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User's Guide


Stops or starts the 'heartbeat' monitoring of endpoints, changes its frequency and queries the status of the heartbeat processor.


wdmheartbeat [-m {managed_node | @managed_nodes_file | all}] {-s frequency | -t} [-q]


The wdmheartbeat command operates on selected managed nodes/gateways and starts or stops the 'heartbeat', which is a periodic monitoring by the Tivoli Business Systems Manager Adapter component at a managed node/gateway of all attached endpoints to determine certain basic status information. In addition, this command can also be used to change the frequency of the heartbeat, in other words the period elapsing between monitoring requests.


-m {managed_node | @managed_nodes_file | all}
Specifies the managed nodes/gateways on which the heartbeat command is to be implemented. If this option is not used the heartbeat command is implemented on the managed node/gateway from which the command is being run.

The options are as follows:

The name of the managed node/gateway on which the command is to be performed.

A file containing managed node/gateway names separated by the CR/LF character; the @ symbol is an indicator that a file name follows but the symbol should not form part of the filename.

All managed nodes/gateways in the Tivoli region

Queries the status of the heartbeat processor. An example of the output is as follows:
Processing ManagedNode mcrudele...
HeartBeat processor status: STARTED, time interval: 60
Processing ManagedNode dmw2k2...
HeartBeat processor status: STARTED, time interval: 60
Warning: DM_Advanced_Edition feature not installed 

on the Managed Node 'boccaccio'. Skipping...

-s frequency
This option starts the heartbeat on the defined managed nodes/gateways with the frequency indicated in seconds. If the heartbeat is already running, this option changes the heartbeat frequency to that specified.

This option stops the heartbeat with immediate effect on the defined managed nodes/gateways. The heartbeat must be running for this command to take effect.


Requires the super, senior or admin roles.


  1. The following example stops the heartbeat on the managed node/gateway MyManagedNode:
    wdmheartbeat -m MyManagedNode -t
  2. The following example starts the heartbeat on the managed node/gateway MyManagedNode, the monitoring taking place every 180 seconds:

    wdmheartbeat -m MyManagedNode -s 180
  3. The following example queries the status of the heartbeat on all managed node/gateways in the Tivoli management region:
    wdmheartbeat -m all -q

See Also




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