WebSphere Everyplace Synchronization Server Version Interim Fix 4 README

Last updated: March 10, 2005

This document contains information for Everyplace Synchronization Server Version Interim Fix 4.

This Readme includes the following information:

What's included

  • Issues addressed in Interim Fix 4 include:

  • - Duplicate calendar entries on Nokia 9500 device after refresh calendar sync

    PK00992 - Sync fails with error 500 on client and SQL0803 on server

    Note: To further improve upon the performance gains provided via PQ98553, the following Best Practices should be considered when setting relative date filters.

    Best practices: Improving sync times when setting relative date filters

    When setting filters on the server, keep in mind that the Synchronization engine and database must keep track of all "known" PIM data. All "known" PIM data is everything on your backend server folder minus records that were filtered out by the "Initial Synchronization configuration" filter.

    For example, if your "Initial Synchronization configuration" filter is set to "All Available Data", then it is everything on your backend PIM server. If it is set to 3 days, then the known PIM data will be the last 3 days of data from the time of the very first sync plus everything that has been added since that time.

    If you set a relative date filter, then each time the date changes, the "known" records stored in the sync database must be evaluated to determine if an add/modify/delete for each record should take place.

    If you use a relative date filter and you want to reduce your synchronization times, then reducing the amount of data that is "known" to the sync database is the key. Even if you set an "Initial Synchronization configuration" filter that is small, eventually the "known" data could build up to several thousand records over time if you do not delete or move PIM data to a folder that is not synchronized.

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    Installing the Interim Fix

    Use the WebSphere Everyplace Access update installer to install the Everyplace Sychronization Server interim fix files (ESS_EFIX_5001_IF4.jar). You must run the update installer for every installation of Everyplace Synchronization Server. The update installer will create a backup of your configuration in case you need to remove the Interim Fix later.

    Prerequisites and corequisites

    Before you install this Interim Fix, verify that you have installed WebSphere Everyplace Access Version 5.0 Interim Fix 1 or higher on the computer (or computers) where you plan to install Interim Fix 4.

    Before you install this Interim Fix, verify that you have enough disk space:

    If the Everyplace Synchronization Server server components have been installed and configured on different computers (or multiple computers such as in a clustered environment), you must install and configure the Interim Fix on each computer. Interim Fix 4 does not need to be installed on the Database server.

    To install the Interim Fix:

    On the computer (or computers) where the Everyplace Synchronization Server server component is installed, do the following to install the Interim Fix:

    1. AIX only: Open a command prompt and change to the WEA_updater directory. (You might have already performed this step when applying another fix pack or interim fix, in which case you can skip this step.) Use the following command to change the file permissions of the updateWEA.sh file:

    2. chmod +x updateWEA.sh
    3. Set the WAS_HOME environment variable. Each time you open a new command prompt, you need to set the WAS_HOME environment, so if you are performing these steps on multiple computers, remember to set the WAS_HOME variable.
    4. Stop the Everyplace Synchronization Server and the Everyplace Synchronization enterprise application.

    5. Windows:
      Stop Synchronization Server and the Everyplace Synchronization enterprise application from the Windows Start Menu: Start > Programs > IBM WebSphere > Everyplace Synchronization Server > Stop server

      Stop Synchronization Server by running the following command from the /usr/WebSphere/IBMSyncServer/caf/bin directory:
      ./esscmd shutdown

      Stop the Everyplace Synchronization enterprise application by running the appropriate command from the WebSphere/AppServer/bin directory:
      ./stopServer.sh Everyplace_Synchronization -user was_admin_userid -password was_admin_password

    6. Change to the update directory, for example:

    7. Windows:
      cd C:\Program Files\WebSphere\WEA_updater

      cd /usr/WebSphere/WEA_updater

    8. Ensure that the values in the weaconfig.properties file are correct for your environment. If these values are not set or are incorrect, the Interim Fix installation will fail.
    9. Run the update installer to apply the Interim Fix. Note: The command shown below might span multiple lines for clarity, but the command begins with updateWEA and should be entered on a single line.  Also, in the example provided, the Interim Fix file ESS_EFIX_5001_IF4.jar needs to be in the <WebSphere_home>\WEA_updater directory since that is the -fixDir in the example.

    10. Windows:
      updateWEA -fix -installDir "ess_home" -fixDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\WEA_updater" -install -fixes ESS_EFIX_5001_IF4 -configProperties weaconfig.properties

      Where ess_home represents the full path to the installation directory of Everyplace Synchronization Server. For example:
      updateWEA -fix -installDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\IBMSyncServer" -fixDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\WEA_updater" -install -fixes ESS_EFIX_5001_IF4 -configProperties weaconfig.properties

      ./updateWEA.sh -fix -installDir "ess_home" -fixDir "/usr/WebSphere/WEA_updater" -install -fixes ESS_EFIX_5001_IF4 -configProperties weaconfig.properties

