V2 EDIT code may only be used for certain data types. You have used it on the form for a column having an unsupported data type.
This error was found by your installation's edit program.
Check what kind of data type is expected for this EDIT code by the installation edit program.
Invalid input data value for &V2 EDIT code.
The &V2 EDIT code is only valid with a certain set of values. You have used it on the form for a column containing an invalid data value.
This error was found by your installation's edit program.
Check what data values are expected for this EDIT code by the installation edit program.
Length of input data for &V2 EDIT code is too short.
The &V2 EDIT code requires input data of a certain length. You have used it on the form for a column having data values that are too short.
This error was found by your installation's edit program.
Check what input data length is expected for this EDIT code by the installation edit program.
Column WIDTH is too small for &V2 EDIT code.
The &V2 EDIT code requires a minimum column WIDTH for the edited result. You have used it on the form for a column whose current report width is too small.
This error was found by your installation's edit program.
Check what minimum column WIDTH is expected for this EDIT code by the installation edit program and/or increase the report column WIDTH in the form.
See DSQ60440
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
See DSQ60441
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Unable to process user edit exit module &1. Error from &2, EIBRESP=&3, EIBRESP2=&4.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
See DSQ50445
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Invalid field id &1 for FORM TEXT PANEL.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
Panel id &1 not found for FORM TEXT PANEL.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
Use 0 through 999 after Blank Lines Before.
The Blank Lines Before field indicates the number of blank lines that should precede the text being formatted (page heading, page footing, break heading). You cannot leave this field blank.
Enter a number from 0 through 999 after the Blank Lines Before ===> .
Use 0 through 999 after Blank Lines After.
The Blank Lines After field indicates the number of blank lines that should follow the text being formatted. You cannot leave this field blank.
Enter a number from 0 through 999 after the Blank Lines After ===> .
Use 0 through 999 or BOTTOM after Blank Lines Before.
The Blank Lines Before field indicates the number of blank lines that should precede the text being formatted (break footing, final text). You cannot leave this field blank.
BOTTOM causes the break footing or final text to be formatted at the bottom of a printed page.
Enter a number from 0 through 999 or BOTTOM after the Blank Lines Before ===> .
Use 1 through 999 or NONE after Put Summary at Line.
The Put Summary at Line field indicates whether the break or final summary information should be formatted and at which line. If there is no summary information, this value is ignored. You cannot leave this field blank.
A number from 1 to 999 will cause the summary information to be formatted on that line of the break footing or final text.
NONE causes the summary information not to be formatted.
Enter a number from 1 through 999 or NONE after Put Summary at Line ===> .
Use YES or NO after New Page.
The New Page field indicates whether the subsequent part of a printed report should be formatted on a new page. You cannot leave this field blank.
YES - the subsequent part of the report is formatted on a new page. NO - the subsequent part of the report is not formatted on a new page unless an end of page condition is encountered.
Enter only YES or NO after New Page ===> .
Use YES or NO after Repeat Detail Heading.
The Repeat Detail Heading field indicates whether the detail heading should be repeated before the member lines for the break level. You cannot leave this field blank.
YES - the detail heading is repeated before the break member lines. NO - the detail heading is not repeated before the break member lines.
Enter only YES or NO after Repeat Detail Heading? ===> .
Use RIGHT, LEFT, CENTER, APPEND, or a number under ALIGN.
The ALIGN column controls the positioning of the text within the report line. You cannot leave this field blank. Acceptable values are:
RIGHT - right justify the text. LEFT - left justify the text. CENTER - center the text. APPEND - to place the associated text in the position following that of the previous text. 1 to 999999 - position in line where text is to begin.
Enter a number from 1 to 999999, LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER, or APPEND under ALIGN.
Use a number from 1 to 999 or blanks under LINE.
The LINE column controls the placement of each piece of text for either a heading or footing. If for example, a '5' in entered, any associated text will be formatted on line 5. If two pieces of text have the same line number, both will be formatted on the same line.
Blanks will cause any associated text to be ignored. That is, it will not be formatted.
Enter a number from 1 to 999 or blanks under LINE.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Field not in error and form not being modified.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Use YES or NO after Include Column Headings.
The Include Column Headings field indicates whether the column headings should be included (whether they should appear) as part of the detail heading. This field cannot be blank.
YES - the column headings are included following the detail heading text, if any. NO - the column headings are not formatted.
Enter only YES or NO after Include Column Headings? ===> .
&V1 is invalid in present context.
