Messages from a preprocessor are written to the SYSLST and SYSPCH files. In addition, an expanded SQLCA structure will be placed in the modified source for all SQL errors found by the preprocessors or the database manager.
Preprocessing can result in messages from the preprocessor and other components of the database manager.
ARI0536I | Internal error n1 . Records remaining n2 . |
Explanation: An error occurred during the merging of system internal files or closing system files. The n1 value indicates the type of error; the n2 value gives additional data, as follows:
System Action: Processing continues; however, if the value n1 is 10, 20, 30, 40, or 80, the results may not be what you expected.
System Programmer Response: This condition is a DB2 Server for VSE error. If problems persist, contact the designated support group for your installation.
ARI0537E | operation failure on secondary input source textname . Return Code = n1 . Reason Code = n2 . |
Explanation: During processing of an INCLUDE statement, the specified operation (FIND or GET) for the secondary source identified by textname failed. textname identifies a library source member.
The Return Code value n1 is the Primary Error Code. The Reason Code value n2 is the Secondary Error Code. For further explanation, look up the displayed error codes under either Chapter 21, Include File Access Errors, or "INCLUDE FILE ERRORS" in the HELP text.
System Action: Preprocessing or CBND ends. A new package is not produced. If the package existed previously, it is restored.
User Response: Take action based on the Return Code and Reason Code values.
ARI0538E | The following is incorrect or missing: [ value ] was found for keyword. |
Explanation: The value supplied for the indicated preprocessor or CBND option keyword was either invalid or missing.
Probable causes of the error are:
Note: | Only the first eight characters appear in the message text. |
System Action: Preprocessing or CBND ends. A new package is not produced. If the package previously existed, it is restored.
User Response: Supply the valid preprocessor or CBND option and rerun the preprocessor.
ARI0539I | description was expected, but string was found for option . |
Explanation: During preprocessing, the database manager discovered that a DB2 Server for VSE Preprocessor parameter contained an unidentifiable string.
description is a phrase indicating what was expected.
string is a string that could not be identified.
option is a preprocessor parameter containing the string in question.
For example: For the LINECOUNT option, a number is required. If the character string 6P was somehow entered as the LINECOUNT value, this message would read:
NUMERIC VALUE was expected but (6P) was found for LINECOUNT.
System Action: Preprocessing continues. For LINECOUNT, the value is set to 60.
User Response: If the default value of LINECOUNT is not acceptable, correct the string and rerun the preprocessor.
ARI0540E | The secondary input file named in an INCLUDE statement was not found. |
Explanation: A preprocessor SQL INCLUDE statement specified a textname that could not be found.
System Action: Processing continues, but the INCLUDE statement that is in error is not processed further. A new package will not be produced. If the package existed previously, it will be restored.
User Response: Check the spelling of the specified textname for accuracy. Ensure that the textname specified exists and is a library source member with the correct sublibrary value.
ARI0541E | You have incorrectly specified the TEXTNAME portion of an SQL INCLUDE statement. |
Explanation: A preprocessor SQL INCLUDE statement was specified with an incorrect string. One of the following may be the cause of the error:
System Action: Processing continues, but the INCLUDE statement in error is not processed further. A new package will not be produced. If the package existed previously, it will be restored.
User Response: Correct the text-file-name in the INCLUDE statement. Rerun the preprocessor.
ARI0542E | An INCLUDE statement was specified within the extended include source text-file-name. |
Explanation: Secondary input containing an SQL INCLUDE statement other than an INCLUDE SQLCA or INCLUDE SQLDA was found in the text-file-name specified. This is not allowed.
text-file-name is the name of a library source member. The sublibrary depends on the host language:
A sublibrary - Assembler B sublibrary - C C sublibrary - COBOL G sublibrary - FORTRAN P sublibrary - PL/I
System Action: Processing continues, but the INCLUDE statement in error is not processed further. A new package will not be produced. If the package existed previously, it will be restored.
User Response: Delete all invalid INCLUDE statements from the secondary input specified by text-file-name. Rerun the preprocessor.
ARI0543I | INCLUDE SQLCA is not permitted when you request NOSQLCA support. |
Explanation: When preprocessing an application program with the NOSQLCA support, you cannot include the SQLCA structure in the source program.
System Action: The database manager ignores the INCLUDE SQLCA statement. Preprocessing continues.
User Response: Remove the INCLUDE SQLCA statement.
ARI0544E | A graphic string is either too long, incorrectly terminated, or contains bytes that are not correctly paired for a graphic string. |
Explanation: A graphic string cannot cross input record boundaries. It must also contain an even number of bytes between the opening SO (X'0E') and the closing SI (X'0F').
System Action: Preprocessing continues, but a new package will not be produced. If the package existed previously, it will be restored.
User Response:
ARI0545E | You have not declared cursor cursorname . |
Explanation: During an OPEN, FETCH, PUT, or CLOSE cursor statement, the database manager discovered that the cursor being referenced had not been declared.
