DB2 Server for VSE: Messages and Codes

Rerunning DBS Utility

If no COMMIT of database changes occurred during this execution of the DBS Utility, all commands that altered the database should be reprocessed through the DBS Utility.

If a COMMIT of database changes occurred during this execution of the DBS Utility, rerun the DBS Utility but omit all the commands from the control statement input that altered the database prior to the last COMMIT of database changes.

A COMMIT of database changes may have occurred as a result of processing a user-supplied SQL COMMIT statement or as a result of the AUTOCOMMIT=ON processing initiated by a user-supplied DBS SET AUTOCOMMIT ON command.

If AUTOCOMMIT=ON, message ARI0811I is generated after each successful COMMIT of database changes by DBS Utility processing.

ARI0800I...Begin COMMIT. Input Record Count = count-value.

Explanation: This message is issued before DATALOAD or RELOAD COMMITCOUNT processing issues a COMMIT statement. The successful completion of the COMMIT will be identified by the subsequent message:

   ARI0811I ...COMMIT of any database
               changes successful.

count-value is the current input record count value. After the COMMIT statement successfully completes, this value should be used as the RESTARTCOUNT value (rcount) if DATALOAD or RELOAD processing fails before the next COMMIT statement successfully completes.

System Action: DBS utility processing continues.

ARI0801IDBS Utility started: &1. &2..


Explanation: Identifies the start of DBS Utility processing and that AUTOCOMMIT=OFF and ERRORMODE=OFF, and ISOLATION LEVEL=REPEATABLE READ are in effect for command processing.

&1. and &2. are a 17-position date and time (mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss) identifying when the message was issued.

System Action: Processing continues.

ARI0802IEnd of command file input.

Explanation: The last record has been read from the command file or an error has occurred that prevents further command file read processing. If a command file read error occurred, message ARI0814E will precede this message.

System Action: DBS Utility end of program processing is initiated.

ARI0803EInvalid command identifier.

Explanation: The last command displayed in the DBS Utility message listing cannot be identified. The command is not supported by DBS Utility processing or it does not begin with valid DBS Utility or SQL command identifier keywords.

All command file records are displayed as continuations of the invalid command up to but not including the command file record beginning the next recognizable command.

System Action: The command is not processed. See Common Error Action for more information.

Programmer Response: The command is not processed. See Common Error Action for more information.

ARI0804EInternal DBS error occurred: Module=&1. Reason Code=&2A.

Explanation: An internal DBS Utility error has occurred.

&1. is the name of the DBS Utility module detecting the error.

&2A. is a value that identifies the specific error detected by the module. The possible values and associated descriptions vary for each module and are described below.

After the message is generated, a storage dump is taken. Register 15 is set to a hexadecimal value unique to each module. These dump identification values (DUMP ID) are also described below.




ARIDALC 4 Invalid CALL to module. The call type parameter was not ALLOCATE (X'00') or FREE (X'08'). 800
ARIDALI 4 Invalid CALL to module. The call type parameter was not ALLOCATE (X'00') or FREE (X'08'). 801
ARIDALT 4 Invalid CALL to module. The call type parameter was not ALLOCATE (X'00') or FREE (X'08'). 802
ARIDBS 4 Invalid pointer was passed to the module that loads the character translation table. 803
ARIDCFI 8 Invalid CALL to module. A CALL to the module was made to read the command file:
  • Before the command file was opened,
  • After the command file was closed, or
  • After a command file I/O error occurred.
ARIDCSP 4 An entry to the module, the command file status, and the ARIDCSP processing control fields were in an inconsistent state. 805
ARIDCSP 8 Command build logic error. During command build processing, the last nonblank position of the command file record was less than the first nonblank position. 805
ARIDDFI 8 Invalid CALL to module. A CALL to the module was made to read the command file:
  • Before the command file was opened
  • After the command file was closed, or
  • After a command file I/O error occurred.
ARIDDLO 4 The current command was not a DBS DATALOAD TABLE command when the module ARIDDLO was entered. 807
ARIDDLO 8 Command processing logic error. An ARIDCSP return code (R15) value > 8 was received while reading commands for actual processing (no previous errors have occurred). 807
ARIDDLO 12 A command sequence check logic error occurred during normal command sequence processing. 807
ARIDDLO 16 A logic error occurred during DATALOAD input OPEN processing. The last command processed was not an INFILE or INMOD command. 807
ARIDDLO 20 Command processing logic error. An ARIDCSP return code (R15) value > 8 was received while reading commands after an error occurred. 807
ARIDDLO 24 An input data field was not processed for a column during INSERT processing based on column nodes already matched to data fields. 807
ARIDDUL 4 The current command was not a DATAUNLOAD command when module ARIDDUL was entered. 813
ARIDDUL 8 Command processing logic error. An ARIDCSP return code (R15) value > 8 was received while reading commands for actual processing. (That is, no previous commands occurred.) 813
ARIDDUL 12 A command sequence check logic error occurred during normal command sequence processing. 813
ARIDDUL 20 Command processing logic error. An ARIDCSP return code (R15) value > 8 was received while reading commands after an error occurred. 813
ARIDEXI 4 Invalid CALL to module. The call type parameter was not OPEN (X'12'), FETCH (X'02'), or CLOSE (X'04'). 808
ARIDSFA 4 Invalid CALL to module. The call type parameter was not ALLOCATE (X'00'), COMPUTE (X'02'), or FREE (X'04'). 809
ARIDSQL 4 Invalid CALL to module. The call type parameter was not valid. 810
ARIDUNL 12 Internal logic error. The SQL I/O area is too small. 812

System Action: Processing of the command is terminated. A storage dump request is issued. See Common Error Action for more information.

Programmer Response: Contact system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Perform problem determination. If a database system error occurred, make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.

ARI0805ECommand is incomplete.

Explanation: The last command displayed in the DBS Utility message listing is not complete.

All command file records were read or a command file read error occurred before the end of the command was identified.

The command file records comprising the command and any command file processing error messages appear before the ARI0805E message in the DBS Utility message listing.
Note:Unbalanced quotes in a command or command information appearing in positions 73 through 80 of a command file record may cause an erroneous end of file condition to occur.

System Action: The command is not processed. See Common Error Action for more information.

Programmer Response: Refer to the previous messages in the DBS Utility message listing to identify the type of command being built and a description of any abnormal command file processing conditions.

Correct the command error or the command file problem identified and rerun the job. (See Rerunning DBS Utility.)

ARI0806EThe command length already is greater than 8192 positions.

Explanation: The last command displayed in the message listing is longer than 8192 positions. The maximum command length has already been exceeded before this control statement was read. The contents of this control statement cannot be appended to the command being built.

This message will only appear after the condition described by message ARI0810E has occurred.

System Action: Refer to message ARI0810E.

Programmer Response: Refer to message ARI0810E.

ARI0807E...Errors occurred during command processing.

Explanation: Indicates that all user commands have not processed successfully during execution of the DBS Utility.

System Action: DBS Utility end of program processing continues.

Programmer Response: Refer to the previous messages in the DBS Utility message listing to identify the errors encountered.

ARI0808IDBS processing completed: &1.&2..

Explanation: Identifies the end of DBS Utility command processing.

&1.&2. is a 17-position date and time (mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss) identifying when the message was issued.

System Action: DBS Utility end of program processing continues. The message file is closed and processor storage areas acquired at the start of DBS Utility processing are released before DBS Utility processing terminates.

ARI0809I...No errors occurred during command processing.

Explanation: All commands supplied were processed successfully, or all commands since the last SET ERRORMODE OFF command were processed successfully.

System Action: DBS Utility end of program processing continues.

ARI0810ECommand file record truncated after position &1A..

Explanation: The last command displayed in the DBS Utility message listing exceeds the maximum command length of 8192 positions.

&1. is the position (column in the control statement record) of last control statement displayed that was identified as position 8192 of the command.
Note:If no commands approaching the maximum command length were present in the DBS Utility command file input, reasons for the error condition prompting this message are:

System Action:

Programmer Response: Analyze the previous command file records displayed in the DBS Utility message listing.

Correct the command or if necessary, reduce the length of the command by eliminating unnecessary blanks between command parameters in each control statement, then reprocess the command. (See Rerunning DBS Utility.)

ARI0811I...&1. of any database changes successful.

Explanation: The DBS Utility initiated execution of an SQL COMMIT or SQL ROLLBACK command was successful. The command was not supplied as user input, but was executed automatically by DBS Utility processing. Any database changes made since the beginning of DBS Utility processing, or since the last SQL COMMIT or SQL ROLLBACK command was executed, have been committed or rolled back.


