Because QMF is a DB2 UDB for OS/390 application, you need to understand many of the same concepts as you would to perform a DB2 UDB for OS/390 install. For example, you need to understand:
You will use these statements during the QMF installation. These statements are described in more detail in DB2 UDB for OS390 SQL Reference
These terms are described in the DB2 UDB for OS390 Application Programming and SQL Guide
You need to understand the basic relationships among these terms. For information about these terms, see the DB2 UDB for OS390 Administration Guide , Volume 2.
You need to understand what SYSADM and DBADM authority is and how to grant and revoke authority. You also need to understand the meaning of granting authority to PUBLIC. These topics are described in the DB2 UDB for OS390 Administration Guide , Volume 2.
For information on subsystems IDs, see the DB2 UDB for OS390 Administration Guide , Volume 2.
You should be familiar with the terms:
For definitions and MORE information about these terms, see the DB2 UDB for OS390 SQL Reference
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