      Where ess_home represents the full path to the installation directory of Everyplace Synchronization Server. For example:
      ./updateWEA.sh -fix -installDir "/usr/WebSphere/IBMSyncServer" -fixDir "/usr/WebSphere/WEA_updater" -install -fixes ESS_EFIX_5001_IF4 -configProperties weaconfig.properties

    11. Ensure that WebSphere Portal and WebSphere Application servers are running.

    12. Windows:
      startServer.bat server1 -user was_admin_userid -password was_admin_password
      startServer.bat WebSphere_Portal -user was_admin_userid -password was_admin_password

      ./startServer.sh server1 -user was_admin_userid -password was_admin_password
      ./startServer.sh WebSphere_Portal -user was_admin_userid -password was_admin_password

    Verifying the version of Everyplace Synchronization Server

    After you have applied the Everyplace Synchronization Server Interim Fix, you can verify the version using the update tool.
    1. Set the WAS_HOME environment variable.
    2. Set the WEA_PRODUCT_HOME environment variable using the following command, where ess_home is the installation directory of Everyplace Synchronization Server:

    3. Note: When providing the path for the WEA_PRODUCT_HOME environment variable, you should not place quotes around the path.
      set WEA_PRODUCT_HOME=ess_home

      export WEA_PRODUCT_HOME=/ess_home

    4. Run the following command to display the current version of Everyplace Synchronization Server:

    5. Windows:
      WEAVersionInfo.bat -fixes

      ./WEAVersionInfo.sh -fixes

    6. Look for the Installed Fix section of the information that is printed to the screen. Verify that the fix ESS_EFIX_5001_IF4 is displayed.
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    Configuring the Portal to run as a root user

    Perform the steps in this section only if portal is running on AIX and you are using Intelligent Notification Services. 

    Previous Interim Fixes for Intelligent Notification Services included steps to configure the portal to run as a non-root user. If you configured the portal to run as a non-root user, you need to configure it to run as the root before Configuring the Everyplace Synchronization Server Interim Fix . The Everyplace Synchronization portlets cannot be updated if the portal is running as a non-root user.

    When you apply this interim fix, you have to configure the portal to run as a root user. Therefore, you need to configure the portal to run as a root user, apply the interim fix, and then reconfigure the portal to run as a non-root user.

    Be sure to run these commands as the root user.

    1. Open a browser and login WebSphere Application Server administrative console using administrative user ID.
    2. Click Servers > Application Servers > WebSphere_Portal > Process Definition > Process Execution to go to the Process Execution page for WebSphere_Portal.
    3. Delete the values for the following properties:
      Property Value
      Run As User  
      Run As Group  
      (the fields should no longer contain values)
    4. Stop the server using the stopserver command. You need to use the user and password option with the stopserver command. Run this command from the Application Server bin directory, such as /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/bin.
      ./stopserver WebSphere_Portal -user username -password password 
    5. Start the server using the startServer command:
      ./startServer WebSphere_Portal

    Preparation steps if the WebSphere Portal Server is configured as part of a Network Deployment cell

    On the WebSphere Portal computer, edit the cell name in the wpconfig.properties file, located in the wp_home/config/file directory, to match the CellName listed in the Network Deployment console. If the WebSphere Portal Server has been clustered, then you must do this for every machine on which WebSphere Portal Server is installed.

    Preparation steps if the WebSphere Portal Server has been clustered

    Each WebSphere Portal node must be told the name of the cluster in order for portlet deployment to work correctly. On each node, modify the DeploymentService.properties file, located in the wp_home/shared/app/config/services/ directory, and set the wps.appserver.name property to the name of the cluster you defined.

    Note: Each node in the cluster should have the same synchronization settings to ensure consistency between WebSphere Portal server configurations. By default, automatic synchronization will occur between every node when a change is made to the configuration of the cell, which is checked for updates once per minute.

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    Configuring the Everyplace Synchronization Server Interim Fix

    After you have installed the Interim Fix and verified the version on the computers where you have installed Synchronization Server portlets and server, you need to configure the Interim Fix:

    1. On the computer where you have installed the Everyplace Synchronization Server administration portlets (the WebSphere Portal server), performing the following steps: 
    2. If you are running in a Network Deployment environment, you need to both ensure that the application changes have been synchronized to the node and activate any portlet application updates:
    3. Run the following command from the ess_home/config directory on the computer where you have installed the server components:
    4. Interim Fix 1 contained instructions for setting TSS_DUPLICATE_CHECKER values to "true" in the ess_home/caf/cfg/ESSConfig.xml file in order to handle duplicate resolution for contacts and tasks on Nokia 9500 or Sony-Ericsson P900 devices.  As of Interim Fix 4, the code that handles duplicate contacts and tasks for interrupted sync's has been enhanced and TSS_DUPLICATE_CHECKER values should be set back to "false".

    5. To edit the ess_home/caf/cfg/ESSConfig.xml file, locate the following lines in the <COMPONENT COMPONENT_TYPE="TrueSyncServer"> section:


      Change the values from true to false. For example:

      . . .
      . . .
      Where . . . represents other properties in that component.
      Note: You must repeat this manual step each time you run any configuration task that updates the ESSConfig.xml file. For example, repeat this step whenever you run the ESSWASconfig remove-config command followed by the ESSWASconfig basic-config command.

