For each profile you create, you must identify the Tivoli Enterprise Console server that you want to use to monitor the Tivoli Monitoring events that it defines. You can also choose to send non-TME (unsecure) events to the Availability Intermediate Manager (AIM).
To set the identity of the Tivoli Enterprise Console server for all resource models in a profile, perform the following steps:
The Properties dialog opens and displays the name of the profile for which the server identity is to be set, and the profile manager in which the profile is located. It also displays the option Send to TBSM.
One this is checked, the Using section of the dialog is enabled. The Using section is disabled if the Send TEC Events check box is not selected. You must select a delivery mode, the choices are:
You must specify the Event Server Port and Server Location where the event will be sent. You must specify the Event Server Port if the Tivoli Enterprise Console server or AIM runs on Windows NT (the default value is 5529), otherwise you must set this value to 0.
Select the Tivoli Enterprise Console server from the Choose TEC Server list. This list contains all Tivoli Enterprise Console servers (if any) in all the regions. The Enterprise Console Adapter Configuration Facility (ACF) must be installed on the gateway if you choose the TME (Secure) delivery mode.
The Tivoli Monitoring Profile dialog is redisplayed.