Only the following variables are valid in PAGE, BREAK HEADING, and DETAIL HEADING TEXT:
&DATE &TIME &PAGE &ROW &n (where "n" is a column number in the form)
Global variables are allowed in the text fields named above as well as in BREAK FOOTING, DETAIL BLOCK and FINAL TEXT.
Change variable to a valid one, or use &V1 in BREAK FOOTING, DETAIL BLOCK, or FINAL TEXT.
&V1 is not a valid form variable.
Only the following variables are valid in PAGE, BREAK HEADING and DETAIL HEADING TEXT:
&n &DATE &TIME &PAGE &ROW &global
In addition to the above, the following variables are valid only in BREAK FOOTING, DETAIL BLOCK and FINAL TEXT:
In the above, "n" is a column number in the FORM, "id" is an expression ID in FORM.CALC and "global" is used here to represent any name you use for a global variable in a SET GLOBAL command.
Change the variable to one that is valid or remove it.
Use 1 through 999 or NONE after Put Tabular Data at Line.
The Put Tabular Data at Line field indicates whether tabular data should appear in the report detail, and if so, at which line. If there are no columns in the report this value is ignored. This field cannot be blank.
A number from 1 to 999 will cause the tabular data to be formatted on that line of the detail block.
NONE causes tabular data to be omitted from the report.
Enter a number from 1 through 999 or NONE after Put Tabular Data at Line ===> .
Use YES or NO after Keep Block on Page.
This field controls the formatting of detail block lines across page boundaries, when an end of page condition is encountered. You cannot leave this field blank.
YES - Detail block lines are not formatted across page boundaries. A YES value will make sure that all the lines will fit on the current page. If they will not fit, a new page will be started. NO - End of page condition may cause detail block lines to be formatted across page boundaries.
Enter only YES or NO after Keep Block on Page ===>.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Use YES or NO after Repeat Detail Heading.
The Repeat Detail Heading field indicates whether the detail heading should be repeated for every detail row or group summary in the report. This field cannot be blank.
YES - the detail heading is repeated NO - the detail heading is not repeated
Enter only YES or NO after Repeat Detail Heading? ===> .
See DSQ60175
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Condition ID &V1 does not exist.
You have specified &V1 for a condition ID in the Select Panel Variation field. However, no such condition ID exists on the FORM.CONDITIONS panel.
Either change &V1 to the ID number of an existing conditional expression, or create a conditional expression on the FORM.CONDITIONS panel for the ID &V1..
No expression exists for condition ID &V1.
The condition ID you entered in the Select Panel Variation field has no associated expression.
Create an expression for the condition ID &V1, or change the condition ID to one that exists on the FORM.CONDITIONS panel and does have an associated expression.
&V1 has an invalid calculation ID.
The "ID" in an &CALCID substitution variable can only be an integer from 1 to 999 and must equal the ID value in a calculation row in the FORM.CALC panel.
Change &V1 to contain a valid "ID", then press ENTER.
See DSQ60483
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Use YES, NO, E1-E999 or C1-C999 for Select Panel Variation.
The Select Panel Variation field determines when the values entered on the current panel variation are used in formatting text. Acceptable values are:
YES - values from this panel are ALWAYS selected. NO - values from this panel are NEVER selected. E1-E999 - a column "existence" indicator; this panel is selected when data "exists" for the column number indicated. C1-C999 - a condition id; this panel is selected when the associated condition (on FORM.CONDITIONS) is true.
Enter YES, NO, E1 to E999 or C1 to C999.
Aggregation variable '&V1' needs a column number.
The format for an aggregation variable is '&Xn' where
X - is the aggregation function. Allowable aggregation functions are COUNT, MAX, MIN, FIRST, LAST, AVG, SUM, CSUM, STDEV, PCT, CPCT, TPCT, and TCPCT. COUNT is the only variable which does not require a column number. n - is the number of the column being aggregated. It cannot be zero or greater than the number of columns in the form.
Append the column number that the aggregation function should be performed on to the variable.
Map DXEMDL id &1 not found for FORM TEXT PANEL.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
Field ID &1 is not a valid CALC field.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
See DSQ60159
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Use a number from 1 through 32,767 under WIDTH.
WIDTH tells the maximum number of characters allowed in editing the expression result for an &CALCID variable, where "ID" is the ID value in the FORM.CALC row that contains both the calculation expression and the WIDTH value. WIDTH cannot be 0 or blank.
Set WIDTH to a number from 1 through 32767 and press ENTER.
Use a number from 1 through 32767 under WIDTH, not &V1..