System Action: DBS Utility processing continues.

Programmer Response: If a ROLLBACK of database changes is indicated, reference the previous error messages to identify the errors that caused the ROLLBACK and the action to be taken.

If a COMMIT of database changes is indicated, DBS Utility processing committed the database changes automatically because AUTOCOMMIT=ON or because ERRORMODE=OFF was in effect when the DBS Utility end of program processing was initiated.

ARI0812I...Resume command execution: AUTOCOMMIT=OFF ERRORMODE=OFF.

Explanation: A DBS SET ERRORMODE OFF command was successfully processed. DBS Utility will resume execution of commands at this point with AUTOCOMMIT=OFF and ERRORMODE=OFF.

System Action: Proceeds to process and execute commands with AUTOCOMMIT=OFF and ERRORMODE=OFF.

ARI0813I...Suspend command execution: AUTOCOMMIT=OFF ERRORMODE=ON.

Explanation: This message identifies that DBS Utility error mode processing is being initiated (AUTOCOMMIT=OFF and ERRORMODE=ON).

System Action:

ARI0814EFile &1. error: DNAME=&2. Reason Code = &3A.. Return Code = &4A..

Explanation: An input/output file processing error occurred.

&1. is either OPEN, CLOSE, READ (GET), or WRITE (PUT).

&2. is DNAME identifying the file.

&3A. is the Primary Error Code describing the error.

&4A. is the Secondary Error Code describing the error.

Primary Error Code: The Reason Code = &3A. value reflects an error detected by either a DBS Utility module or the DB2 Server for VSE Operating System Dependent Service Module Generalized I/O Routine (ARISYSD5). The code values in the following list are provided by the DBS Utility:

Module ARIDMGE print message call, but the message number in the CPA field CPAMSGNO is 0.

Module ARIDMGE print line call (not a message), but the CPA field CPAMSGNO is not 0.

Module ARIDMGE print SQL message call, but the CPA field CPAMSGNO is not 0.

Module ARIDDFI detected an unsupported or incorrect record format (RECFM) after the file was successfully opened.

Module ARIDDUL detected an incorrect record format (RECFM) after the file was successfully opened. The DATAUNLOAD processing requires an output record length greater than 32760 bytes, but the output file identified is not defined with spanned records (RECFM = VS or VBS).

Module ARIDRLP detected an empty file. RELOAD PROGRAM processing requires a non-empty file and may be created by UNLOAD PROGRAM processing.

ARIDMGE detected an unknown error. The message processing status fields are in an inconsistent state.

All other Primary Error Code values are provided by ARISYSD5. For further explanation, look up the displayed error codes under either Chapter 20, Sequential File Errors, or "SEQ FILE ERRORS" in the HELP text.

Secondary Error Codes: The Return Code =&4A; value is an error code provided by the DB2 Server for VSE Operating System Dependent Service Module Generalized I/O Routine (ARISYSD5).

If the Primary Error Code is provided by a DBS Utility module, the Secondary Error Code is zero. For further explanation, look up the displayed error codes under either Chapter 20, Sequential File Errors, or "SEQ FILE ERRORS" in the HELP text.

System Action: Command processing is ended. See Common Error Action for more information.

Programmer Response: Determine problem with the file identified by analyzing any reason code displayed in this message, and any DBS Utility messages displayed previous to this message or by operating system messages displayed on the operator console or terminal.

If possible, correct the error and reprocess the last command displayed in the DBS Utility message listing. (See Rerunning DBS Utility.)

If the error cannot be corrected, notify the system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Perform problem determination. If a database system error occurred, make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.

ARI0815I...&1. Processing Mode = &2..

Explanation: This message is displayed as a result of processing a Database Services Utility SET AUTOCOMMIT or SET UPDATE STATISTICS command. It identifies whether DBS AUTOCOMMIT or UPDATE STATISTICS processing will be ON or OFF for subsequent command processing.


&2. is ON or OFF.

System Action: Processing proceeds.

ARI0816EDBS COMMENT command does not end with a single quote.

Explanation: An error has occurred in the last DBS COMMENT command displayed in the DBS Utility message listing. The terminating single quote for the comment text was not found.

System Action: See Common Error Action.

Programmer Response: Ensure that there are no unbalanced quotes in the command and that command information is not supplied in positions 73 through 80 of the command file records comprising the command. Correct the command and reprocess it. (See Rerunning DBS Utility.)

ARI0817I...Command file processing was interrupted.

Explanation: Command file processing was interrupted because the command file was empty or because a command file read error occurred before the first command was completed. One of the following occurred:

System Action: DBS Utility end of program processing is initiated.

Programmer Response: If the message ARI0814E precedes this message in the DBS Utility message listing, correct the command file error indicated. Rerun the job. (See Rerunning DBS Utility.)

ARI0818EModule &1. load error: Reason Code=&2A..

Explanation: A module necessary for INMOD command processing could not be loaded into storage.

The module name (&1) was supplied by the INMOD command displayed in the DBS Utility message listing preceding this message.

The reason code (&2A) is the VSE CDLOAD macro return code value. Refer to the IBM VSE/ESA System Macros Reference manual for an explanation of the codes.

System Action: Command processing is ended. See Common Error Action for more information.

Programmer Response: Take the appropriate action necessary to correct the error identified by the reason code or contact your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Take the appropriate action necessary to correct the error identified by the reason code. Rerun the job.

ARI0819I...Command not processed: ERRORMODE=ON.

Explanation: The command displayed preceding this message in the DBS Utility message listing was not processed because of a previous error.

System Action: DBS Utility error mode processing continues.

ARI0821EModule module-name interface error. Reason Code = reason-code

Explanation: An error has been detected by module module-name. The INMOD command is displayed preceding this message in the DBS Utility message listing.

The reason-code is the return code issued by module-name. The values are:

8          Processing error.

System Action: See Common Error Action for more information.

Programmer Response: Refer to the previous DB2 Server for VSE messages in the message output listing to identify the error encountered and the action to be taken.

ARI0822ECommands are out of sequence or a subcommand is missing.

Explanation: The last command displayed is out of sequence. Either required DBS DATALOAD or DATAUNLOAD subcommands have been omitted, or the command file records are out of sequence.

System Action: The DATALOAD or DATAUNLOAD command is not executed. See Common Error Action for more information.

Programmer Response: Supply all required commands and subcommands in the correct sequence and reprocess the commands. (See Rerunning DBS Utility.)

ARI0823ESQL message formatting error. SQLCODE=&1A..

Explanation: An internal DBS Utility error has occurred. The DBS Utility module ARIDSQL received a return code = 20 or 24 from the module ARIMSMF while attempting to format the descriptive text for the identified SQLCODE.

System Action: Processing continues.

Programmer Response: Notify your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Perform problem determination. If a database system error occurred, make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.

ARI0824E&1. storage unavailable. Bytes Requested = &2A. Reason Code = &3A.

Explanation: The identified DBS Utility module could not acquire the required amount of processor storage.

&1. is a module name.

&2A. is the amount of storage requested in bytes.

&3A. is a code describing the error (see below).

The code value (&3A.) is the return code supplied by the DB2 Server for VSE Common Service Module (ARISYSD) in response to the acquire storage request made through the entry point ARISYSD1.

The code value is the same as the return code supplied by the GETVIS macro. The GETVIS macro return codes are described in the IBM VSE/ESA System Macros Reference manual.

System Action: See Common Error Action.

Programmer Response: Correct the problem identified by the reason code (&3A.) displayed in the message text.

If the problem cannot be corrected, contact the system programmer.

System Programmer Response: If the problem identified by the reason code (&3A.) cannot be corrected, perform problem determination. If a database system error occurred, make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.

ARI0825E&1. &2. storage not released: Reason Code = &3A..

Explanation: The identified DBS Utility module could not release processor storage.

&1. is a module name.

&2. is an area name.

&3A. is a code describing the error (see below).

The code value (&3A.) is the return code supplied by the DB2 Server for VSE Common Service Module (ARISYSD) in response to the acquire storage request made through the entry point ARISYSD2.

The code value is the same as the return code supplied by the FREEVIS macro. The FREEVIS macro return codes are described in the IBM VSE/ESA System Macros Reference manual.

System Action: Processing of the last command displayed in the DBS Utility message listing is terminated. Also see Common Error Action for more information.

Programmer Response: Correct the problem identified by the reason code (&3A.) supplied in the message text.

If the problem cannot be corrected, contact the system programmer.

