DB2 OLAP Server Installation Guide

Chapter 5. Installing on AIX, Solaris Operating Environment, and HP-UX

This chapter describes how to install server components for DB2 OLAP Server and DB2 OLAP Integration Server Version 8.1 on AIX, Solaris Operating Environment, and HP-UX operating systems.

Ensure that you consider the following important changes in how DB2 OLAP Server is installed in version 8.1.

The Security Migration Tool is the easiest way to migrate your security data to another OLAP server
If you have an earlier version of DB2 OLAP Server and want to install the version 8.1 OLAP server component on the same computer, or on another AIX or Windows computer, you can use the Security Migration tool to migrate your applications, data, and user information. See Security Migration Tool for more information.

Upgrading to version 8.1 on the same UNIX computer
If you have an earlier version of DB2 OLAP Server on your UNIX computer, and you want to install version 8.1 on that computer, it is recommended that you make a copy of your existing OLAP directory. Then uninstall the previous edition, install version 8.1 (in a directory whose name does not contain blanks, underscores, dashes, or other special characters), and then import your application files and data into the new version.

You can install version 8.1 on top of an earlier version, and your existing OLAP applications will be available to the new or upgraded version. but results might be unpredictable. When you install a new version to the same directory, you should take the following steps as a precaution:

The Relational Storage Manager not available in version 8.1
The Relational Storage Manager (RSM) is withdrawn from version 8.1. If you are upgrading from DB2 OLAP Server Version 7.1 or earlier, and you have you have applications that use the RSM, you must migrate them to the Multidimensional Storage Manager (MSM) before installing DB2 OLAP Server version 8.1, or you will lose data. See Migrate from RSM to MSM before upgrading to Version 8.1 for more information.

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