System Action: Processing of the SQL statement has ended.
User Response: Define the cursor by means of a DECLARE cursor statement.
ARI0546I | The preprocessor did not process the package. |
Explanation: The FORTRAN preprocessor performs initialization processing before any package changes are made. If one of the initialization processing items fails, the preprocessor ends with a nonzero return code.
Preprocessor message ARI0598I is incomplete because no processing has been done against a package. If a package existed prior to the preprocessor run that gave this message, the preprocessor performed no operations against the package and it is in the same state it was before the preprocessing. Similarly, if a preprocessor run receives this message and no package existed previously, a package will not exist after the preprocessing is complete.
User Response: Take appropriate action for the error messages that precede this message.
ARI0547I | You did not declare any host variables in progname. |
Explanation: The preprocessor detects valid host variable declarations. At the end of each program, or FORTRAN program unit, the preprocessor writes messages ARI0560I and ARI0561I, which list the valid host variable declarations that it found. If the preprocessor found no host variable declarations, message ARI0547I is issued.
progname is the name of the program or program unit (as specified in a FORTRAN SUBROUTINE, FUNCTION, PROGRAM, or BLOCK DATA statement).
User Response: If you did not have any host variable declarations in the specified program, then take no action. If you meant to have host variable declarations, be sure that you did not incorrectly specify any of them, and check that you placed all host variable declarations in an SQL DECLARE section.
ARI0548E | The cursor cursorname has already been declared. |
Explanation: During an SQL DECLARE statement, the database manager discovered that the cursor being referenced had already been declared.
System Action: Processing of the SQL statement has ended.
User Response: Ensure that the cursor being declared has a unique name.
ARI0549E | You have declared more than 512 cursors in this program. |
Explanation: During preprocessing, the database manager discovered that more than 512 cursors were declared for the current program unit. This exceeds a DB2 Server for VSE preprocessor limit.
System Action: Processing of the SQL statement has ended.
User Response: Rewrite the program to contain fewer DECLARE cursor statements.
ARI0550E | Host variable variable is declared with attribute that is incorrect for its use in the SQL statement. |
Explanation: During preprocessing, the database manager discovered that variable was declared using an incorrect attribute.
The contents of variable can be any of:
The contents of attribute can be any of:
Some examples of incorrect attributes are:
System Action: Processing of the SQL statement has ended.
User Response: Correct the declaration of the attribute for the host variable.
ARI0551I | LINECOUNT specified incorrectly. The database manager set it to 60. |
Explanation: During the checking of the preprocessor options, an error was found in the specification of the LINECOUNT option. The error is noted here and the default value of 60 for the LINECOUNT option is set.
System Action: The LINECOUNT value is set to 60. Preprocessing continues.
User Response: If you want a LINECOUNT value other than 60, correct the error in the LINECOUNT option specification and rerun the preprocessor.
ARI0552I | LINECOUNT value > 32767 or < 10. The database manager set it to 60. |
Explanation: The value specified for LINECOUNT is outside the range of valid values (from 10 to 32767).
System Action: The LINECOUNT value is set to 60. Preprocessing continues.
User Response: If you want a LINECOUNT value other than 60, correct the error in the LINECOUNT option specification and rerun the preprocessor.
ARI0553E | identifier name either missing, or greater than nn bytes. |
Explanation: During preprocessing, the database manager discovered an identifier greater than the number of bytes nn, the maximum allowable for that type of identifier.
System Action: Preprocessing of the SQL statement ends.
User Response: Correct the length of the identifier name.
For more information about the correct lengths of identifier names, refer to the identifiers description in the DB2 Server for VSE & VM SQL Reference manual.
ARI0554E | SQL statement contains more than 256 host variables. |
Explanation: During preprocessing, the database manager discovered more than 256 host variables referenced in a single SQL statement. This exceeds a DB2 Server for VSE limit.
System Action: Processing of the SQL statement has ended.
User Response: Change the SQL statement to contain fewer than 256 host variables.
ARI0555E | You did not follow the colon marker with a host identifier. |
Explanation: During preprocessing, the database manager identified a colon marker that was not followed by a host identifier. The host identifier must be the name of a host variable or indicator variable. In those languages that support host structures, the host identifier can be a host structure or host structure field. The indicator variable can be an indicator array.
System Action: Processing of the SQL statement has ended.
User Response: Change the SQL statement so that a host identifier follows the colon marker. Rerun the preprocessor.
ARI0556E | ident-type contains incorrect characters. |
Explanation: During preprocessing, the database manager discovered that ident-type contained characters that are not valid.
System Action: Processing of the SQL statement has ended.
User Response: Change the SQL statement so that all characters are valid.
ARI0558I | A statement label is not allowed on this SQL statement. The label has been removed: &1. . |
Explanation: During preprocessing, the database manager discovered a label on a BEGIN DECLARE SECTION, END DECLARE SECTION, WHENEVER, or INCLUDE statement.