System Programmer Response: If the problem cannot be corrected, perform problem determination. If a database system error occurred, make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.

ARI0827I...Begin command execution: ERRORMODE=CONTINUE.

Explanation: This message is generated after a DBS Utility SET ERRORMODE CONTINUE command was successfully processed. It is also generated during the DBS Utility program initialization if the control file is assigned to the terminal.

The DBS Utility will execute subsequent commands with the normal DBS Utility error processing suppressed. If a command processing error is detected, the Database Services Utility will neither execute an SQL ROLLBACK statement nor enter DBS Utility error mode processing. Subsequent commands will be executed by the DBS Utility. For a further explanation of this processing, refer to the description of the DBS Utility SET ERRORMODE command CONTINUE parameter.

System Action:

ARI0828I...&1. reset to &2A..

Explanation: This message is generated after a DBS Utility SET LINECOUNT/LINEWIDTH command was successfully processed.


LINECOUNT identifies the number of lines per print page to be used for the DBS Utility message file output.

LINEWIDTH identifies the number of print positions per line to be used for the DBS Utility message file output resulting from SQL SELECT command processing.

LINECOUNT or LINEWIDTH value to be used for the DBS Utility message file output.

System Action: Command processing continues.

ARI0830EUser-supplied SELECT statement error encountered.

Explanation: An error was detected during SQL processing of the SQL SELECT statement supplied by the user for DATAUNLOAD processing.

System Action: Command processing is ended. See Common Error Action for more information.

Programmer Response: Refer to the error messages in the DBS Utility message listing prior to this message for a description of the SQL error encountered. Correct the SQL SELECT statement error and rerun the command.

ARI0831IColumn &1. data will not be unloaded.

Explanation: This message identifies a column in the select-list of the DATAUNLOAD command that is not referenced by the user-supplied Data-Field-Identification subcommands. The data for the column will not be unloaded.

&1. is the column name of the select-list column that will not be unloaded.

System Action: DBS Utility processing continues.

ARI0832IColumn &1. data truncation or data overflow may occur.

Explanation: This message identifies one of the following conditions:

&1. is a column name or integer value specified in the Data-Field-Identification subcommand that identifies a select-list column in the SQL SELECT statement supplied after the DATAUNLOAD command.

System Action: DBS Utility processing continues.

ARI0833EColumn &1. data overflow. Rowcount = &2A..

Explanation: This message identifies an occurrence of a numeric select-list column value that exceeds the capacity of the output record numeric data field. The significant digits of the column value cannot be contained in the output record data field.

&1. is a column name or integer value specified in the Data-Field-Identification subcommand.

&2A. is an SQL SELECT row count at the time the condition was detected. For example, if this condition was detected in the tenth row selected from the database by the SQL SELECT statement supplied for DATAUNLOAD processing, this value will be 10.

System Action: The row cannot be written to the output file. If the row is written to the output file, the data may be truncated or replaced by asterisks. DBS Utility processing will be stopped when end-of-input, SQLCODE 100 is detected.

Programmer Response: Verify that the output file contains the expected data. If it does not, correct the applicable dataunload Data-Field-Identification subcommand and rerun the command.

ARI0834EInvalid data field position for column &1..

Explanation: This message identifies that a data field for a column referenced by a DATAUNLOAD Data-Field-Identification subcommand starts or ends in an output record position exceeding the specified length of the output record. The length of the output record is identified in the previous ARI0868I message that appears in the DBS Utility message listing.

&1. is a column name or integer value specified in the Data-Field-Identification subcommand that identifies a select-list column in the SQL SELECT statement supplied after the DATAUNLOAD command.

System Action: Command processing is ended. See Common Error Action for more information.

Programmer Response: Correct the applicable DATAUNLOAD Data-Field-Identification subcommand or increase the length of the output record and rerun the command.

ARI0835I&1A. records were written to the output data file.

Explanation: Identifies the number of records written to the output data file by DATAUNLOAD processing.

&1A. is the number of records.

System Action: DBS Utility processing continues.

ARI0836IDefault output record data field positions:

Explanation: This message precedes the ARI0837I messages that identify the default output record data field positions for a DATAUNLOAD command select-list.

System Action: DBS Utility processing continues. One or more ARI0837I messages will be generated after this message.

ARI0837I&1. &2A.-&3A..

Explanation: Identifies the default output record data field positions for a DATAUNLOAD command select-list column. This message follows message ARI0836I or another occurrence of message ARI0837I in the DBS Utility message listing.

&1. is the column name or integer value that identifies the source of the data.

&2A. is the default start position for the column data in the output data record.

&3A. is the default end position for the column data in the output data record.

System Action: DBS Utility processing continues.

ARI0838EInvalid SQL CONNECT statement syntax.

Explanation: The syntax of an SQL CONNECT statement is not valid. For example:

System Action: The command is not processed. See Common Error Action for more information.

Programmer Response: Correct the command and reprocess it. (See Rerunning DBS Utility.)

ARI0839ELINEWIDTH is not less than message record length = &1A..

Explanation: An invalid value is specified for the LINEWIDTH parameter in the last command displayed in the DBS Utility message file listing. The value is equal to or greater than the DBS Utility message file record length.

&1A. is a DBS Utility message file record length.

System Action: Command processing is ended. See Common Error Action for more information.

Programmer Response: Correct the command or define the DBS Utility message file with a larger record length and rerun the job. (See Rerunning DBS Utility.)

ARI0840EInvalid data type = &1A. encountered in the SQLDA.

Explanation: While processing the last command displayed in the DBS Utility message listing, an invalid SQLDA data type value was detected after the execution of a DBS-initiated SQL DESCRIBE command. This is a DBS Utility program error or a DB2 Server for VSE system error.

&1A. is the invalid data type detected.

System Action: Processing of the current command is terminated. Also see Common Error Action.

Programmer Response: Notify your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Perform problem determination. If a database system error occurred, make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.

ARI0841EEnd of file or read error before data record completed.

Explanation: During DATALOAD continued record processing, the last data record read indicated that the data was continued in the following data record. An end of file condition or read error occurred before the continuation record was read.

System Action: DATALOAD command processing is ended. Also see Common Error Action.

Programmer Response: If a command file read error is indicated by the error message ARI0814E displayed previous to this message in the DBS Utility message listing, correct the file problem identified.

If a command file read error did not occur, correct the continuation indicator in the input data record.

Reprocess the command. (See Rerunning DBS Utility.)


Explanation: This message is issued when the COMMITCOUNT parameter is specified on the DATALOAD INFILE or RELOAD INFILE subcommand and Database Services Utility AUTOCOMMIT processing is OFF. A Database Services Utility SET AUTOCOMMIT command must be issued prior to running a DATALOAD or RELOAD command with COMMITCOUNT processing in effect.

System Action: DATALOAD or RELOAD command processing is ended.

Programmer Response: Rerun after supplying a SET AUTOCOMMIT ON command before the DATALOAD or RELOAD command or removing the COMMITCOUNT parameter from the DATALOAD INFILE or RELOAD INFILE subcommand.

ARI0843IRestart processing at input data record = &1A..

Explanation: This message identifies the input record count at which DATALOAD or RELOAD processing will begin after the number of records specified by the RESTARTCOUNT value (rcount) are read and skipped. The value (&1A.) is one more than RESTARTCOUNT value.

System Action: Processing continues.

ARI0844EEnd of data or read error occurred during RESTART processing.

Explanation: This message is issued when an input file read error or end-of-file condition occurs before the number of records specified in the RESTARTCOUNT value (rcount) are read.

System Action: Command processing is ended.

Programmer Response: Either a bad input file was used or an incorrect RESTARTCOUNT value (rcount) was specified. Rerun using a good input file or with the correct RESTARTCOUNT value.

ARI0845IProcess input table data: &1..&2.

Explanation: The input table identified will be processed by the RELOAD DBSPACE or the RELOAD TABLE command.

&1. is the input table owner.

&2. is the input table name.

System Action: DBS Utility processing continues.

ARI0846IIgnore input table data: &1..&2.

Explanation: The input table identified will not be processed by the RELOAD DBSPACE command.

&1. is the input table owner.

&2. is the input table name.

System Action: DBS Utility processing continues.

ARI0847I...No input tables processed.

Explanation: No tables were loaded as a result of processing the last RELOAD DBSPACE command displayed in the DBS Utility message listing.

If the last command displayed is a RELOAD DBSPACE command with the NEW option, none of the tables in the input file could be created and loaded because they already exist in the database.

