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User's Guide

Historical Data Graph

The Historical Graph displays recent historical data logged by a resource model on an endpoint. Metrics logged for multiple instances of a resource can be plotted on the same graph. The metrics displayed on the graph are specified in the Historical Data frame of the Endpoint Health View. See Historical Data Frame for more information.

With logged data, you can use the Historical Graph to identify specific instances of resource problems over the past one, six, twelve, or twenty-four hours.

The graph launches in the format specified on the Graph View page of the Preferences view. You can change the style of graph displayed by using the Select a Graph Format drop-down list.

The Historical Graph can display data over the past one, six, twelve, or twenty-four hours. The default history view displays the last hour of data. You can change the time period from the Show History View of drop-down list. Use the Tivoli Enterprise Data Warehouse to view data older than 24 hours.

For non-table formats, the graph is divided into 10 zoom regions of equal size. To zoom in on a specific region of the graph, position the cursor on the desired area and click. The graph is refreshed and displays only the selected region. Click Zoom Out to return to the previous zoom level. For example, if you zoomed in three times you would have to click Zoom Out three times to return to the original graph view.

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