DB2 OLAP Server Installation Guide

Installing DB2 OLAP Server

Make sure you consider the following important changes in how DB2 OLAP Server is installed in version 8.1.

Do not install in a directory whose name includes blanks
If you install Version 8.1 on a Windows computer on which you have an earlier version of DB2 OLAP Server, and if you accepted the default installation directory name when you installed the earlier version, then some functions in version 8.1 might fail. In earlier versions, the default installation directory name contained blanks, which causes the failure. Additionally, other functions might produce unpredictable results if the name of the installation directory contains underscores, dashes, or other special characters. If you are installing DB2 OLAP Server version 8.1 as a first-time installation, you are prompted for an installation directory. The new default directory for version 8.1 has the correct naming scheme, but if you choose to store DB2 OLAP Server in a different directory, it is strongly recommended that your directory name does not contain blanks, underscores, dashes, or other special characters.

If you install Version 8.1 into a different directory than your Version 7.1 installation, remember to update your environment settings to point to the new installation directory.

The Security Migration Tool is the easiest way to migrate your security data to another OLAP server
If you have an earlier version of DB2 OLAP Server and want to install the version 8.1 OLAP server component on the same computer, or on another AIX or Windows computer, you can use the Security Migration tool to migrate your applications, data, and user information. See Security Migration Tool for more information.

Upgrading to version 8.1 on the same Windows computer
If you have an earlier version of DB2 OLAP Server on your Windows computer, and you want to install version 8.1 on that computer, it is recommended that you make a copy of your existing OLAP directory. Then uninstall the previous edition, install version 8.1 (in a directory whose name does not contain blanks, underscores, dashes, or other special characters), and then import your application files and data into the new version.

You can install version 8.1 on top of an earlier version, and your existing OLAP applications will be available to the new or upgraded version. but results might be unpredictable. When you install a new version to the same directory, you should take the following steps as a precaution:

The Relational Storage Manager is not available in version 8.1
The Relational Storage Manager (RSM) is withdrawn from Version 8.1. If you are upgrading from DB2 OLAP Server Version 7.1 or prior, and you have you have applications that use the RSM, you must migrate them to the Multidimensional Storage Manager (MSM) before installing DB2 OLAP Server Version 8.1, or you will lose data. See Migrate from RSM to MSM before upgrading to Version 8.1 for more information.

During installation you are asked what edition and options you purchased. This information is used to build a license key for DB2 OLAP Server.

Installation steps

To install and set up DB2 OLAP Server on Windows:

  1. Insert the DB2 OLAP Server CD into the CD-ROM drive to start the installation program. If the program does not start automatically, you can run setup.exe from the root directory.
  2. Click Next. To cancel installation at any time, click Cancel. To display Help at any time, press F1.
  3. Press Accept to accept the Software License Agreement.
  4. Next, select the installation options that you want to install, and click Next.
  5. When prompted, select the edition of DB2 OLAP Server that you purchased, and click Next.

    If you are performing a Client Only install (such as for AS/400), or if you are installing on a Windows 9X platform, then Personal Edition will be selected by default and this screen will not be presented.

  6. On the Select Installation Options screen, you select which server and client components you want. You also have the option of loading an installable image of the clients onto a file server and make them available to your enterprise. To activate this feature, follow the directions in Setting up client installation from a network file server.
  7. In the Select Options Purchased screen, select the optional components that you purchased. This panel can be filled in if you are migrating from a previous OLAP Server release and the previous license information can be read. Click Next.
  8. In the Choose Destination Location panel, enter the drive and directory where you would like to install DB2 OLAP Server, and click Next. If you are doing a network installation, network drives will also be displayed in the Drive drop-down menu. IBM strongly recommends that you install DB2 OLAP Server and its features into a new separate directory; do not install into directory in which a product other than DB2 OLAP Server and its features has been installed.
  9. Select the type of installation that you want: Typical, Compact, or Custom.

    If you choose the Typical or Compact options, DB2 OLAP Server installs only a subset of the documentation. To install all the documentation, choose Custom during installation and select the books that you want. Click Next.

  10. Enter the user ID and password thta you want to designate as the DB2 OLAP Server super user, and click Next. The user ID must exist on the computer.
  11. Select the network protocol for your computer, and click Next. DB2 OLAP Integration Server only supports TCP/IP.
  12. Enter a name for the folder into which DB2 OLAP Server is installed, or accept the default. Click Next.
  13. Click next to start copying the files to your computer. You might need to restart your computer after the files are copied.


The essbase.sec file stores information about users, passwords for native security, groups, privileges, and applications. Each time that you successfully start the server component, essbase.exe, DB2 OLAP Server makes a backup copy of the security file (essbase.bak). If you attempt to start the Agent and a password prompt is not displayed or your password is rejected, no backup file is created. You can restore from the last successful startup by copying essbase.bak to essbase.sec. Both files are in the bin directory where you installed the server component.

For information about migrating your security information onto another OLAP server, see Security Migration Tool.

Network Protocol Files

Network protocol files implement the TCP/IP or Named Pipes protocol that you select when you install OLAP server or client software. The network protocol file for server software is essnet.dll. Additionally, the client software (for example, Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in) is installed with a separate essnet.dll. Network protocol files reside in the bin directory with the DB2 OLAP Server program files. If you have more than one server computer and the servers use different network protocols, you must install the client software in multiple directories, one for each network protocol. For example, you can install Spreadsheet Add-in for a Named Pipes server in n:\ibm\db2olap and Spreadsheet Add-in for a TCP/IP server in t:\ibm\db2olap. The two installations use different essnet.dll files.

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