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User's Guide

Historical Data Frame

Using the historical data selection controls, you select instances and metrics from the selected resource model to create a chart of recent historical data from the endpoint. To create historical data, logging must be enabled for the resource model. With logged data, you can use the Historical Data Graph to identify specific instances of resource problems over the past one, six, twelve, or twenty-four hours.

To create a Historical Data Graph from the Endpoint Health view:

  1. Select a resource model from the Resource Model list in the upper frame.
  2. Click the Historical Data radio button to display the Historical Data selection information in the lower frame.
  3. Click the Resource drop-down list and select a resource. The Resource drop-down list is the only option that is active when the frame opens.
  4. Click the Contexts drop-down list and select a context. Each context identifies a logical grouping of problems related to the specified resource.
  5. Select one or more instance from the Instances list. These identify specific instances of the selected indication.
  6. Select one or more metric from the Metrics list. These are the metrics used to measure the selected indication.
  7. Click Graph.

For detailed description of the Historical Graph, see Historical Data Graph.

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