System Action: The identified label is blanked out.
ARI0559E | The language preprocessor does not allow function. |
Explanation: The specified language preprocessor does not permit the function identified in the message.
System Action: Processing of the SQL statement has ended.
User Response: Change the SQL statement to eliminate the disallowed function.
Explanation: This message always appears together with message ARI0561I. The explanation for message ARI0561I covers both messages.
ARI0561I | lvl varname vartype varlength |
Explanation: During preprocessing, the preprocessor identifies and keeps track of declarations of valid host and indicator variables, host structures, and indicator arrays. Messages ARI0560I and ARI0561I list all of these declarations. These messages are issued at the end of each program unit that contains these declarations.
language identifies the preprocessor (assembler, C, COBOL, FORTRAN, or PL/I).
lvl is the logical level of a field within a structure. The logical level of a field is always one unit deeper than that of its immediate containing structure. All fields of a structure are reported together and listed sequentially in this message.
Scalar variables have a logical level of one (1).
If lvl begins with an asterisk (*lvl), varname is the name of a host structure. If lvl is a structure, but it does not conform to the rules for a host structure, then lvl does not begin with an '*'.
varname is the declared name of a valid host variable, structure, structure field, indicator variable, or indicator array.
If varname is "OCCURRENCES nn", varname on the line immediately above it is the name of an indicator array with nn occurrences.
vartype is the SQL data type of the variable identified in varname.
If vartype is empty, varname is a structure.
varlength is the number of bytes of storage required to store the host variable, structure field, or indicator array element.
If varlength is empty, varname is a structure.
User Response: You can use this message and error and warning messages to find errors in the declarations of host variables, structures, and indicator arrays. Review the variables, structures, and arrays listed in these messages to ensure that the specifications are being recognized.
ARI0562I | The following SQL error and/or warning conditions occurred for the language preprocessor initiated SQL statement type statement. |
Explanation: During preprocessing, the execution of an SQL statement by the named preprocessor resulted in a nonzero SQLCODE or a warning flag in the SQLCA.
language identifies the ASSEMBLER, COBOL, C, PL/I, or FORTRAN preprocessor.
statement type identifies the type of SQL statement tried.
Following this message will be SQL message lines that describe the SQL conditions encountered.
System Action: If the SQL condition encountered was an error (negative SQLCODE for example), then processing of the statement specified in the message ends. The ASSEMBLER, COBOL, C, PL/I, or FORTRAN preprocessor issues a ROLLBACK WORK statement. Preprocessing ends.
If the SQL condition encountered was a warning (positive SQLCODE for example), preprocessing continues.
User Response: Analyze the SQL problem described in the messages that follow this message.
If an error has occurred, correct the error and rerun the preprocessor.
If this is a warning, check that the warning is acceptable. If it is not, attempt to correct the warning condition, and rerun the preprocessor.
ARI0563I | jjj records read from source input file. kkk records written to source output file. |
Explanation: This message tells the number of records that the preprocessor read from the input file and the number of records written to the output file. The first number (jjj) is the count of all records read from the input file, including records read from any secondary input file specified in an SQL INCLUDE statement. The number of records written (kkk) is a count of the records written to the modified source output file. This number is not the number of records written to the preprocessor listing file.
ARI0564E | Source input file is empty. |
Explanation: The input file which the preprocessor tried to read is empty.
System Action: A new package will not be produced. If the package existed previously, it will be restored.
User Response: Ensure that the source program to be preprocessed is in the input file.
ARI0565I | The input source contains either no SQL statements, or no SQL statements that will create a package. |
Explanation: One of the following occurred:
This condition may cause an empty package to be stored in the database for this program.
System Action: Preprocessing continues. A new package is not produced. If the package existed previously, it is restored.
User Response: Check the preprocessor input file to determine if errors were made in the SQL statements embedded in the source program. Correct all errors. Rerun the preprocessor.
ARI0566E | You did not declare host variable varname. |
Explanation: The host variable varname is used in an SQL statement, but it was not recognized as a valid host variable declare in the current program or subprogram unit. For a FORTRAN program, a host variable used in an SQL statement must be declared in an SQL DECLARE section in the same program or subprogram unit in which the SQL statement occurs.
System Action: Processing of the SQL statement ends.
User Response: Ensure that the varname specified in the message is correctly declared. Messages ARI0560I and ARI0561I of the preprocessor listing output may be helpful in resolving the problem.
ARI0567E | You have already declared host identifier ident-name. |
Explanation: The host identifier ident-name is declared more than once in an SQL DECLARE section, in this program or subprogram unit. The host identifier is the name of a host variable or indicator variable. In those languages that support host structures, the host identifier can be a host structure or host structure field. The indicator variable can be an indicator array.
System Action: Preprocessing continues. A new package is not produced. If the package existed previously, it is restored.
