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Take Advantage of the Mobile Explosion with the Right Strategy and Solutions

The mobile explosion is massively shifting today’s global marketplace. Many businesses today are scrambling to create a cohesive brand experience across fragmented channels—and missing key opportunities to leverage mobile to increase sales, boost profits, and build lasting customer loyalty.

Watch this webcast with IBM’s Tim Francis to learn how to take advantage of mobile solutions across your business, and find out how the right commerce solutions can boost productivity across your organization—and deliver a vital competitive advantage.

View the Replay»

You'll learn:

  • Key ways mobile is changing the shape of commerce, and how you can take advantage of this shift
  • How to exceed customer expectations with real-time, digital experiences, personalized offers, and rich in-store environments
  • How to overcome the common challenges to implementing mobile solutions by using a comprehensive mobile development and management platform

View the replay

Ray Wang
Tim Francis
IBM Distinguished Engineer
CTO, B2B & Commerce Solutions

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