&V1 is not a valid value of WIDTH. WIDTH tells the maximum number of characters allowed in editing the expression result for an &CALCID variable, where "ID" is the ID value in the FORM.CALC row that contains both the expression and the WIDTH value.
A numeric result, edited with a numeric edit code (D, E, I, J, K, L, or P) and longer than the WIDTH value, is replaced by asterisks (*****).
A character result that is longer than the WIDTH value is cut off on the right.
Set WIDTH to a number from 1 through 32,767 and press ENTER.
&V1 is not a valid edit code for CALC variables.
EDIT tells how to edit the expression result for an &CALCid variable. Only these QMF edit codes are valid:
- For numeric editing of numeric results: D<Z><C>xx, E<Z>, I<Z>xx, J<Z>xx, K<Z>xx, L<Z>xx, or P<Z>xx Examples: D -$123,456 E -1.23E+05 I -00123456 J 000123456 K -123,456 L -123456 P -123,456% An optional Z in the second position of a numeric edit code performs the same function as the corresponding edit code, with the additional function of displaying the value of zero as blank. An optional C in the second or third position displays the user definable currency symbol instead of the standard currency symbol. This symbol is defined by the Global Variable DSQDC_CURRENCY. If both Z and C are specified, C must follow Z. Numeric edit codes, with the exception of E, can be followed by 0 to 99 to show that number of digits after the decimal point. - For character editing of any result: C Use edit code C for non-numeric results. - For user editing of any result: Uxxxx or Vxxxx "xxxx" is any combination of characters, excluding blanks or nulls, allowed by the user edit routine.
Set EDIT to one of the edit codes shown above.
An edit code must be specified for CALC variables.
EDIT tells how to edit the expression result for an &CALCid variable. Only these QMF edit codes are valid:
- For numeric editing of numeric results: D<Z><C>xx, E<Z>, I<Z>xx, J<Z>xx, K<Z>xx, L<Z>xx or P<Z>xx Examples: D -$123,456 E -1.23E+05 I -00123456 J 000123456 K -123,456 L -123456 P -123,456% An optional Z in the second position of a numeric edit code performs the same function as the corresponding edit code, with the additional function of displaying the value of zero as blank. An optional C in the second or third position displays the user definable currency symbol instead of the standard currency symbol. This symbol is defined by the Global Variable DSQDC_CURRENCY. If both Z and C are specified, C must follow Z. Numeric edit codes, with the exception of E, can be followed by 0 to 99 to show that number of digits after the decimal point. - For character editing of any result: C Use edit code C for non-numeric results. - For user editing of any result: Uxxxx or Vxxxx "xxxx" is any combination of characters, excluding blanks or nulls, allowed by the user edit routine.
Set EDIT to one of the edit codes shown above.
See DSQ60146
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
See DSQ60147
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Field not in error and form not being modified.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
See DSQ60160
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
FM error - invalid function code.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Field ID '&1' is not valid for the FORM object.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Control block indicates form error, but field in error not found.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
Control block indicates form warning, but field with warning not found.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
Field with ID '&1' cannot have a dependency.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
Field value '&1' for field ID '&2' cannot have a dependency.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
DXEADS status flags indicate error or warning but none found.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
Line Wrapping ignored. Cannot be used with ACROSS usage.
Line wrapping requires certain restrictions. The following QMF formatting features may not be used with a line-wrapped report:
This message is a warning. If an ACROSS column is wanted, change the line wrapping width in the OPTIONS panel to NONE. Otherwise, remove the ACROSS usage.
Line Wrapping ignored. Cannot be used with column wrapping.
Line wrapping requires certain restrictions. The following QMF formatting features may not be used with a line-wrapped report:
This message is a warning. If Column Wrapping is wanted, change the line wrapping width in the OPTIONS panel to NONE. Otherwise, change the column wrap edit code.
Reordering option NO is ignored. Columns will be reordered in ACROSS report.
The SEQ column values on the FORM.COLUMNS panel are ignored in formatting the ACROSS report. The columns will be reorganized in the report using the automatic reordering option YES.
This message is a warning. If an ACROSS column is wanted, change the report columns reordering option in the OPTIONS panel to YES. Otherwise, remove the ACROSS usage.
Your text or expression was truncated because it was too big.
Substitution variables in your text or expression were expanded. This can occur when you insert columns in the form, or when you IMPORT or DISPLAY a form which requires language translation. This expansion of variables may cause truncation of text or expression lines. If this happens, the warning indicator appears at the top of Form panels.
