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User's Guide

Enabling and Disabling Tivoli Business Systems Manager Integration

For each profile you create, you can choose to disable the Tivoli Business Systems Manager integration for all resource models in the profile. This is an override that ignores the Send to TBSM option that may be set up for any indication in any resource model in the profile (see Customizing Thresholds and Event Rules).

To disable the Send to TBSM option, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the Tivoli Monitoring Profile dialog.
  2. Select Edit -> Properties.

    The Properties dialog opens and displays the name of the profile for which the server identity is to be set, and the profile manager in which the profile is located. It also displays the check box Send to TBSM.

    Properties dialog. This enbales you to set the identity of the Tivoli Enterprise Console server and send events to Tivoli Business Systems Manager.

  3. If you want to send events in this profile to Tivoli Business Systems Manager, check the Send to TBSM option.
    If you do not select this check box, no events are sent to the Tivoli Business Systems Manager, even if you selected the Send to TBSM check box in the Indications and Actions dialog.
  4. Click OK to save the properties.

    The Tivoli Monitoring Profile dialog reopens.

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