User Response: Remove the duplicate declaration. Rerun the preprocessor.
ARI0568E | The SQL statement or IF statement exceeds the limit of 125 lines. |
Explanation: The SQL statement or FORTRAN IF statement is longer than 125 lines (1 plus 124 continuation lines). This number of lines exceeds a FORTRAN preprocessor limitation.
This message may also result from having a large number of comment lines or blank lines in or immediately following the statement mentioned above.
System Action: The statement that caused the message is treated as a comment in the modified source output and is not used. Preprocessing continues. A new access module is not produced. If the access module existed previously, it is restored.
User Response: Compress the statement to fit on not more than 125 lines (embedded comment lines and blank lines included). If this is not possible, break the statement into two or more separate statements. Rerun the preprocessor. If the error is caused by comment lines or blank lines immediately following the statement, precede the comment lines or blank lines with a FORTRAN CONTINUE statement and rerun the preprocessor.
ARI0569E | string1 was expected, but string2 was found. |
Explanation: During processing of an SQL statement, the database manager expected string1 but discovered string2. For example, if the preprocessor encountered only a fragment of a command, such as EXEC SQL FETCH, this message would be displayed as:
CURSOR NAME was expected but END OF STATEMENT was found.
System Action: Processing of the SQL statement has ended.
User Response: Correct the syntax of the SQL statement.
ARI0570I | User username not authorized to perform action on object object. |
Explanation: During preprocessing, an SQL statement was found which, when executed, would perform action action on object object. The user username who is preprocessing this program is not authorized to perform this action on this object. However, the preprocessor will treat this as a warning and assumes that the user will be properly authorized by the time the program is executed.
User Response: Ensure that the user is authorized before executing the program.
Note: | This condition will cause additional system overhead when the program is executed. If it is a frequently executed SQL statement and if performance is important, the user should consider repreprocessing the program once the user has been properly authorized. |
ARI0571I | User username not authorized to action. |
Explanation: During preprocessing, an SQL statement was found which, when executed, would perform the action action. The user username who is preprocessing this program is not authorized to perform this action. However, the preprocessor will treat this as a warning and assumes that the user will be properly authorized by the time the program is executed.
User Response: Ensure that the user is authorized before executing the program.
Note: | This condition will cause additional system overhead when the program is executed. If it is a frequently executed SQL statement and if performance is important, the user should preprocess the program again after being properly authorized. |
ARI0572E | Cursor cursorname is not valid. |
Explanation: This error occurs when preprocessing an OPEN, FETCH, PUT or CLOSE cursor statement. It means that an error was discovered while processing the DECLARE CURSOR or associated PREPARE statement. The cursor has been marked invalid.
System Action: Preprocessing continues. A new package is not produced. If the package existed previously, it is restored.
User Response: Correct the error in the DECLARE CURSOR or associated PREPARE statement. Rerun the preprocessor. If you specify ERROR as a preprocessing parameter, the cursor may not be marked invalid when the error is detected, and the OPEN, FETCH, PUT, or CLOSE CURSOR statement is processed as if the cursor is valid.
ARI0573E | An SQL statement was found in a program other than the first program or the main program. |
Explanation: This message is issued only by the COBOL preprocessor. A DB2 Server for VSE statement was found in the source after the end of the main program of a nested program, or after the end of the first program in a batch compilation.
System Action: Preprocessing ends. A new package is not produced. If the package existed previously, it is restored.
User Response: Move the DB2 Server for VSE statements and host variable declarations to the main program or first program and rerun the preprocessor.
ARI0574E | Label is greater than number characters. |
Explanation: While preprocessing an application program, a label was found on an SQL statement or host variable which was greater than the number of characters allowed by the host language.
For Assembler, C, COBOL, COBOL II, and PL/I, the maximum number of characters allowed in an SQL statement is 256.
For FORTRAN, this message refers to the label used in an SQL WHENEVER statement with the GOTO action specified:
System Action: Preprocessing continues. A new package is not produced. If the package existed previously, it is restored.
User Response: Correct the label. Rerun the preprocessor.
ARI0575E | Comma delimiter between host variables not found. |
Explanation: While processing an OPEN, FETCH, PUT, or EXECUTE SQL statement, the preprocessor found a host-variable-list that does not have comma delimiters between the host-variables. A comma is required between host-variables.
System Action: Preprocessing continues. A new package is not produced. If the package existed previously, it is restored.
User Response: Add commas between host identifier pairs. Rerun the preprocessor.
ARI0576E | The preceding source program lines contain a string of nonblank characters that exceeds 256 characters. This exceeds a preprocessor limitation. |
Explanation: The preprocessor encountered a string of characters of length greater than 256. This will cause an overflow of preprocessor internal storage areas.
System Action: Preprocessing or CBND ends. A new package is not produced. If the package existed previously, it is restored.
User Response: Break the statement into smaller pieces by separating the pieces by blanks.
