QMF V3.1.1 support for export/import in the CICS/MVS environment uses TSO file support. This level of support is not recommended when running in a CICS environment. In fact, some error conditions can cause the entire CICS region to abnormally terminate. In QMF Version 3.2 and later, this problem is corrected; TSO file system support is replaced by support for CICS temporary or transient data.
When running QMF in CICS, you must set the execution key of the QMF module DSQCBST to CICS (EXECkey=CICS) if you plan to use the QMF EXPORT or IMPORT commands and CICS storage protection (SIT STGPROT=YES) is being used. This avoids abnormal terminations (ABENDASRA or ABEND0C4) in IGG0191I conditions.
QMF provides a migration capability that allows you to choose between the recommended use of CICS temporary storage or transient data queues and the volatile use of TSO data sets. After QMF Version 7.2 is installed, the default use of CICS temporary storage and transient data queues, is active. If you do not want to use the TSO data sets, there are no migration considerations.
If you do want to use the TSO data sets, then you must disable the QMF export/import control module, DSQCTLXI. To do this, use the CICS-supplied CEMT transaction. For example:
DSQCTLXI can also be disabled by removing it from the CICS CSD or PCT table. After you disable DSQCTLXI, all QMF sessions running in CICS use the TSO data set support for export and import commands.
After support for CICS temporary storage or transient data queues is disabled, you can reactivate that support by using CEMT or by adding a program entry to the CICS CSD or PCT table, if it was removed. To use CEMT, enter the following command:
CEMT SET PROGRAM(DSQCTLXI) ENABLE[ Previous Page | Next Page | Contents | Index ]