DB2 OLAP Server Installation Guide

Security Migration Tool

The Security Migration Tool is a utility that migrates OLAP Security data. It allows the user to migrate data from one server onto another server, as well as across platforms. The tool also allows the user to migrate security information on applications, databases, filters, users, and groups. The tool updates the essbase.sec file on the destination server. It generates log files, which include information on the servers and data chosen for migration, as well as a data file that includes the migrated security data. The data file can be copied onto a destination server and used to migrate data, and used as a backup of security data. Additionally, The Security Migration tool migrates the data files associated with the applications and databases, including outlines and reports.

Main features of the Security Migration tool

The Security Migration tool in Version 8.1:

Supported platforms

The Security Migration Tool is supported on AIX and Windows.

The versions of the supported platforms depend on the operating system level requirements of the DB2 OLAP Server products to be accessed by the Security Migration Tool.

Running the Security Migration tool

To run the Security Migration tool:

  1. Download the installation program from the DB2 OLAP Server Web site:

    Store the download file into a temporary directory.

  2. Unzip the download file. Run the setup.exe file to start the installation program.
  3. Select the migration option. This will:
  4. Enter the server login information and security data options to migrate, such as applications, databases, filters, users, and groups. This includes the following:
    1. The OLAP directory of the server (this is the top level of the OLAP directory).
    2. The server name.
    3. Login information (used to log into the server).

    You cannot use an IP address; you must use a server name. The server name must be recognized by the server you are using. The following files should include the server names:

  5. You are prompted for the applications you want to migrate.
  6. A progress/summary panel is presented that lists the server(s) for the migration and a list of the security data to be migrated. This panel remains until the migration is complete.
  7. A results panel displays after completion. This panel shows the options that migrated successfully, and errors that occur.
    If there is a server login error, you can go back and re-enter the login information.

Migration output

The following table lists the files created by the migration tool.

Table 26. Output from migration

Migration .log file Definition
secmgr.log This will list in general what was migrated successfully (for example, "Applications migrated successfully"), and note what errors occurred. It will also reference the results.log file for error details.
results.log Contains details of the data that was migrated both successfully and unsuccessfully, including error numbers.
essbase.log The messages output to the Security Migration Tool by the source and/or destination OLAP servers.
connectXX.log The connection log for each API version accessed by the Security Migration Tool. This can be used in case there is an error in locating the messages database file, or for referencing the OLAP path entered for the server by the user. If one of the servers used is of an incompatible version, the error code will be noted in this file.
data.txt Contains all of the data chosen to be migrated.

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