ARI0577E | Unable to release storage. Reason Code = nn. |
Explanation: During preprocessing, the preprocessor was unable to release storage. The reason code is the return code from a VSE FREEVIS macro. This is a DB2 Server for VSE preprocessor error.
System Action: This error may occur after the preprocessor has attempted to store the package in the database. The preprocessor tries to continue after the point of this error to complete termination processing.
User Response: This message should be followed by message ARI0598I which will tell you the state of your package. Final preprocessor results may be incorrect or in an inconsistent state. Notify your system programmer.
System Programmer Response: Make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.
ARI0578I | INCLUDE SQLCA ignored. It has already been found. |
Explanation: An SQL INCLUDE SQLCA statement was encountered, but an INCLUDE SQLCA statement was already found in the current program/subprogram unit.
System Action: The SQL statement that caused the error is commented out in the modified source output and ignored. Preprocessing will continue. The preprocessor warning count will be incremented. A nonzero return code will be returned by the preprocessor.
User Response: Remove the extra SQL INCLUDE statement from the input source.
ARI0579I | The preprocessor encountered the following SQL error or warning conditions on return from a call to store the package: |
Explanation: The database manager returned a nonzero SQLCODE or a warning flag in the SQLCA during an attempt to store the package in the database. The SQL message describing the SQL error or warning follows this message.
System Action: If an error occurred, preprocessing ends. Message ARI0598I (which follows the SQL error messages) indicates that the package was not produced or that it was restored if the package previously existed.
If a warning occurred, preprocessing continues and message ARI0598I indicates that the package was produced or replaced if it previously existed.
User Response: Check the SQL message lines that follow this message for a description of the SQL error or warning.
If this was a warning, check that the warning is acceptable. If it is not, attempt to correct the warning condition and rerun the preprocessor. Correct the problem and rerun the preprocessor.
ARI0580E | Required preprocessor option name not specified. |
Explanation: The identified option keyword is required in the parameters passed to the preprocessor or to the CBND transaction, but it was not provided.
For the preprocessor, name is either 'USERID=' or 'PREPNAME='. For CBND, name is 'PACKAGE(collection_id.package_id)'.
System Action: Preprocessing or CBND ends. A new package is not produced. If the package existed previously, it is restored.
User Response: Include the missing keyword in the preprocessor or CBND options and retry the operation.
ARI0581E | Incorrect or missing parameter on name keyword. |
Explanation: The information supplied on the indicated preprocessor or CBND option keyword was either not valid or missing.
Probable reasons for error are:
System Action: Preprocessing or CBND ends. A new package is not produced. If the package existed previously, it is restored.
User Response: Supply valid parameter and retry the operation.
ARI0582E | Terminating error occurred during preprocessing. |
Explanation: An SQL return code caused termination of the preprocessor.
System Action: Preprocessing or CBND ends. A new package is not produced. If the package existed previously, it is restored.
User Response: Check the previous error message to determine the cause of the terminating error. Correct the problem. Rerun the preprocessor.
ARI0583E | Keywords option and option were both found. Specify only one. |
Explanation: The keywords specified are mutually exclusive, yet both were specified as preprocessor or CBND options. Probable reasons for error:
Note: | The allowed values are CS, RR, and USER. |
Note: | Allowed formats for each of DATE and TIME are: ISO, JIS, USA, EUR, LOCAL. |
Note: | STDSQL(86) is a synonym for STDSQL(89). |
Check the descriptions in the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Application Programming manual to resolve conflicts in options or values for CHARSUB, SQLFLAG, or CTOKEN.
System Action: Preprocessing or CBND ends. A new package is not produced. If the package existed previously, it is restored.
User Response: Specify only one of the keywords and retry the operation.
ARI0584E | Unable to allocate storage of n1 bytes. Return Code = n2. |
Explanation: During preprocessing, the preprocessor was unable to allocate storage of the specified size needed for processing. The Return Code value is the return code from a VSE GETVIS macro.
System Action: Preprocessing ends. A new package is not produced. If the package existed previously, it is restored.
User Response: For Return Code = 12, increase the partition size or change some DB2 Server for VSE initialization parameters to reduce virtual storage requirements.
For all other Return Code values, notify your system programmer.
System Programmer Response: Perform problem determination. If a database system error occurred, make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.
ARI0585E | operation failed on dname . Reason = n2 . Return = n1 . |
Explanation: During preprocessing, the indicated operation (OPEN, CLOSE, GET, or PUT) failed on the indicated file. The dname is specified in the job control.
The Return value is the Primary Error Code. The Reason value is the Secondary Error Code. For further explanation, look up the displayed error codes under either Chapter 20, Sequential File Errors, or "SEQ FILE ERRORS" in the HELP text.
System Action: Preprocessing or CBND ends. A new package is not produced. If the package existed previously, it is restored.