If the last command displayed is a RELOAD DBSPACE command with the PURGE option, none of the tables in the input file could be loaded because they do not exist in the specified DBSPACE.

System Action: Processing continues.

Programmer Response: None if the desired results were produced.

If the desired results were not produced, review the commands displayed in the DBS Utility message listing, supply the correct command, and reprocess.

ARI0848EReload of system tables not allowed.

Explanation: The last command displayed in the DBS Utility message listing is a Database Services Utility RELOAD command that attempted to load one of the DB2 Server for VSE catalog tables. Any table with an owner = SYSTEM cannot be loaded with a Database Services Utility RELOAD command.

System Action: Processing of the command is terminated. Also see Common Error Action.

Programmer Response: Do not attempt to load a catalog table with a Database Services Utility RELOAD command.

ARI0849EDefinition of the input table &1..&2. is not identical to the definition of the current table &3..&4..&5.

Explanation: The last command displayed in the DBS Utility message listing requested that an existing application server table be loaded with erroneous input file data.

The definition of the table from which the input file table data originated is not identical to the definition of the target table in the application server.

System Action: Processing of the last command displayed in the DBS Utility message listing is terminated. Also see Common Error Action.

Programmer Response: Correct the command and reprocess it. (See Rerunning DBS Utility.)

ARI0850ISQL SELECT processing successful: Rowcount = &1A..

Explanation: Identifies that the DBS Utility processing of an SQL SELECT statement has completed without error.

&1A. is the number of rows selected.

System Action: Processing continues.

ARI0851ESQL SELECT processing unsuccessful: Rowcount = &1A..

Explanation: Identifies that the processing of an SQL SELECT statement by the DBS Utility was not successful.

&1A. is the number of rows retrieved by the SQL SELECT statement before the error was encountered.

System Action: See Common Error Action.

Programmer Response: Refer to the previous messages in the DBS Utility message listing for a description of the errors encountered.

ARI0852Iparm1 parm2 processing started.

Explanation: This message identifies the start of actual execution of the indicated command.

If no subsequent messages appear in the DBS Utility message listing, VSE or the DB2 Server for VSE system may have terminated the DBS Utility package. Check the operator console messages to determine the reason for termination.

System Action: Processing continues.

ARI0853Iparm1 parm2.parm3.parm4 successful.

Explanation: The indicated DBS Utility processing for a database table or DBSPACE has completed successfully.

System Action: Processing continues.

ARI0854Eparm1 parm2.parm3.parm4 unsuccessful.

Explanation: The indicated DBS Utility processing for a database table or DBSPACE has not completed successfully:

System Action: See Common Error Action.

Programmer Response: Correct the command errors identified by previous messages in the DBS Utility message listing and reprocess the command. (See Rerunning DBS Utility.)

ARI0855I&1. &2. processing successful.

Explanation: The DBS Utility processing of the identified command has completed successfully.

&1. is the primary command name.

&2. is TABLE, INDEX or blank.

System Action: Processing continues.

ARI0856EThe following SQL error and/or warning conditions occurred for a DBS-initiated SQL &1. statement.

Explanation: While processing the last command displayed in the DBS Utility message listing, an SQL warning or error condition occurred for the DBS Utility initiated execution of an SQL statement.

The SQL messages that immediately follow this message describe the SQL conditions encountered.

&1. identifies the SQL statement executed by the DBS Utility that resulted in the SQL error or warning conditions.

System Action: Processing of the last command displayed in the DBS Utility message listing is terminated. Also see Common Error Action.

Programmer Response: Analyze the SQL problem described in the following SQL messages. If possible, correct the error and reprocess the command. (See Rerunning DBS Utility.)

If the SQL error indicated cannot be corrected, contact your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: If the SQL error cannot be corrected, it is a probable database manager program error. Gather all job output (include the DBS Utility generated messages, any storage dumps generated, and the operator console output related to the job), and then contact the designated support group for your installation.

ARI0857E&1. &2. processing unsuccessful.

Explanation: The DBS Utility processing of the identified command has not completed successfully.

&1. is the primary command name.

&2. is TABLE, INDEX or blank.

System Action: See Common Error Action.

Programmer Response: Refer to previous error messages in the DBS Utility message listing for a description of the errors encountered and the action to take.

ARI0858EDATALOAD of more than 16 tables is not allowed.

Explanation: More than 16 DATALOAD TABLE commands were entered before an INFILE subcommand. The concurrent load of more than 16 tables through a single sequence of Database Services Utility DATALOAD TABLE commands is not allowed.

System Action: DATALOAD TABLE processing is ended. Also see Common Error Action.

Programmer Response: Reduce the number of DATALOAD TABLE commands preceding the INFILE subcommand to 16 and reprocess the commands. (See Rerunning DBS Utility.)

ARI0859EInvalid column reference.

Explanation: The last DATALOAD TABLE Table-Column-Identification (TCI) or DATAUNLOAD Data-Field-Identification (DFI) subcommand displayed in the DBS Utility message listing contains an invalid column name or column reference. The column is not in the table specified in the last DATALOAD TABLE command or in the select-list of the SQL SELECT statement for the last DATAUNLOAD command displayed in the DBS Utility message listing.

System Action: Command processing is ended. See Common Error Action for more information.

Programmer Response: Determine the correct column name or column reference, alter the command and rerun.

ARI0860E...ENDDATA command missing.

Explanation: An end of command file input condition occurred while reading the DATALOAD TABLE command input data records embedded within the command file. The ENDDATA command identifying the end of embedded data records was not encountered before the end of command file input condition occurred.

The end of command file input condition may have occurred because of a command file read error or because all command records were read.

System Action: DATALOAD TABLE processing is terminated unsuccessfully. Also see Common Error Action.

Programmer Response: If a command file read error is indicated by the error message ARI0814E displayed previous to this message in the DBS Utility message listing, correct the file problem identified.

If a command file error did not occur, supply an ENDDATA command after the last embedded input data record in the command file input.

Reprocess the command. (See Rerunning DBS Utility.)

ARI0861ENULL/CURRENT clause specified for column defined as NOT NULL or invalid data type.

Explanation: The last DATALOAD TABLE Table-Column-Identification (TCI) or DATAUNLOAD Data-Field-Identification (DFI) subcommand displayed in the DBS Utility message listing contains:

System Action: Command processing is ended. See Common Error Action for more information.

Programmer Response: Correct the command and reprocess it. (See Rerunning DBS Utility.)

ARI0862ESQL INSERT error (table name is &1..&2..&3.).
Current input record count is &4A..

Explanation: An SQL error or warning condition occurred while processing the last or last group of DBS Utility commands displayed in the DBS Utility message listing. The input record count when the error occurred is also identified. If insert blocking is not being used for the table identified in the message, the record count displayed will be the record in error. If insert blocking is being used for the table, the record count is the count up to the end of the current block. The record in error may be a previous record in the block. Setting COMMITCOUNT to 1 will turn off blocking.

The actual table being processed when the SQL condition occurred is identified in the message:

&1. is the server-name.

&2. is the table owner.

&3. is the table name.

&4A. is the input record count.

The SQL error or warning condition is identified by the preceding SQL messages in the DBS Utility message listing.

Hexadecimal Display:

A hexadecimal display of the data record being processed when the SQL error occurred will follow the message text. If DB2 Server for VSE insert blocking is not being used for the table identified in the message, the data record containing the bad data value will be displayed. If insert blocking is being used for the table, the data record displayed will be the current data record being processed when the DBS Utility processing detected the SQL error. The bad data value may be in the record displayed or in a previous data record.

System Action: Command processing is ended. See Common Error Action for more information.

Programmer Response: Correct the command and reprocess it. (See Rerunning DBS Utility.)

ARI0863E&1..&2..&3. &4. data field positions exceed input record length.

Explanation: A table column data field is not complete in an input data record. The start position or end position of the table column data field exceeds the length of an input data record.

&1. is the server-name.

&2. is the table owner.

&3. is the table name.

&4. is the column name.

System Action: DATALOAD TABLE processing is ended. Also see Common Error Action.

Programmer Response: Correct the DATALOAD TABLE Table-column-identification subcommand. Rerun the job. (See Rerunning DBS Utility.)

ARI0864EData field is longer than the column.

Explanation: The last DATALOAD TABLE Table-Column-Identification (TCI) displayed in the DBS Utility message listing specifies:

System Action: DATALOAD TABLE processing is ended. Also see Common Error Action.

Programmer Response: Correct the command or correct the input data. Rerun the job. (See Rerunning DBS Utility.)

ARI0865EInvalid data field data type for column.