Global variables are not renumbered when columns are inserted.
You may use the CHECK command to find each place where truncation occurred. To remove the truncation warning, type over any character on the truncated line. Modify the text or expression, if desired.
Column omitted. Blank usage cannot be used with GROUP.
When any column in the form has a GROUP usage and at least one other column has an aggregation usage, no other column can have a blank usage code. Any columns with blank usage are omitted from the report.
If this column should not be omitted, change its usage code to BREAKn, GROUP, or an aggregation. Allowable aggregation usages are:
ACROSS is used. Other ACROSS columns are omitted.
ACROSS is entered for more than one column. ACROSS can only be used on one column. When more than one ACROSS is entered, the first ACROSS column is used and the remaining columns with ACROSS are omitted from the report. This column is the first column with USAGE code of ACROSS.
This message is a warning. If this column is not to be used as the ACROSS column, change it to either GROUP, OMIT, BREAKn, BREAKnX, or an aggregation usage.
ACROSS needs a GROUP and aggregation usage.
ACROSS has been entered as a usage for a column, but either GROUP or an aggregation usage is missing for other columns. At least one column must have GROUP, and another column must have an aggregation usage, when ACROSS is used. The column with ACROSS is omitted from the report until at least one GROUP and one of the following aggregation usages are added:
If you want an ACROSS column, be sure that at least one column has a GROUP usage and one has an aggregation usage.
Column omitted. GROUP needs an aggregation usage.
If you use the usage code GROUP, at least one other column needs an aggregation usage. Those allowed are:
Since no aggregation usage was used, the GROUP column has been omitted from the report.
If you want grouping in the report, specify an aggregation usage for at least one column. When grouping, no columns can have a blank usage code.
Column omitted. ACROSS for column &V1 is used.
ACROSS has been entered as a USAGE for more than one column. Only one column can have an ACROSS usage. When more than one column has an ACROSS usage, the first column with ACROSS (number &V1) is used as the ACROSS column. The remaining columns with ACROSS are omitted from the report.
This message is a warning. If column &V1 is not to be the ACROSS column, change its USAGE to GROUP, OMIT, BREAKn, BREAKnX, or an aggregation usage.
Error converting release 1 form to release 2.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
System problem in FP function. FPCODE = &1.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
Panel ID '&1' not found in DXEPCB chain.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Map ID '&1' not found in DXEMDL chain.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Release 1 form has invalid usage that cannot be converted.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
Map ID '&1' not found in DXEMDL chain.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Panel ID '&1' not found in DXEPCB chain.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Column count in DXEFCLX does not match the FCI column count.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
See DSQ50445
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
&V1 has invalid attributes.
A data set used for an EXPORT REPORT must have a variable record format with a minimum logical record length of &V2..
EXPORT REPORT to a data set with variable record format and sufficient logical record length. Or specify the name of a data set that does not already exist and QMF will automatically allocate it for you.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Records to be exported are too large for the output file.
Some records in the query to be exported from the database are larger than the maximum record length of the output file being created.
Make sure that the logical record length of the output file is at least as great as the largest record in the query to be exported. The maximum length of a query record in the database is 3,200. The maximum length of the HTML record for CMS or CICS is 32,752 bytes and for MVS is 32,756 bytes.
Specify 1 to 999 or NONE after number of fixed columns.
The "Number of fixed columns" field specifies the number of columns to be fixed on the left side of the report. You can specify a number from 1 to 999 or NONE, which is the default. You cannot leave this field blank.
Enter a number from 1 to 999 or NONE after
Number of fixed columns in report? ===>.
Invalid field ID '&1' for FORM.OPTIONS panel.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
Use YES or NO after Outlining for break columns.
Outlining suppresses duplicate values in control columns (columns with USAGE code BREAKn). You cannot leave this field blank.
YES - Performs "outlining" and suppresses redundant values in control columns. NO - Does not perform "outlining" and displays all values in control columns.
Enter only YES or NO after Outlining for break columns ===> .
Use YES or NO after Function name in column heading when grouping.
This field indicates whether the aggregation function name is included in the column heading. This can occur when the user has specified GROUP on the form (column with USAGE code GROUP). You cannot leave this field blank.
YES - includes the aggregation function name in the column heading. NO - does not include the aggregation function name in the column heading.
Enter only YES or NO after Function name in column heading when grouping ===> .
Use YES or NO after Column heading separators.
The Column heading separators field indicates whether the dash lines underneath the column headings are included in the report. You cannot leave this field blank.
