Tivoli Header

User's Guide

Configuring Tivoli Business Systems Manager Adapter

The Tivoli Business Systems Manager adapter is configured by using the command wdmconfig. You can address this command to one, a list, or all gateways in the region, and it allows you to supply any number of key/value pairs as parameters. The key/value pairs that you will need to configure are as follows:

Set this to true if you want to write to the file identified in trace.filename, all trace messages regarding the operations of the adapter. The default is false.

Set this to low, medium or high, according to the level of details you require if you have enabled adapter trace messages. The default is low.

Working directory that will be used by the adapter. The default, which you are recommended to use, is the Tivoli Monitoring middle layer directory ($DBDIR/dmml).

Subnet mask of the CommonListener component. For example:

This parameter is set during the installation of the Tivoli Business Systems Manager Adapter (see Installing Tivoli Business Systems Manager Adapter), and you do not normally need to change it manually. However, if, for example, you want to install the adapter on a group of gateways using one instance of the install action or command, you will then need to change this parameter on any gateways in the group that have JRE installed at a location different to that supplied on the Install Options dialog.

Set this parameter to the complete path of the root directory of Java Runtime Environment, 1.3.0 (excluding the directory /bin).

In a Windows NT workstation, if the install target path contains a directory with spaces in the name, the directory name must be specified between single quotes, as in this example:
D:\'Program Files'\jre

Filename to which will be written the trace messages from the adapter. The default is dm.trc.

Set this to true if the gateway on which the adapter is installed is running Windows NT, 4.0, Service Pack 5; otherwise leave as the default value of false.

IP address or hostname of the CommonListener component of Tivoli Business Systems Manager, which listens out for messages from the systems being managed. For example: transport.server.ip.address=

Port number of the CommonListener component. For example: transport.server.mqe.port=8082

transport.trace.enable = false
Set this to true if you want to write to the file identified in trace.filename, all messages regarding the transport of adapter-acquired data to the CommonListener. The default is false.

Set this to low, medium or high, according to the level of details you require if you have enabled transport trace messages. The default is low.

All these key/value pairs and their values are contained in file: $DBDIR/dmml/.config

This file can be read but it must not be modified manually. If you wish to modify it, use the wdmconfig command (note that the applied changes might not show).

For full details of the command syntax see wdmconfig

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