Base installation

The base (English version) installation requires that you run the following jobs:


This job establishes the initialization criteria for the remainder of the installation. The other installation jobs use the procedure cataloged by DSQ3INIT to find information about installed products such as GDDM, DB2, and VSAM. It also contains information about the QMF installation. You run DSQ3INIT only once.


This job defines and loads the QMF panel file (DSQPNLE) into VSAM space. The panel file contains all of the panel definitions. DSQ3EINS also loads maps and sample charts; you run it only once.


This job is QMF's database installation job. DSQ3EDBI creates QMF control tables, loads QMF packages and defines and loads sample tables into the DB2 database. You run this job once for each local SQL database that you are connecting to CICS.

Normally, running this job is mandatory. However, if you currently have QMF for VM/ESA Version 7.2 or later installed, and you want to add a QMF for VSE/ESA in an SQL guest sharing environment, you do not need to run this job. This is because the database portion of QMF was installed during the QMF VM installation. However, if you want to define a DB2 VSE database in addition to the DB2 VM database, you do need to run DSQ3EDBI.

DSQ3ELNK (optional job) Here

This job link-edits QMF with the current versions of GDDM and DB2. You do not need to run this job if you have installed:

QMF is already linked with those versions.

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