User Response: For corrective action, look up the displayed error codes under either Chapter 20, Sequential File Errors, or "SEQ FILE ERRORS" in the HELP text.
ARI0586I | Preprocessing ended with n1 errors and n2 warnings. |
Explanation: The preprocessor ended with the specified number of SQL errors or SQL warnings.
System Action: Processing ends.
User Response: If errors or warnings occurred, look through the SYSLST output for the specific error or warning message. Correct the problem, if necessary, and rerun the preprocessor.
ARI0587I | Object name owned by owner was not found. |
Explanation: During preprocessing, an SQL statement was found which referenced the named object (for example a table) owned by the specified owner. This object could not be found. However, the preprocessor treats this as a warning condition; it assumes that the object will have been created by the time the program is executed.
name is the name of the object.
owner is the owner of the object.
System Action: Preprocessing continues.
User Response: Ensure that the owner name and object name are correct. If they are correct, ensure that the object is created before executing the program.
Note: | This condition will cause additional system overhead when the program is executed. If it is a frequently executed SQL statement and if performance is important, consider repreprocessing the program after the object has been created. |
ARI0588E | Incorrect string string in preprocessor options. |
Explanation: The preprocessor found the specified 1- to 26-character string in the preprocessor options, but it has no meaning to the preprocessor. Using a preprocessor option file and specifying two preprocessor options on the same input record, or including a comment not beginning with an asterisk (*) may have caused the error.
Note: | The option DYNALC is not valid for the FORTRAN preprocessor. |
System Action: Preprocessing or CBND ends. A new package is not produced. If the package existed previously, it is restored.
User Response: Correct the preprocessor options. Rerun the preprocessor.
ARI0589E | Error in message formatter, R.C. > 16. |
Explanation: The preprocessor message handler was called to format a message and received a return code greater than 16. The DB2 Server for VSE message may not be completely generated.
System Action: Preprocessing continues.
User Response: Notify your system programmer.
System Programmer Response: Perform problem determination. If a database system error occurred, make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.
ARI0590E | No valid END DECLARE SECTION found. |
Explanation: A BEGIN DECLARE SECTION was found in the user's source program, but no corresponding END DECLARE SECTION was found before the end of the source program was reached.
System Action: Preprocessing continues. A new package is not produced. If the package existed previously, it is restored.
User Response: Check the program and ensure that a valid END DECLARE SECTION is present after the last valid BEGIN DECLARE SECTION.
ARI0591E | No valid BEGIN DECLARE SECTION found. |
Explanation: An END DECLARE SECTION was found in the source program, but no corresponding BEGIN DECLARE SECTION was found.
System Action: Preprocessing continues. A new package is not produced. If the package existed previously, it is restored.
User Response: Check the program and ensure that a valid BEGIN DECLARE SECTION is present.
ARI0592E | Incorrect continuation during language preprocessing. |
Explanation: For an SQL statement embedded in an Assembler application program, columns 1 to 15 of a continuation of an SQL statement or a host variable declaration contained nonblanks.
language identifies that the application program is being preprocessed by the Assembler preprocessor.
System Action: Preprocessing continues. A new package is not produced. If the package existed previously, it is restored.
User Response: For an Assembler program, ensure that columns 1 to 15 of continuation lines are blank.
ARI0593E | FROM clause of PREPARE or EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement does not contain the name of a variable. |
Explanation: A quoted string is not allowed for the PREPARE or EXECUTE statement.
System Action: Preprocessing continues. A new package is not produced. If the package existed previously, it is restored.
User Response: Specify only a variable name in the FROM clause of a PREPARE or EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement.
ARI0594E | Incorrect scan mode in COBOL preprocessing. |
Explanation: An incorrect SCAN Mode was found in COBOL preprocessing.
System Action: This is a DB2 Server for VSE error. Preprocessing or CBND ends. A new package is not produced. If the package existed previously, it is restored.
User Response: Give the output listing to your system programmer.
System Programmer Response: Make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.
ARI0595E | Incorrect condition of a literal. |
Explanation: An alphanumeric literal in COBOL has been improperly ended.
condition is either LENGTH (>120 in COBOL or >160 in COBOL II) or CONTINUATION.
System Action: The COBOL preprocessor ends processing of the program where the error occurred.
User Response: Correct the literal. Rerun the preprocessor.
ARI0596E | End of source file found without finding either a procedure division, a working storage section, or an END EXEC for the last SQL statement. |
Explanation: During preprocessing of a COBOL program, one of the following conditions has been detected:
System Action: Preprocessing or CBND ends. A new package is not produced. If the package existed previously, it is restored.
User Response: Add the missing item to the source program. Rerun the preprocessor.
ARI0597E | SQL statements other than the INCLUDE statement are not allowed in the declare section. |
Explanation: The SQL statement identifier EXEC SQL was found in a DECLARE SECTION (for example, after a BEGIN DECLARE SECTION and before a valid END DECLARE SECTION). Only the extended INCLUDE statement is allowed in a DECLARE SECTION. No other SQL statement is allowed in a DECLARE SECTION. A possible explanation for this error is that the END DECLARE SECTION statement was inadvertently omitted, or was incorrectly declared.