Explanation: The last DATALOAD TABLE Table-Column-Identification (TCI) or DATAUNLOAD Data-Field-Identification (DFI) subcommand displayed in the DBS Utility message listing specifies an invalid input or output record field data type for the associated table or select-list column.

System Action: DATALOAD TABLE processing is ended. Also see Common Error Action.

Programmer Response: Correct the command or correct the input data. Reprocess the command. (See Rerunning DBS Utility.)

ARI0866EInput record data field error: Column = &1.. Input Record Count = &2A..

Explanation: A data conversion error occurred.

The input data could not be converted to the table column numeric data type because the input data field contains one of the following errors:

&1. is the table column name.

&2A. is the input record count at the time the error occurred.

Hexadecimal Display:

A hexadecimal display of the data record containing the incorrect data value will follow the text.

System Action: DATALOAD TABLE processing is ended. Also see Common Error Action.

Programmer Response: Correct the input data. Rerun the job. (See Rerunning DBS Utility.)

ARI0867EInvalid data field length.

Explanation: The last DATALOAD TABLE Table-Column-Identification (TCI) or DATAUNLOAD Data-Field-Identification (TFI) subcommand, displayed in the DBS Utility message listing, specifies an invalid length for a FIXED, FLOAT, REAL, DOUBLE PRECISION, GRAPHIC, TIME, DATE or TIMESTAMP data record data field:

System Action: DATALOAD TABLE processing is ended. Also see Common Error Action.

Programmer Response: Correct the command and reprocess it. (See Rerunning DBS Utility.)


Explanation: This message contains the input or output file specifications being used by DBS Utility command processing to open the input or output data file.

The information reflects the INFILE or OUTFILE command specifications or indicates the DBS Utility defaults that are being used.

This message will be generated after an input or output data file has been successfully initialized (opened) for processing.

&1. is the INFILE or OUTFILE dname parameter.

&2. is the record format specification:

S or VS
= Variable, spanned, unblocked
= Variable, spanned, blocked
= Fixed, unblocked
= Fixed, blocked
= Variable, unblocked
= Variable, blocked

&3A. is the logical record length specification.
Note:For input or output data files with variable-length spanned records, the actual logical record length may be greater than the record length displayed in the message.
&4A. is the block size specification.

System Action: DBS Utility processing continues.

ARI0871ETable &1..&2..&3. not found.

Explanation: The identified table was not found in SYSTEM.SYSCATALOGS.

&1. is the server-name.

&2. is the table owner.

&3. is the table name.

System Action: Command processing is ended. See Common Error Action for more information.

Programmer Response: Ensure the table name specified in the command is correct.

If incorrect, correct the command and reprocess it. (See Rerunning DBS Utility.)

If correct, the table must be created before it can be processed by an UNLOAD or DATALOAD command or the NEW parameter must be specified in the RELOAD TABLE command.

ARI0872EDBSPACE &1. not found.

Explanation: The identified DBSPACE is not in the database. If owner.DBSPACE name was specified in the last command displayed in the DBS Utility message listing, that specific DBSPACE was not found. If only a DBSPACE name was specified in the last command, neither a private or public DBSPACE with this name was found.

System Action: Command processing is ended. See Common Error Action for more information.

Programmer Response: Ensure that the DBSPACE name specified in the UNLOAD DBSPACE or RELOAD DBSPACE command is correct.

If incorrect, correct the command and reprocess it. (See Rerunning DBS Utility.)

If correct, the DBSPACE must be acquired and tables created in the DBSPACE before the DBSPACE can be unloaded.

ARI0873EDBSPACE &1..&2..&3. contains no tables.

Explanation: The identified DBSPACE is empty.

&1. is the server-name.

&2. is the DBSPACE owner.

&3. is the DBSPACE name.

System Action: Command processing is ended. See Common Error Action for more information.

Programmer Response: Do not attempt to UNLOAD the DBSPACE until tables are created in the DBSPACE.

ARI0874I&1A. rows unloaded from table &2..&3..&4..

Explanation: Identifies the number of rows unloaded from a table and written to the output file during UNLOAD command processing.

&1A. is the number of rows.

&2. is the server-name.

&3. is the table owner.

&4. is the table name.

System Action: Processing continues.

ARI0875I&1A. rows loaded into table &2..&3..&4..

Explanation: Identifies the number of rows loaded into a table.

&1A. is the number of rows.

&2. is the server-name.

&3. is the table owner.

&4. is the table name.

System Action: Processing continues.

ARI0876EData file record error: Record Type = &1A.. Input record count = &2A.. Reason Code = &3A..

Explanation: An error has been detected in the RELOAD TABLE or RELOAD DBSPACE input data file. The format or content of the input file is incorrect.

RECORD TYPE (&1A.) identifies the type of input record expected, or the type of record being processed when the error occurred.

Possible types are:

Unload header record

SQLDA table description record

Table row data record.

Input record count (&2A.) identifies the number of input file records read before the error was detected.

Reason Code (&3A.) identifies the particular error that was encountered.

The definition of the REASON CODE values are:

A premature end of file occurred. &1A. identifies the record type value expected when the end of file condition occurred.

An unexpected record type was read or the format of a record read is invalid. &1A. identifies the expected record type.

System Action: Command processing is ended. See Common Error Action for more information.

Programmer Response: If the input file was created by DBS UNLOAD processing, contact the system programmer.

If the input file was not created by DBS UNLOAD processing, correct the error and rerun the job.

System Programmer Response: Perform problem determination. If a database system error occurred, make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.

ARI0877ETable &1..&2..&3. not created. It already exists.

Explanation: A table with the tablename specified in the last RELOAD TABLE command displayed in the DBS Utility message listing could not be created since a table with the same owner.tablename already exists in the database.

&1. is the name of the application server.

&2. is the owner of the table.

&3. is the name of the table.

System Action: Command processing is ended. See Common Error Action for more information.

Programmer Response: Correct the command by specifying a different tablename or the PURGE parameter and reprocess the command. (See Rerunning DBS Utility.)

ARI0878ECreation of &1. &2..&3..&4. failed.

Explanation: While processing the last RELOAD command displayed in the DBS Utility message listing, an SQL CREATE TABLE or INDEX statement executed by DBS Utility resulted in an SQL error or warning condition.

&1. is TABLE or INDEX.

&2. is the server-name.

&3. is the owner of the table or index.

&4. is the name of the table or index.

System Action: Command processing is ended. See Common Error Action for more information.

Programmer Response: Refer to the messages preceding this message in the DBS Utility message listing to identify the SQL error or warning conditions encountered. Perform the actions necessary to correct the SQL condition. Rerun the job. (See Rerunning DBS Utility.)

ARI0879ITable &1..&2..&3. created.

Explanation: Identifies that a table has been successfully created while processing the last RELOAD command displayed in the DBS Utility message listing.

&1. is the server-name.

&2. is the table owner.

&3. is the table name.

System Action: Processing continues.

ARI0880I&1A. rows deleted from table &2..&3..&4..

Explanation: Identifies the number of table rows deleted while processing the last RELOAD command displayed in the DBS Utility message listing.

&1A. is the number of rows in the table that were deleted.

&2. is the name of the server-name.

&3. is the owner of the table.

&4. is the name of the table.

System Action: Processing continues.

ARI0881E&1. &2..&3. was not found.

Explanation: The table name specified by the INTABLE or RESTARTTABLE parameter in the last RELOAD TABLE command displayed in the DBS Utility message listing was not found on the input data file.

&1. is a RELOAD parameter value (either INTABLE or RESTARTTABLE).

&2. is the table owner (if specified in either INTABLE or RESTARTTABLE).

&3. is the table name specified in the INTABLE or RESTARTTABLE parameter.

System Action: Command processing is ended. See Common Error Action for more information.

Programmer Response: Correct the command and reprocess it. (See Rerunning DBS Utility.)

ARI0882EMissing the &1. &2. parameter.

Explanation: A command parameter is missing from the last command displayed in the DBS Utility message listing.

&1. is the command or command parameter identifier.

&2. is the command parameter subidentifier (optional).

System Action: Command processing is ended. See Common Error Action for more information.

Programmer Response: Correct the command and reprocess it. (See Rerunning DBS Utility.)

ARI0883EExtra command parameters.

Explanation: The last command displayed in the DBS Utility message listing contains additional information after all valid command parameters have been specified.

The message may also occur because the command file record after a DBS Utility command does not contain a valid command identifier, or information has been specified after the terminating semicolon in an SQL statement parsed by DBS Utility processing.
Note:Only the various forms of the SQL COMMIT, ROLLBACK, and CONNECT statements are parsed by DBS Utility processing.

