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Loads new and updates old profiles at a Tivoli management region server
(Tivoli server).
wdmloadprf -f profile_filename
-g profile_manager#region
[-P profile#region]
- [{-k | -m | -s}]
The wdmloadprf command makes new profiles available on the
Tivoli server. If the command identifies an existing profile the
command will update the profile, requiring you to choose whether to merge the
new resource models with the existing ones, substitute the existing resource
models for the new ones or keep the existing resource models.
If you use this option to move profiles between Tivoli servers, you should
make sure that the resource models defined in the profile have already been
loaded onto the receiving Tivoli server (using the wdmrm command),
before loading the profile.
The input is a file created by using the wdmdumpprf
- -f profile_filename
- Identifies the file containing the new profile. The name should
include the full path from the $BINDIR directory. The file should be in
Tivoli Management Framework format, unless the -x option is
used to load a file in XML format (this option available only in Windows
- -g
- Identifies the profile manager to which the new profile is to belong or to
which the profile to be updated belongs. The profile manager name must
always be fully qualified with the policy region name in the syntax
- -P profile#region
- Defines the profile to be added or updated. If the profile is not
specified, the profile name contained in the XML file will be used. The
profile name must always be fully qualified with the policy region name in the
syntax shown.
- Note:
- To obtain a listing of the complete names of all the profiles that are on an
endpoint, issue the following command:
wdmlseng -e endpoint
- [{-k | -m | -s}]
- Defines how the model is updated. If none of the following options
is defined, a new profile is created from the input information, provided that
the supplied profile name does not already exist, in which case the command
fails. The mutually exclusive updating options are as follows:
- -k
- If a profile already exists with the supplied name, the
-k option leaves all resource models in the existing profile
as they are, only changing the profile parameters that are external to the
resource models.
- -m
- If a profile already exists with the supplied name, the
-m option performs the following actions on the resource
models in the existing profile, by comparing the names of the resource models
contained therein:
- A resource model in the XML file that does not match a resource model in
the existing profile, is added to the existing profile.
- A resource model in the XML file that matches a resource model in the
existing profile, overwrites the resource model in the existing
- A resource model in the existing profile that does not match a resource
model in the XML file is not changed.
- -s
- If a profile already exists with the supplied name, the
-s option substitutes the entire profile with that defined in
the XML file.
- -x
- This option can only be used on Windows systems. It determines that
the file to be loaded is in XML format, instead of the default Tivoli
Management Framework format.
Requires the super, senior or admin roles.
- The following example loads the profile stored in the file
MyXMLFile in the MyProfiles directory and adds it to the
profile manager MyProfileManager in the region
MyRegion. The profile name will be determined from the
contents of the XML file:
wdmloadprf -f MyProfiles\MyXMLFile -g MyProfileManager#MyRegion
- The following example loads the profile stored in the file
MyXMLFile in the directory MyProfiles and adds it to the
profile manager MyProfileManager in the region MyRegion,
naming it MyProfileName:
wdmloadprf -f MyProfiles\MyXMLFile -g MyProfileManager#MyRegion
-P MyProfileName#MyRegion
- The following example updates an existing profile identified in the file
MyXMLFile in the MyProfiles directory and belonging to
the profile manager MyProfileManager in the region
MyRegion, and merges its resource models with those contained in
the XML file:
wdmloadprf -f MyProfiles\MyXMLFile -g MyProfileManager#MyRegion -M
- The following example updates the profile MyProfileName in the
region MyRegion, and belonging to the profile manager
MyProfileManager by substituting its contents with those stored in
the file MyXMLFile in the directory MyProfiles:
wdmloadprf -f MyProfiles\MyXMLFile -g MyProfileManager#MyRegion
-P MyProfileName#MyRegion -s
- The following example updates the profile MyProfileName in the
region MyRegion, and belonging to the profile manager
MyProfileManager by keeping its resource models, only updating the
profile parameters external to the resource models with those contained in the
file MyXMLFile in the directory MyProfiles:
wdmloadprf -f MyProfiles\MyXMLFile -g MyProfileManager#MyRegion
-P MyProfileName#MyRegion -k
See Also
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