YES - Column heading separators are displayed in the report. NO - Column heading separators are not displayed in the report.
Enter only YES or NO after Column heading separators ===> .
Use YES or NO after Column wrapped lines kept on a page.
This field controls the formatting of column wrapped lines on separate pages, when an end of page condition is encountered. You cannot leave this field blank.
YES - Column wrapped lines are not formatted on separate pages. A YES value will make sure that all the lines will fit on the current page. If they will not fit, a new page will be started. NO - End of page condition may cause column wrapped lines to be formatted on separate pages.
Enter only YES or NO after Column wrapped lines kept on a page ===> .
Use YES or NO after Default break text.
This field controls the formatting of the Default break text in the report. The Default break text are asterisks that appear at the break when break has been specified but the user has not provided any associated break text. You cannot leave this field blank.
YES - the asterisks will be included in the report. NO - the asterisks will not be included in the report.
Enter only YES or NO after Default break text ===> .
Use YES or NO after Across summary column.
This field controls the formatting of the Across summary column in the report. The across summary is the rightmost set of columns containing summary information under the 'TOTAL' across heading value. You cannot leave this field blank.
YES - Across summary column is included in the report. NO - Across summary column is not included in the report.
Enter only YES or NO after Across summary column ===> .
Use 1 to 999 after Detail spacing.
Detail spacing controls the spacing after each detail block in the report. Acceptable values are 1 to 999, where 1 is single space, 2 is double space, etc. A value of zero or blank is not allowed.
Enter 1 to 999 after Detail spacing ===> .
Field not in error and form not being modified.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
See DSQ60657
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Use YES or NO after Break summary separators.
The Break summary separators field indicates whether the dash lines before the break summary line are included in the report. You cannot leave this field blank.
YES - Break summary separators are displayed in the report. NO - Break summary separators are not displayed in the report.
Enter only YES or NO after Break summary separators ===> .
Use YES or NO after Across heading separators.
The Across heading separators field indicates whether the dash, greater than, and less than symbols in an across column heading are included in the report. You cannot leave this field blank.
YES - Across heading separators are displayed in the report. NO - Across heading separators are not displayed in the report.
Enter only YES or NO after Across heading separators ===> .
Use YES or NO after Final summary separators.
The Final summary separators field indicates whether the equal symbols before the final summary line are included in the report. You cannot leave this field blank.
YES - Final summary separators are displayed in the report. NO - Final summary separators are not displayed in the report.
Enter only YES or NO after Final summary separators ===> .
Use 1 through 999 or NONE after line wrapping width.
This field specifies whether or not certain lines of the report should be wrapped. Acceptable values are numbers from 1 to 999 or NONE. You cannot leave this field blank. The default value is NONE. NONE indicates no line wrapping.
A value of 1 to 999 will determine where a line should be wrapped and continued to the next line.
Enter a number from 1 through 999 or NONE after
Line wrapping width? ===> .
See DSQ60657
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
See DSQ60663
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Use YES or NO after Automatic reordering of report columns.
This field indicates whether or not the columns can be automatically reordered in the report. If reordering or ACROSS usage is specified, the order of the columns in the report from left to right is as follows: column(s) with break usages, column(s) with group usage, non-aggregated columns, and column(s) with aggregated usages. Otherwise, the SEQ values on the FORM.COLUMNS panel will be used to format the report. You cannot leave this field blank.
YES - Columns are automatically reordered on the report. NO - SEQ column values will be used to format the report.
Enter only YES or NO after Automatic reordering of report columns ===> columns ===> .
Use YES or NO after Page renumbering at the highest break level.
This field specifies whether or not to restart the page number from 1 at the highest break level (the lowest break number level) in a printed report. You cannot leave this field blank.
Enter YES or NO after Page renumbering at the highest break level ===> .
Use DEFAULT, COLUMNS, or 0-999999 for report text width.
These values specify the width of the report text area, except for PAGE text. Acceptable values are:
DEFAULT -- Text is formatted to the left of any summary data column. If there is no break or final summary data, the total width of the report columns is used. (Applicable to break footing and final text only.) COLUMNS -- The total width of report columns is as shown in FORM.COLUMNS panel. 0 to -- A number that exactly defines 999999 the width of the report text area. If zero is specified, no text will be formatted.
Enter a number from 0 to 999999, DEFAULT, or COLUMNS for the report text width.
Invalid function code '&1' passed to module.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
No more lines can be inserted here.
The area in which you have attempted to insert a line already contains the maximum number (&V1.) that are allowed.
