Change these tables using the macro method.
Before editing, locate the source used to create the FCT and DCT for this CICS system. In the following examples, it is assumed that the skeletons provided with VSE/ESA to bring up another CICS system were used. If these skeletons were not used, the CICS for VSE/ESA Resource Definition (Macro) can be used to locate the appropriate place to insert the changes. Note that these examples have a suffix of C2; your tables may be different.
Modify the source of your DFHFCT to define the QMF panel file to CICS:
*----------------------------------------------------- * LOCAL ENTRIES SHOULD BE PLACED BELOW THIS BOX *----------------------------------------------------- COPY DSQ3EFCT COPY DSQ3nFCT SPACE 3
Substitute the appropriate NLID for the n.
Locate the source of your DFHDCTC2 and make the following changes:
*----------------------------------------------------------- * OTHER LOCAL ENTRIES SHOULD BE PLACED BELOW THIS BOX *----------------------------------------------------------- COPY DSQ3DCTE SPACE 3
Ensure the job completes with a return code of 0 or 4. If you receive higher return codes, check the list output and correct the error.