System Action: Command processing is ended. See Common Error Action for more information.

Programmer Response: Correct the command and reprocess it. (See Rerunning DBS Utility.)

ARI0884I...Command processed.

Explanation: The last command displayed in the DBS Utility message listing was processed.

System Action: DBS Utility processing continues.

ARI0885EInvalid &1. value length.

Explanation: The length of a command parameter value is invalid in the last command displayed in the DBS Utility message listing.

&1. identifies the command parameter.

System Action: Command processing is ended. See Common Error Action for more information.

Programmer Response: Correct the command and reprocess it. (See Rerunning DBS Utility.)

ARI0886EIncomplete &1. parameter.

Explanation: A command parameter is incomplete in the last command displayed in the DBS Utility message listing.

&1. identifies the command parameter.

System Action: Command processing is ended. See Common Error Action for more information.

Programmer Response: Correct the command and reprocess it. (See Rerunning DBS Utility.)

ARI0887EInvalid &1. &2. value.

Explanation: An invalid command parameter value is contained in the last command displayed in the DBS Utility message listing.

&1. is the command parameter identifier.

&2. is the command parameter subidentifier (optional).

System Action: Command processing is ended. See Common Error Action for more information.

Programmer Response: Correct the command and reprocess it. (See Rerunning DBS Utility.)

ARI0888EInvalid &1. parameter.

Explanation: An unknown keyword parameter or an invalid parameter value was specified in the last command displayed in the DBS Utility message listing.

&1. identifies the command parameter.

System Action: Command processing is ended. See Common Error Action for more information.

Programmer Response: Correct the command and reprocess it. (See Rerunning DBS Utility.)

ARI0889ESecond keyword in the command must be TABLE.

Explanation: The command identifier keyword TABLE is missing in the last command displayed in the DBS Utility message listing.

System Action: Command processing is ended. See Common Error Action for more information.

Programmer Response: Correct the command and reprocess it. (See Rerunning DBS Utility.)

ARI0890ESecond keyword in the command must be either TABLE, DBSPACE, PACKAGE, or PROGRAM.

Explanation: The command identifier keyword TABLE, DBSPACE, PACKAGE or PROGRAM is missing in the last command displayed in the DBS Utility message listing.

System Action: Command processing is ended. See Common Error Action for more information.

Programmer Response: Correct the command and reprocess it. (See Rerunning DBS Utility.)

ARI0891E&1. &2. parameter is missing a &3..

Explanation: A command parameter is missing a required symbol or a quoted string value is empty (quoted string value length = 0) in the last command displayed in the DBS Utility message listing.

&1. is the primary command parameter identifier.

&2. is the secondary command parameter identifier (optional).

&3. Identifies the missing symbol.

System Action: Command processing is ended. See Common Error Action for more information.

Programmer Response: Correct the command and reprocess it. (See Rerunning DBS Utility.)

ARI0892E&1. parameter(s) not found.

Explanation: A required command parameter is missing or a keyword parameter has been specified without parameter values in the last command displayed in the DBS Utility message listing.

&1. identifies the command parameter.

System Action: Command processing is ended. See Common Error Action for more information.

Programmer Response: Correct the command and reprocess it. (See Rerunning DBS Utility.)

ARI0893E&1. &2. parameter is longer than &3A. positions.

Explanation: A command parameter is too long in the last command displayed in the DBS Utility message listing.

&1. is the command parameter identification.

&2. is the command subparameter identification (optional).

&3A. is the maximum allowable parameter length.

System Action: Command processing is ended. See Common Error Action for more information.

Programmer Response: Correct the command and reprocess it. (See Rerunning DBS Utility.)

ARI0894IIsolation level level in effect.

Explanation: This message identifies the isolation level in effect for subsequent processing performed by the DBS Utility (level = CURSOR STABILITY, REPEATABLE READ, or UNCOMMITTED READ). The message is issued after a user-supplied DBS ISOL(CS), ISOL(RR), or ISOL(UR) control parameter or SET ISOLATION command is processed. The identified isolation level remains in effect until the next SET ISOLATION command is processed or DBS Utility processing ends.

System Action: DBS Utility processing continues.

ARI0895EInvalid SQLCODE detected. See following message.

Explanation: An invalid SQLCODE has been received after the execution of an SQL statement. The SQLCODE value is not within the value range -999 through +999. This is a serious DB2 Server for VSE error and subsequent Database Services Utility SET ERRORMODE OFF commands will be ignored.

System Action: Command processing is ended. See Common Error Action for more information.

Programmer Response: Contact your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Probable DB2 Server for VSE system error. Perform problem determination. If a database system error occurred, make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.

ARI0896EDuplicate or conflicting &1. parameter.

Explanation: A duplicate or conflicting command parameter is specified in the last command displayed in the DBS Utility message listing.

&1. is the command parameter identification.

System Action: Command processing is ended. See Common Error Action for more information.

Programmer Response: Correct the command and reprocess it. (See Rerunning DBS Utility.)

ARI0897EUnknown parameter starting at or near position &1A..

Explanation: An invalid parameter was detected in the last command displayed in the DBS Utility message listing.

&1A. is the approximate position in the command where the incorrect parameter begins.

System Action: Command processing is ended. See Common Error Action for more information.

Programmer Response: Correct the command and reprocess it. (See Rerunning DBS Utility.)

ARI0898I...Command ignored because of severe system error.

Explanation: A SET ERRORMODE OFF or SET ERRORMODE CONTINUE command has been encountered after a severe DB2 Server for VSE error has occurred during DBS Utility processing.

A severe DB2 Server for VSE error is an error that does not allow further SQL processing or an error that will normally result in the failure of all subsequent SQL statements executed by DBS Utility processing. If both SQLWARN0 and SQLWARN6 are set to S after an attempt to process an SQL statement has been made, the DBS Utility assumes that a severe DB2 Server for VSE system error has occurred.

System Action: No action taken. DBS Utility error mode processing continues.

ARI0899I...Command ignored.

Explanation: A SET ERRORMODE OFF, SET ERRORMODE ON, or SET ERRORMODE CONTINUE command has been encountered, but the error mode processing status identified in the command is already in progress.

System Action: No action taken. DBS Utility processing continues.

ARI8000I...Ignore previous error. Processing is continuing.

Explanation: Because a SET ERRORMODE CONTINUE command was supplied before the DATALOAD command, and the COMMITCOUNT parameter was specified on the DATALOAD INFILE subcommand, the error identified by the preceding ARI0862E or ARI0866E message is ignored.

System Action: DATALOAD processing continues.

ARI8001EInvalid graphic data starting at or near position &1A..

Explanation: If extended graphic support is in effect for the database, this message is issued after DBS Utility processing detects an SO delimiter without a terminating SI delimiter or the graphic data is not represented in paired bytes. The message refers to the last command record entered. The last command record entered is displayed immediately preceding this error message in the DBS Utility message file.

&1A. is the approximate position in the command record where the invalid graphic data begins.

System Action: Command processing is ended.

Programmer Response: Correct input command and rerun.

ARI8002IBlocked INSERT processing was suppressed for &1..&2..&3.

Explanation: Insert blocking was suppressed during DATALOAD processing for the table or view identified.

&1. is the server-name.

&2. is the owner.

&3. is the name of the table or view.

System Action: Processing continues.

ARI8003I...Extended DBCS (DBCS=YES) processing now in effect.

Explanation: This message is issued when extended DBCS processing is in effect for the database being accessed by DBS Utility processing. The DBS Utility determines when extended DBCS processing is in effect for a database by accessing the database SYSTEM.SYSOPTIONS catalog table. If a row with the SQLOPTION column value equal to DBCS and the VALUE column value equal to YES exists, extended DBCS processing is in effect for the database.

System Action: DBS Utility processing continues WITH EXTENDED DBCS processing in effect.

ARI8004IUser userid connected to server server-name.

Explanation: This message shows the current user and the current application server accessed as the result of a CONNECT command.

If the value of userid in the message is UNKNOWN, no userid is established yet, as in the CONNECT TO dbname after a previous COMMIT RELEASE or ROLLBACK RELEASE statement.

System Action: No action taken.

ARI8005IOne or more arithmetic exception errors occurred. Exception error &1. occurred during &2. operation on &3. data, position &4..