Delete any lines that you no longer need.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
See DSQ50445
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
You cannot delete the last or only line; it has been reset.
At least one line must remain in this area of the form. The line you tried to delete has been erased and the fields reset to their defaults.
Please proceed.
Please specify values in the fields of the inserted line.
A new line has been inserted for you that contains fields that are either blank or preset to default values. These fields should be set to the values you want.
Set the fields to the values you want and proceed.
OK, &1 performed; proceed.
Map ID '&1' not found in DXEMDL chain.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Panel ID '&1' not found in DXEPCB chain.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
See DSQ60494
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Usage '&V1' can only be used with numeric data.
'&V1' cannot be used with character, graphic, date, time, or timestamp data. It can only be used with numeric data. A column whose edit code is D, E, I, J, K, L, or P is considered numeric.
AVERAGE, SUM, CSUM, PCT, CPCT, TPCT, TCPCT, and STDEV can only be used with numeric columns.
Change the usage code and press ENTER.
Use a number from 1 through 999 under INDENT, not '&V1'.
'&V1' is not a valid value of INDENT for a graphic column. INDENT tells the number of blank characters between the right edge of the previous column and the left edge of the present column.
Set INDENT to a number from 1 through 999 and press ENTER.
Use a number from 1 through 16,383 under WIDTH, not '&V1'.
'&V1' is not a valid value of WIDTH for a graphic column. WIDTH tells the maximum number of characters that can appear in a column. Graphic data that is longer than the WIDTH value is cut off on the right unless column wrapping is specified.
Set WIDTH to a number from 1 through 16383 and press ENTER.
&V1 is not a valid variable for column &V2..
Aggregation functions, such as SUM, CSUM, PCT, CPCT, TPCT, TCPCT, STDEV, and AVG, can only be performed on numeric data. MAX, MIN, FIRST, LAST, and COUNT can be performed on all columns.
Refer to the EDIT column of the FORM.COLUMNS panel for the data type of column &V2..
If you still want to perform an aggregation function on column &V2., choose one that is compatible with the data type.
Field with ID '&1' cannot have a dependency.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
See DSQ60159
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
&V1 is not a valid code for Select Panel Variation.
You have specified &V1 for Select Panel Variation. However, this code requires the existence of a column with a NUM of &V2 on the FORM.COLUMNS panel, and there is no such column.
Either modify &V1 to use the column number of an existing column, or change &V1 to YES or NO.
Line wrapping cannot be used with fixed columns.
Line wrapping and fixed columns are mutually exclusive: you cannot have both in the same report.
If you want line wrapping, change the number of fixed columns to NONE. Otherwise, change the line-wrapping width to NONE.
No expression exists in FORM.CALC for usage &V1..
You have specified usage &V1 on FORM.COLUMNS. However, this usage requires a calculation expression with an ID of &V2 on the FORM.CALC panel, and there is no expression with this ID.
Either modify &V1 to use the ID of an existing calculation expression or define an expression on FORM.CALC whose ID is &V2..
See DSQ60493
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
No expression exists in FORM.CALC for variable &V1..
You have specified variable &V1 in report text. However, this variable requires a calculation expression with an ID of &V2 on the FORM.CALC panel, and there is no expression with this ID.
Either modify &V1 to use the ID of an existing calculation expression or define an expression on FORM.CALC whose ID is &V2..
See DSQ60494
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Condition ID number &V1 is not unique.
The condition ID number you entered in the Select Panel Variation field is not unique. There is more than one ID of &V1 on the FORM.CONDITIONS panel.
Change the ID numbers on the FORM.CONDITIONS panel to make each one unique, so that no two ID numbers are the same.
See DSQ60493
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Number of columns in FORM does not match DATA.
A report cannot be created because the number of columns without definition expressions identified in the FORM (&V1.) does not exactly match the number of columns in DATA (&V2.). You may specify definition expressions for any number of FORM columns (up to the maximum of 999). However, the number of columns without definitions must match the number of DATA columns in order to display a report.
Use the INSERT or DELETE command to match the FORM columns with DATA yourself, or you can set the FORM (or just FORM.COLUMNS) to its defaults with the RESET command.
Edit code &V1 is not a valid edit code for numeric data.
For numeric data, use one of the codes listed below.