    6. Start the Everyplace Synchronization Server and the Everyplace Synchronization enterprise application.
    7. To verify that the correct level of Everyplace Synchronization Server has been configured:

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    Reconfigure the portal to run as a non-root user

    Perform the steps in this section only if portal is running on AIX and you are using Intelligent Notification Services. 
    1. Log on as root.
    2. Specify user and group ID values for the Run As User and Run As Group settings for a server:
      1. Click Servers > Application Servers > WebSphere_Portal > Process Definition > Process Execution to go to the Process Execution page for WebSphere_Portal.
      2. Change these values:
        Property Value
        Run As User insadmin
        Run As Group insgroup
        UMASK 002

    3. Stop the server using the stopserver command. Run this command from the Application Server bin directory, such as /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/bin.
      stopserver WebSphere_Portal -user username -password password 
    4. As root, use operating system tools to change file permissions. The following examples assume that the WebSphere Application Server installation root directory is /usr/WebSphere/AppServer:
          chgrp insgroup /usr/WebSphere
      chgrp insgroup /usr/WebSphere/AppServer
      chgrp -R insgroup /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/config
      chgrp -R insgroup /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/logs
      chgrp -R insgroup /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/wstemp
      chgrp -R insgroup /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/installedApps
      chgrp -R insgroup /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/temp
      chgrp -R insgroup /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/tranlog
      chgrp -R insgroup /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/cloudscape50
      chgrp -R insgroup /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/cloudscape51
      chgrp -R insgroup /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/DefaultDB
      chmod g+w /usr/WebSphere
      chmod g+w /usr/WebSphere/AppServer
      chmod -R g+w /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/config
      chmod -R g+w /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/logs
      chmod -R g+w /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/wstemp
      chmod -R g+w /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/installedApps
      chmod -R g+w /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/temp
      chmod -R g+w /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/tranlog
      chmod -R g+w /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/cloudscape50
      chmod -R g+w /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/cloudscape51
      chmod -R g+w /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/DefaultDB
    5. Run the following commands:
      chgrp -R insadmin /usr/WebSphere/PortalServer
      chmod -R g+w /usr/WebSphere/PortalServer
      chgrp insadmin /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/wpcpaudit.log
      chmod g+w /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/wpcpaudit.log
    6. When starting the server WebSphere_Portal, it must be started using the user ID insadmin. Also, it is recommended to logon to the system as root in the ksh environment and execute the su - insadmin command because the .profile must be called.


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    Uninstalling the Interim Fix

    To uninstall the Everyplace Synchronization Server Interim Fix 4, use the Interim Fix installer to uninstall the Interim Fix and then reconfigure Everyplace Synchronization Server:
    1. Set the WAS_HOME environment variable.
    2. Stop Everyplace Synchronization Server and the Everyplace Synchronization enterprise application:
    3. Ensure that all properties in the weaconfig.properties file (located in the WEA_updater directory) have the correct values. If these values are not set or are incorrect, the Interim Fix installation will fail.
    4. Change to the update directory.

    5. Windows:
      cd C:\Program Files\WebSphere\WEA_updater

      cd /usr/WebSphere/WEA_updater

    6. Uninstall the Everyplace Synchronization Server Interim Fix 4 files using the update installer. If you receive a message that indicates the WAS_HOME is not set, the Java environment might not be properly set. Run the following command to remove the Interim Fix.

    7. updateWEA.bat|sh -installDir "ess_home" -fix -uninstall -configProperties weaconfig.properties -fixes ESS_EFIX_5001_IF4 -fixDetails

      Where "ess_home" is the full path to the directory where Everyplace Synchronization Server is installed. For example:
      updateWEA.bat -installDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\IBMSyncServer" -fix -uninstall -configProperties weaconfig.properties -fixes ESS_EFIX_5001_IF4 -fixDetails

      ./updateWEA.sh -installDir "/usr/WebSphere/IBMSyncServer" -fix -uninstall -configProperties weaconfig.properties -fixes ESS_EFIX_5001_IF4 -fixDetails

    8. If you have a Lotus Domino content adapter configured, you must run the following command from the ess_home/config directory on the computer where you have installed and configured the server components:

    9. Important: The custom mapping template files are located in the esm_home\NotesData\esm\custom directory. If you have made changes to any of the custom mapping template files, back them up to a temporary directory before running this command.

      After you have run the command, be sure to restore any custom mapping files that you backed up prior to running ESSWASconfig ess-server-notes-copy to the esm_home\NotesData\esm\custom directory.
    10. Start the Everyplace Synchronization Server and the Everyplace Synchronization enterprise application.
    11. Verify the interim fix was removed.
    12. To uninstall the Synchronization Server portlets to the previous maintenance fix level of code, follow the directions in Configuring the Portal to run as a root user and do steps 1 and 2 of Configuring the Everyplace Synchronization Server Interim Fix 4
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