Tivoli Header

User's Guide

Endpoint Registration

When Tivoli Monitoring pushes a resource model to an endpoint for the first time, or restarts the Tivoli Monitoring engine at an endpoint, the information in the endpoint cache is updated when the gateway receives a message from the endpoint saying that its engine has been started. Figure 5 illustrates the data flow.

Figure 5. Data flow for endpoint registration

This figure shows the data flow when an endpoint is started or restarted.

The figure shows a profile being distributed (pushed) from the Tivoli Desktop, or a command being issued to start an endpoint engine (steps 1, 2 and 3). The endpoint sends an upcall to the gateway (step 4), which registers the presence of the endpoint in the endpoint cache (step 5).

Every 18 minutes the endpoint sends an upcall to the gateway. This behaviour cannot be modified.

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