System Action: Preprocessing continues. A new package is not produced. If the package existed previously, it is restored.
User Response: Ensure that the DECLARE SECTION contains no SQL statements other than an extended INCLUDE statement. Rerun the preprocessor.
ARI0598I | The application server [server] status the package for program name. |
Explanation: Preprocessing of program name is completed and the status of the package is one of the following:
The following SQL statements do not require a package:
System Action: The status is as specified in the explanation.
User Response: Refer to other ARI05xx messages produced for this program.
ARI0599E | The preprocessor termination processing encountered a serious error. The results of the preprocessing are unreliable. |
Explanation: An error occurred during normal or error termination processing of the preprocessor. This error may seriously affect the results of the preprocessor. A specific error message precedes this message. This and other error messages may be issued as write-to-operator messages if both SYSLST and SYSPCH are disabled.
System Action: The preprocessor tries to complete termination processing. A new package may or may not be produced (or an existing one may or may not be replaced or restored), depending on when the system error occurred.
User Response: The actual problem is usually found in the error messages preceding this one. Follow the USER RESPONSE for those messages.
ARI5361E | Statement name statementname has not been prepared. |
Explanation: During preprocessing of a DECLARE or EXECUTE statement, the database manager discovered that the statement name being referenced has not been prepared.
System Action: Processing of the SQL statement has ended.
User Response: Define the statement name by means of the PREPARE statement.
ARI5362E | Statement name statementname is not valid because of an error in the PREPARE statement. |
Explanation: The DECLARE or EXECUTE statement in the application cannot be preprocessed because an error was discovered during the processing of the PREPARE statement. The EXECUTE or DECLARE statement references the PREPARE statement by the statement name.
System Action: Preprocessing continues. A new package is not produced. If the package existed previously, it is restored.
User Response: Correct the error in the PREPARE statement. Rerun the preprocessor.
ARI5363E | Cursor name cursorname is not valid because the prepared statement, named statementname , was a character constant which contained a command other than an INSERT or SELECT. |
Explanation: During processing of a DECLARE statement, an error was encountered involving the statement identified by the statementname. That SQL statement was a string spec and PREPAREd as a result of the previous execution of a PREPARE statement. The only SQL statements that can be used in a string spec for subsequent cursor operations are INSERT and SELECT. The cursor has been marked as invalid.
System Action: Processing of the SQL command has ended.
User Response: Correct the PREPARE statement to process either a SELECT or INSERT statement.
ARI5365E | More than 512 unique statement names have been used in this program. |
Explanation: During preprocessing, the database manager discovered that more than 512 unique statement names were specified in PREPARE statements within the current program unit. This number exceeds a DB2 Server for VSE preprocessor limit.
System Action: Processing of the SQL statement has ended.
User Response: Rewrite the program to contain fewer PREPARE statements.
ARI5366E | Statement name statementname has already been used in a previous PREPARE statement. |
Explanation: During the preprocessing of an SQL PREPARE statement, the database manager discovered that the statement name statementname has already been used in a previously preprocessed PREPARE statement.
System Action: Processing of the SQL statement has ended.
User Response: Ensure that the statement name being PREPAREd has a unique name.
ARI5367E | You cannot use the SQL EXECUTE statement to perform a COMMIT or ROLLBACK. |
Explanation: The commands that control logical units of work cannot be the object of dynamic SQL commands: PREPARE, EXECUTE, or EXECUTE IMMEDIATE.
System Action: Processing of the SQL statement has ended.
User Response: Correct the statement. Try again.
ARI5368E | A package name consisting of more than two parts is not supported. |
Explanation: In a DROP PACKAGE statement, a package name of more than two parts was used. This is not supported.
System Action: Processing of the SQL statement ends.
User Response: Correct the statement. Try again.
ARI5370E | The following host identifier reference is ambiguous: varname |
Explanation: The host variable varname is declared as a field of more than one structure. The preprocessor cannot determine the occurrence of the variable that is referenced in this SQL statement.
System Action: Preprocessing continues. A new package is not produced. If the package existed previously, it is restored.
User Response: Fully qualify the host variable reference. Rerun the preprocessor.
ARI5375E | More than one cursor is declared for statement name statement-name |
Explanation: You can only declare one cursor for statement name statement-name.
System Action: Preprocessing of the command ends.
User Response: Correct your application program such that there exists only one cursor per statement name.
Note: | This message is issued in all environments of the database manager system. |
ARI5376E | Preprocessor parameter file filename not found. |
Explanation: The preprocessor cannot find the preprocessor option input file.
System Action: Preprocessing ends. The preprocessor does not create a new package nor change the existing package.