Code Format Effect D<Z><C>xx Currency symbol, (-$123,456) separators. E<Z> Scientific (-1.23456E+05) notation. I<Z>xx Leading zeros. (-00123456) J<Z>xx Leading zeros, (00123456) no negative sign. K<Z>xx Separators. (-123,456) L<Z>xx Normal. (-123456) P<Z>xx Percent sign. (-123456%) Uxxxx User edit code (can be followed by any 4 characters). Vxxxx User edit code (can be followed by any 4 characters).
An optional Z in the second position of a numeric edit code performs the same function as the corresponding edit code, with the additional function of displaying the value of zero as blank.
An optional C in the second or third position displays the user definable currency symbol instead of the standard currency symbol. This symbol is defined by the Global Variable DSQDC_CURRENCY. If both Z and C are specified, C must follow Z.
Numeric edit codes, with the exception of E, can be followed by 0 to 99 to show that number of digits after the decimal point.
Use only the edit codes shown above.
&V1 is not a valid edit code for date data.
For date data, use one of the codes listed below.
Code Effect Meaning TDYx YYYYxMMxDD 4-digit year, Year first TDMx MMxDDxYYYY 4-digit year, Month first TDDx DDxMMxYYYY 4-digit year, Day first TDYAx YYxMMxDD abbreviated year, Year first TDMAx MMxDDxYY abbreviated year, Month first TDDAx DDxMMxYY abbreviated year, Day first TDL installation provides the date formatting routine TD default date format of the database system
where x can be any non-alphanumeric character, including blank. Character and user edit codes may also be used with date data.
Use only the edit codes shown above.
You cannot use the date edit code &V1..
The &V1 edit code needs a local date routine to edit the date data specified for column &V2.. The local date routine cannot be used.
Use another date edit code. If you must use the edit code &V1, contact your QMF administrator.
&V1 is not a valid edit code for time data.
For time data, use one of the codes listed below.
Code Effect Meaning TTSx HHxMMxSS includes seconds, 24 hour clock TTCx HHxMMxSS includes seconds, 12 hour clock TTAx HHxMM excludes seconds, abbreviated TTAN HHMM excludes seconds, abbreviated, no time delimiter TTUx HHxMM AM USA style HHxMM PM TTL installation provides the time formatting routine TT default time format of the database system
where x can be any non-alphanumeric character, including blank. Character and user edit codes may also be used with the time data.
Use only the edit codes shown above.
You cannot use the time edit code &V1..
The &V1 edit code needs a local time routine to edit the time data specified for column &V2.. The local time routine cannot be used.
Use another time edit code. If you must use the edit code &V1, contact your QMF administrator.
&V1 is not a valid edit code for timestamp data.
For timestamp data, use one of the codes listed below.
Code Effect TSI data is formatted as (yyyy = year, mo = month, dd = date, hh = hour, mm = minute, ss = second, nnnnnn = microseconds) C data is cut off on the right if column is not wide enough. CT data is wrapped by text if column is not wide enough. CD data is wrapped by delimiter if column is not wide enough. (can be followed by a character that is used as the delimiter). CW data is wrapped by column width if column is not wide enough. U User edit code (can be followed by any 4 characters). V User edit code (can be followed by any 4 characters).
Use only the edit codes shown above.
&V1 is not an edit code for character data.
For character data, use one of the codes listed below.
Code Effect C character editing; data is cut off on the right if column is not long enough. CW data is wrapped by column width if column is not wide enough. CT data is wrapped by text if column is not wide enough. CD data is wrapped by delimiter if column is not wide enough. X, XW hex editing. B, BW bit editing. U, V User edit code (may be followed by any 4 characters).
Use one of the edit codes shown above.
LONG VARCHAR column (&V1) is used incorrectly.
Column &V1 in the form corresponds to a LONG VARCHAR column in data. The report cannot be created until one of the following conditions are satisfied:
Change the form to meet one of the conditions described above and try your command again.
Defined LONG VARCHAR column (&V1) is used incorrectly.
This column in the form is a defined column, and is considered to be a LONG VARCHAR column because the column width specified is more than 254. The report cannot be created until one of the following conditions is satisfied:
Change the form to meet one of the conditions described above and try your command again.
&V1 is not a valid edit code for graphic data.
For graphic data, use one of the codes listed below.
Code Effect G data is cut off on the right if column is not wide enough. GW data is wrapped by column width if column is not wide enough. U User edit code (may be followed by any 4 characters). V User edit code (may be followed by any 4 characters).
Use only the edit codes shown above.
LONG VARGRAPHIC column (&V1) is used incorrectly.
Column &V1 in the form corresponds to a LONG VARGRAPHIC column in data. The report cannot be created until one of the following conditions are satisfied:
Change the form to meet one of the conditions described above and try your command again.
