Step 8--Deleting previous versions of QMF (optional): DSQ2BDEL
Attention: Do not run this step unless you have successfully completed
the installation and testing of QMF Version 7.2 and no longer need the
previous release.
Optionally, run the DSQ2BDEL exec to delete a previous version of QMF.
The DSQ2BDEL exec prompts for all necessary information needed to delete
QMF. Confirmation of the deletion is required before the actual deletion
is done. You must be linked to the QMF distribution disk and the DB2 VM production
disk, the DB2 database machine must be active, you must have DRDA connectivity
to the target database, SQLDBSU must be installed in the target database,
and you must have authority to perform the database deletes. There are two
types of QMF deletions as defined below.
- If you have an earlier release of QMF installed in the same database in
which you have installed QMF Version 7.2, run DSQ2BDEL exec with the PACKAGE
option to delete the QMF database access modules of the prior release.
- If you have an earlier release of QMF installed in a different database
from where you have installed QMF Version 7.2, run DSQ2BDEL exec with the
FULL option to drop ALL QMF DBSPACEs in addition to the database access modules
(packages) of the prior release.
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