Explanation: This message is issued whenever an arithmetic operation on numeric data causes an arithmetic exception error. The cause may be a division by zero or overflow (exceeds maximum) during the processing of a SELECT statement or a DATAUNLOAD command. The data from this error is denoted by number signs (# # #) across the width of columns of the queried table:

&1. is the type of exception error.
&2. is the arithmetic operation on data.
&3. is the data type.
&4. is position N, where N is an item in the select-list, if applicable. Position 0 is returned if an exception error occurs in the WHERE clause of a SELECT statement.
Note:The message describes the first arithmetic exception error in the queried table.

System Action: Processing continues.

ARI8006EAn arithmetic error occurred during unloading of data into a numeric field. Exception error &1. occurred during &2. operation on &3. data, position &4..

Explanation: This message is issued whenever an arithmetic exception error (indicated by number signs # # #) is being written into a numeric datatype field of an output file defined for DATAUNLOAD processing.

The user is informed about the first occurrence of an arithmetic exception error caused by the SELECT statement while processing the DATAUNLOAD command:

&1. is the type of exception error.
&2. is the arithmetic operation on data.
&3. is the data type.
&4. is position N, where N is an item in a select-list, if applicable. Position 0 is returned if an exception error occurs in the WHERE clause of a SELECT statement.

System Action: DATAUNLOAD command processing is ended. Also see Common Error Action.

Programmer Response: Correct the arithmetic error or change the numeric data type to CHARacter data type in the output file.

ARI8007IError(s) occurred during ERRORMODE CONTINUE processing.

Explanation: Some commands processed while SET ERRORMODE CONTINUE was in effect were not processed successfully.

System Action: DBS Utility end of program processing continues.

Programmer Response: Refer to previous messages during ERRORMODE CONTINUE processing in the DBS Utility message listing to identify any unexpected errors.

ARI8008EThe FROM/TO parameter not valid in VSE.

Explanation: DBS Utility in VSE environment does not allow connections to different databases; therefore, the user may only UNLOAD/RELOAD PROGRAMS on initially connected database.

System Action: Command processing is ended. Also see Common Error Action for more information.

ARI8009E&1. PACKAGE failed.

Explanation: &1. = UNLOAD or RELOAD. UNLOAD or RELOAD PACKAGE failed.

System Action: Command processing ends.

Programmer Response: Refer to the messages preceding this message in the DBS Utility message listing to identify the SQL error conditions encountered. Command processing ends. Correct the command and reprocess it. (See Rerunning DBS Utility.)

ARI8010EPackage name owner.package-name is not the same as the package name in the input file.

Explanation: The package-name in the RELOAD PACKAGE command does not match the package-name in INFILE.

System Action: Command processing is ended. Also see Common Error Action for more information.

Programmer Response: Determine the correct package name, alter the command, and rerun the package.

ARI8011IPackage &1.&2. was {created|replaced}.

Explanation: A package was created or replaced.

System Action: Processing continues.

ARI8012EPackage name &1..&2. not found &3. &4..


The identified package was not found in SYSTEM.SYSACCESS. If you specified an UNLOAD PACKAGE FROM clause, &3. and &4. indicate the application server where the package was not found.

Programmer Response: Ensure the package-name specified in the command is correct. If incorrect, correct the command, and reprocess it. (See Rerunning DBS Utility.) If correct, the package must be created before it can be processed by an UNLOAD PACKAGE or a REBIND PACKAGE command.

ARI8015E command failed.

Explanation: Indexes are re-created and PRIMARY KEYS, FOREIGN KEYS, and UNIQUE CONSTRAINTS are reactivated, after reloading the data. The attempt to re-establish entity or Referential Integrity has failed. The command indicates the first command that failed.

System Action: Processing of the DBS Utility command has ended.

User Response: Correct the data and reissue the RELOAD, or manually establish the missing indices and keys.

ARI8016I command successful.

Explanation: Indexes are re-created and PRIMARY KEYS, FOREIGN KEYS, and UNIQUE CONSTRAINTS reactivated, after the data is reloaded. A step in this process has succeeded.

System Action: Processing of the DBS Utility command continues.

ARI8017ESecond keyword in command must be PACKAGE.

Explanation: The command identifier keyword PACKAGE is missing from the last command displayed in the Database Services Utility message listing.

System Action: Command processing ends. See Common Error Action for more information.

System Programmer Response: Correct the command and reprocess it. See Rerunning DBS Utility for more information.

ARI8018ECommand is not supported for primary or unique keys.

Explanation: Using the Database Services Utility REORGANIZE INDEX command for an index that the database manager created to enforce the uniqueness of a primary or unique key is invalid. Use the following commands instead:

System Action: The Database Services Utility ignores the command.

ARI8019INo server has been connected yet.

Explanation: A null CONNECT was issued before an application server was connected.

System Action: When a null CONNECT is issued before an application server connection is established, the resource adapter returns a blank user ID and application server name in the SQLERRMT field, with SQLCODE set to 0.

Programmer Response: Use null CONNECT only after a user ID and an application server connection are established.

ARI8020EInvalid CREATE SCHEMA statement.

Explanation: You must make the first (and only the first) statement within the schema sequential input file the CREATE SCHEMA statement.

System Action: Command processing ends.

User Response: Correct the command and reprocess it. If a COMMIT of database changes occurred during this execution of the SCHEMA command, rerun the Database Services Utility for this command, but omit all the statements within the sequential input file that altered the database prior to the last COMMIT of database changes.

ARI8021EStatement not supported within a Schema.

Explanation: The last statement displayed in the Database Services Utility message listing is not a valid schema statement.

System Action: Processing of this statement ends.

User Response: Correct the command and reprocess it. If a COMMIT of database changes occurred during this execution of the SCHEMA command, rerun the Database Services Utility for this command, but omit all the statements within the sequential input file that altered the database prior to the last COMMIT of database changes.

ARI8022ESecond keyword in command must be INDEX.

Explanation: The command identifier keyword INDEX is missing in the last command displayed in the Database Services Utility message listing.

System Action: Command processing ends. See Common Error Action for more information.

User Response: Correct the command and reprocess it. (See Rerunning DBS Utility.)

ARI8023EUser userid1 is not authorized to create a Schema for another user userid2.

Explanation: The AUTHORIZATION user ID userid2 on the CREATE SCHEMA statement must be the same as the currently connected user userid1.

System Action: Command processing ends.

User Response: Correct the command and reprocess it.

ARI8027EInfile contents invalid.

Explanation: An error has been detected in the RELOAD PACKAGE input data file. In the input file, the format or content or both are incorrect.

System Action: Command processing is ended. See Common Error Action for more information.

Programmer Response: Contact the system programmer. The system programmer should perform problem determination. If a system error occurred, make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.

ARI8031EThe package &1. cannot be reloaded to a back level release server.

Explanation: The package cannot be reloaded to the target application server because of package format differences. This message will be issued when reloading an SQL/DS Version 3 Release 1 or above package to a pre-Version 3 Release 1 database. The RELOAD PACKAGE command failed.

&1. is the name of the package.

System Action: The package is not reloaded.

User Response: Issue ROLLBACK to the logical unit of work.

ARI8032IThe length of the SQL CREATE TABLE statement for table &1..&2. exceeds 8192 bytes. It will not be possible to reload with the parameter NEW.

Explanation: The CREATE TABLE statement of the identified table exceeds 8192 bytes. The CREATE TABLE statement that the DBS Utility places into the unload output file may be incomplete, because of truncation.

To reload the data from this unload output file, RELOAD with the PURGE parameter must be used, and the table or tables must already exist in the database.

&1. is the owner of the table.

&2. is the name of the table.

System Action: Processing continues.

ARI8033EDBS-initiated SQL CREATE TABLE statement for table &1..&2. exceeds 8192 bytes. RELOAD with the PURGE parameter should be used.

Explanation: During reload with the parameter NEW, the CREATE TABLE statement built by the DBS utility for use in creating the table exceeds the 8192 byte maximum SQL statement length allowed by the database manager, and the table cannot be created by the DBS utility.

&1. is the owner of the table.

&2. is the name of the table.

System Action: Command processing is ended.

Programmer Response: To reload the data, use RELOAD with the PURGE parameter. The table must already exist.


Explanation: The DBS Utility is processing a RELOAD command that includes the COMMITCOUNT parameter, but neither the RESTARTCOUNT or RESTARTTABLE parameters. RELOAD processing will DROP all indexes and DEACTIVATE all primary and unique keys before reloading data. The COMMITCOUNT parameter indicates that these DROP statements will be committed to the database before the RELOAD process has completed. If the RELOAD process does not complete successfully, the dropped objects can no longer be recovered. To aid the user in recovering these objects, the ARI8034I messages provide the CREATE statements required to recover the dropped objects. If no error occurs reloading the data, all dropped objects will be recreated during normal RELOAD processing. Refer to ARI8035I to identify the clustering index.

