Tailoring CICS for QMF

Because QMF is a large conversational transaction, QMF processing takes longer than the average CICS transaction. You might want to isolate QMF transaction processing in a CICS region dedicated to QMF transactions.

Depending on the amount of storage available below 16 MB, there is an upper limit on the number of users that can run QMF in the same CICS region. To support additional QMF users, use multiple CICS regions and the Multiple Region Option.

You might want to route the QMF transaction from one CICS system (for example, Terminal Owning Region) to the CICS system designated to process QMF transactions (for example, Application Owning Region). If you do, use either multiple transaction IDs or dynamic transaction routing. Both methods are described in the CICS/OS390 Intercommunication Guide.

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