Aggregation usage '&V1' valid only with numeric data.
This column has a usage code which requires numeric data, but the data retrieved from the database is not numeric.
AVERAGE, SUM, CSUM, PCT, CPCT, TPCT, TCPCT, and STDEV can only be used with numeric columns.
Change the usage code and press ENTER.
Form variable '&V1.&V2.&V3.' is valid only with numeric data.
This form variable requires numeric data, but the data retrieved from the database is not numeric.
AVG, SUM, CSUM, PCT, CPCT, TPCT, TCPCT, and STDEV can only be used with numeric columns.
Locate and change the reference and press ENTER, then redisplay the report. The error may be on FORM.DETAIL, FORM.BREAK or FORM.FINAL.
See DSQ50445
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
&V1 is not a recognized form variable.
The substitution variable you entered is not one of those recognized as a valid form variable or as an existing global variable. Valid form variables are:
where n is the number of an existing column.
Correct the spelling of the variable name, enter a SET GLOBAL command for a global variable or change the CASE option in your user profile. If the CASE option in your user profile is UPPER or STRING, all letters in the name entered on a form panel will automatically be changed to upper case. A CASE option of MIXED will accept the name exactly as entered.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
See DSQ50445
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
EOF was found, but a token was expected.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Field ID '&1' is not valid for the FORM object.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Map ID '&1' not found in DXEMDL chain.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Panel ID '&1' not found in DXEPCB chain.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Invalid type of substitution variable.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
See DSQ60059
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Field id '&1' is not a valid COLUMNS field.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Use LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT, or DEFAULT for alignment values.
The alignment values control the positioning of the column headings and data within the report line. You cannot leave this field blank. Acceptable values are:
LEFT - left justify the column heading or data. CENTER - center the column heading or data. RIGHT - right justify the column heading or data. DEFAULT - justify the column heading or data based on the column edit code. Headings and data are right justified for numeric edit codes and left justified for all other edit codes.
Enter LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER, or DEFAULT for Heading Alignment and Data Alignment.
See DSQ60160
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Column &V1 cannot be defined in terms of itself.
The expression
cannot be used as a definition. A definition expression may use substitution variables (such as &1) which refer to other columns as long as no one column is defined in terms of itself.
An example of an INVALID definition would be:
Column Definition Number Expression ------ --------------------- 1 &2 + 5000 2 &1 * 30
In this example, the definition for column 1 refers to column 2, but column 2 is defined in terms of column 1. This type of definition is invalid.
Change the expression or the substitution variables to avoid defining the column in terms of itself.
See DSQ50445
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Panel ID '&1' not found in DXEPCB chain.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Panel process error: panel=&1, code=&2.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
A PCB id, MDL id, ADS field id, or instance count was equal to zero.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
FM error - invalid function code.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Panel process error: panel=&1, code=&2.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Field ID '&1' is not a valid COLUMNS field.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Panel process error: panel=&1, code=&2.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
There are no columns before column &V1..
Column &V1 is the first column in the current form.
To see other columns, use the Next Column key.
There are no columns with definitions before column &V1..
Column &V1 is the first column with a definition expression in the current form.
To see other columns which have definition expressions, use the Next Definition key. To see all other columns, use the Previous Column or Next Column key.
There are no columns after column &V1..
Column &V1 is the last column in the current form.
To see other columns, use the Previous Column key.
There are no columns with definitions after column &V1..
Column &V1 is the last column with a definition expression in the current form.
To see other columns which have definition expressions, use the Previous Definition key. To see all other columns, use the Previous Column or Next Column key.
&V1 is not a valid selection number.
The value you entered is not a number, or not a number of a selection in the list.
Each of the valid selections in the list is preceded by a number. Select one and type it in the input space at the top of the list. Then press Enter.
&V1 is not selectable.
You entered the number of a list item which is not currently selectable.
Each of the valid selections in the list is preceded by a number. Select one and type it in the input space at the top of the list. Then press Enter.
Select a choice from the list.
You did not select a choice from the list when one was required.
The choices in the list that you may select are numbered. Choose one of them and type the number in the input space at the top of the list. Then press Enter.
Map ID '&1' not found in DXEMDL chain.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Panel ID '&1' not found in DXEPCB chain.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
The command is invalid for the current panel.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
Field ID '&1' is not valid for the FORM object.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Map ID '&1' not found in DXEMDL chain.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Panel ID '&1' not found in DXEPCB chain.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.