System Action: Processing continues.

Programmer Response: If an error occurs during RELOAD processing, refer to the ARI8034I messages to create or activate the dropped and deactivated objects.

ARI8035IThe clustering index for table-creator.table-name is index-type index-owner.index-name

Explanation: This message identifies the INDEX, PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE KEY that is currently the clustering index for the table.

System Action: Processing continues.

Programmer Response: When recovering from a failed RELOAD, this object should be the first to be created or activated so that it will be used as the clustering index.

ARI8980IStatistics were generated automatically for table &1..&2..

Explanation: The database manager generated table or DBSPACE statistics while the Database Services Utility loaded the rows. The Database Services Utility does not need an SQL UPDATE STATISTICS request, and one is not issued during Database Services Utility command processing.

&1. is the owner of the table or DBSPACE.

&2. is the name of the table or DBSPACE.

System Action: Database Services Utility processing continues.

ARI8981IDynamic statistic accumulation was disallowed for table &1. &2. Reason Code = &3..

Explanation: The database manager does not allow the automatic accumulation of table statistics while loading data for this DATALOAD command.

&1. is the owner of the table.

&2. is the name of the table.

The reason code identifies why the automatic accumulation of table statistics was disallowed:

One or more indexes exist on the table.

The ROWCOUNT in the SYSCATALOG entry for this table was greater than zero, or was -2 (indicating that a failed DATALOAD was restarted).

System Action: Database Services Utility processing continues. The Database Services Utility issues an SQL UPDATE STATISTICS request to generate the statistics.

ARI8982IStatistics for loaded rows replace statistics for table &1..&2..

Explanation: The Database Services Utility processed a DATALOAD command, and the ROWCOUNT value in the SYSCATALOG entry for the loaded table was not greater than zero. As a result, the database manager automatically generated statistics for the loaded rows, and replaced the table's current statistics.

&1. is the owner of the table.

&2. is the name of the table.

If the table was not empty prior to the DATALOAD, the generated statistics do not accurately reflect the table's contents. This prevents the DB2 Server for VSE Optimizer from selecting the most efficient access path when retrieving rows from the table.

System Action: Database Services Utility processing continues. The Database Services Utility issues an SQL UPDATE STATISTICS request to generate statistics for each table.

ARI8983IDynamic statistic accumulation was disallowed for all tables named in the DATALOAD command.

Explanation: A DATALOAD command that loaded data into more than one table was processed. For this DATALOAD, the database manager cannot accumulate statistics while the Database Services Utility loads the rows. The database manager does not support this form of statistics collection for the concurrent loading of more than one table.

System Action: Database Services Utility processing continues. The Database Services Utility issues an SQL UPDATE STATISTICS request to generate the statistics for each table.

ARI8990IThe table &1..&2..&3. is in a nonrecoverable storage pool.

Explanation: This message identifies each table in the nonrecoverable storage pool that will be loaded by DATALOAD processing.

&1. is the name of the application server.

&2. is the owner of the table.

&3. is the name of the table.

System Action: Processing continues.

ARI8991IIf the database manager is executing with LOGMODE=A|Y, any rows inserted into the database will not be deleted by ROLLBACK processing.

Explanation: This message is issued before Database Services Utility RELOAD PURGE insert processing that will update a nonrecoverable storage pool is started. If a subsequent error occurs during DBS RELOAD PURGE processing, the table or tables may be partially loaded, because ROLLBACK processing will not remove the rows inserted into the database.

If running in single user mode with LOGMODE=N, ROLLBACK processing will remove the inserted rows.

If running in multiple user mode, or in single user mode with LOGMODE=A or Y, ROLLBACK processing will not remove the inserted rows; it will commit the rows to the database.

System Action: Processing continues.

Programmer Response: If RELOAD PURGE processing fails to complete successfully, rerun the DBS Utility to reload the tables.

ARI8992IIf the database manager is executing with LOGMODE=A|Y, any rows inserted into the table [server-name.]owner.table-name will not be deleted by ROLLBACK processing.

Explanation: An error occurred during Database Services Utility DATALOAD processing, and rows were inserted into a table in a nonrecoverable storage pool. This message identifies that subsequent ROLLBACK processing may not remove the inserted rows.

If running in multiple user mode, or in single user mode with LOGMODE=A or Y, ROLLBACK processing will not remove the inserted rows. In fact, the rows will be committed to the database by a ROLLBACK.

If running in single user mode with LOGMODE=N, ROLLBACK processing will remove the inserted rows.

System Action: Processing continues.

Programmer Response: If running in multiple user mode, or in single user mode with LOGMODE=A or Y, perform the recovery actions required for a nonrecoverable storage pool before rerunning the DBS utility.

ARI8993IIf the database manager is executing with LOGMODE=A|Y, you should not use DATALOAD RESTART processing before the last &1A. rows inserted into the table &2..&3..&4. are deleted.

Explanation: An error occurred during Database Services Utility DATALOAD processing, and rows were inserted into a table in a nonrecoverable storage pool. This message identifies that DATALOAD RESTART processing may not be applicable until special action is taken.

&1A. is the number of rows inserted into the table since the start of DATALOAD processing or since the last ARI0800I message was displayed.

&2. is the name of the application server.

&3. is the owner of the table.

&4. is the name of the table.

If running in multiple user mode, or in single user mode with LOGMODE=A or Y, ROLLBACK processing will not remove the rows inserted since the start of DATALOAD processing or since the last ARI800I message was generated. Special action is required before rerunning the DBS Utility to load the identified tables.

If running in single user mode with LOGMODE=N, ROLLBACK processing will remove the inserted rows.

System Action: Processing continues.

Programmer Response: If running in single user mode with LOGMODE=N, the DBS Utility can be rerun to load the identified tables without taking any special action.

If running in multiple user mode, or in single user mode with LOGMODE=A or Y, ROLLBACK processing will commit (not remove) the rows inserted since the last ARI0800I message was displayed. You must perform the recovery actions required for a nonrecoverable storage pool before rerunning the DBS Utility.

ARI8994IBlocked FETCH or INSERT processing was suppressed.

Explanation: This message identifies that blocked fetch or insert processing was suppressed by the database manager while processing the previous command displayed in the DBS Utility message file. Possible causes include:

System Action: DBS Utility processing continues.

ARI8995Iparm1 continuing. Record Count = parm2.

Explanation: This message is written to the operator console or user terminal after every 15000 input or output data file records are processed by a DBS Utility command.


parm2 value is either:

Note:During DATALOAD command processing, the message is written only if the DBS Utility message file is not assigned to:
  • A console or terminal, and
  • DATALOAD COMMITCOUNT processing is not in progress.

System Action: DBS Utility processing continues.

ARI8996I...Begin UPDATE STATISTICS for &1..&2..&3..

Explanation: This message is written to the DBS Utility message file before an SQL UPDATE STATISTICS statement is issued for a table during DBS Utility command processing.

&1. is the name of the application server.

&2. is the owner of the table.

&3. is the name of the table.

System Action: DBS Utility processing continues.

ARI8997I...Begin COMMIT [RELEASE] processing.

Explanation: This message is written to the DBS Utility message file before an SQL COMMIT or SQL COMMIT RELEASE statement is issued. The successful completion of the COMMIT will be identified by the subsequent message:

ARI0811I ...COMMIT of any database
            changes successful.

System Action: DBS Utility processing continues.

ARI8998I...Begin ROLLBACK [RELEASE] processing.

Explanation: This message is written to the DBS Utility message file before a ROLLBACK or ROLLBACK RELEASE statement is issued by DBS Utility command processing. Successful completion of the ROLLBACK will be identified by the subsequent message:

 ARI0811I ...ROLLBACK of any database
             changes successful.

System Action: DBS Utility processing continues.

ARI8999EInvalid SQL statement or parameter: &1..

Explanation: An invalid control parameter or SQL statement was encountered in the DBS Utility invocation parameter list.

&1. is the first 20 positions of the invalid parameter string; or the phrase INVALID LENGTH OR CALL TYPE.

System Action: DBS Utility processing completes.

Programmer Response: If the phrase INVALID LENGTH OR CALL TYPE is displayed for variable &1., correct the user program. The program specified an invalid DBS Utility call type or an invalid parameter string length.

When the variable &1. contains a portion of the DBS Utility parameter string, correct the parameter string.

After the appropriate corrections are made, rerun.

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