User Response: Check the spelling of the specified file name for accuracy. Ensure that the preprocessor parameter file specified exists, and is a library source member with the correct sublibrary value.
ARI5377E | Invalid specification of preprocessor parameters and PREPFILE parameter. |
Explanation: The preprocess request contained both preprocessor parameters (other than the PREPNAME, USERID, and DBNAME parameters) directly in the preprocess request and a PREPFILE parameter.
System Action: Preprocessing ends. The preprocessor does not create a new package nor change the existing package.
User Response: In single user mode, specify either one of the following (but not both) after the preprocessor name, and the PREPNAME, USERID, and DBNAME parameters in the PARM field of the EXEC job control statement:
The preprocessor name can be ARIPRPA, ARIPRPB, ARIPRPC, ARIPRPF, or ARIPRPP.
In multiple user mode, specify either one of the following (but not both) after the PREPNAME, USERID, and DBNAME parameters in the PARM field of the EXEC job control statement:
ARI5382E | Incorrect option specified in preprocessor option file. |
Explanation: The preprocessor option file contains either the PREPNAME, USERID, or DBNAME parameters. Specifying these parameters through the preprocessor option file is invalid.
System Action: Preprocessing or CBND ends. A new package is not produced. If the package existed previously, it is restored.
User Response: Remove the invalid parameters from the preprocessor option file. Specify these parameters in the preprocess request directly.
ARI5383I | Warning: statement-type is not supported. |
Explanation: The database manager system does not support the SQL command shown (statement-type). The statement-type can be DECLARE TABLE, DECLARE STATEMENT, or DISCONNECT. In other IBM SQL products, these statements cause code expansions to occur. Because the database manager system does not support these statements, the preprocessors did not perform these code expansions. Your program is preprocessed successfully, however, unless other errors occurred.
System Action: Preprocessing continues.
User Response: If your program depends on the code expansion, you should change your application so that it does not depend on the above statements.
Note: | All environments of the database manager receive this message. |
ARI5387E | The SQL statement length exceeds 8192 positions. |
Explanation: The maximum length of an SQL statement is 8192 bytes. This statement exceeds the maximum. The possible causes are:
System Action: Preprocessing of the SQL statement ends.
User Response: Either break the SQL statement into smaller statements or remove unnecessary conditions that may exist in the statement.
ARI5390E | statement-type statement not referencing cursor-type cursor. |
Explanation: The FETCH, DELETE, and UPDATE statements must reference a SELECT cursor. PUT statements must reference an INSERT cursor. The statement-type identified in the message references a cursor with an incorrect cursor-type.
System Action: Preprocessing of the SQL statement ends.
User Response: Change the cursor reference in the FETCH or PUT statement to reference the correct cursor and rerun the preprocessor.
ARI5391E | Preprocessor module modname encountered an internal error. Internal Error Code = code-num |
Explanation: The preprocessor module specified failed due to an internal program problem.
System Action: Preprocessing or CBND ends. A new package is not produced. If the package existed previously, it is restored.
User Response: Make a record of the problem and notify your system programmer.
System Programmer Response: Document the problem and contact the designated support group for your installation.
ARI5392E | An error occurred while retrieving the value value due to a CDLOAD failure. Return code = X'return_code'. |
Explanation: A severe error occurred while the preprocessor retrieved the value value. For CHARTRANS value, the value is retrieved from the ARISSCRD phase.
System Action: Processing terminated and the package was not created.
User Response: Notify your system programmer.
System Programmer Response: Correct the CDLOAD error. Refer to the message text for the return code from the CDLOAD.
ARI5395E | String beginning with string is invalid or incorrectly placed in this statement. |
Explanation: The portion of the SQL statement that has or begins with the string string is incorrect. Possibly a host variable is required, but string was found.
System Action: Preprocessing continues. A new package is not produced. If the package existed previously, it is restored.
User Response: Remove or correct the invalid string and rerun the preprocessor.
ARI5396E | The preprocessor options file is too large. |
Explanation: The preprocessor options file contains too many parameters. This situation occurs when parameters are duplicated or when parameters that are not permitted in the preprocessor options file are found.
System Action: Preprocessing ends. A new package is not produced. If the package existed previously, it is restored.
User Response: If parameters are duplicated remove the duplicates. If parameters that are not permitted in the preprocessor options file (for example, PREPNAME) have been included, remove them. Rerun the preprocessor.
ARI5397E | Statement statement-name is not valid because an error occurred while processing the associated DECLARE CURSOR statement. |
Explanation: During processing of the DECLARE CURSOR statement, an error occurred while storing the statement in the package. Because the DECLARE CURSOR and the PREPARE statements are related, processing of the first statement in the pair must be successful before continuing the processing of the second statement.
System Action: Preprocessing continues. A new package is not produced. If the package existed previously, it is restored.
User Response: Correct the problem in the DECLARE CURSOR statement and rerun the preprocessor.
ARI5398E | End of string found before the SQL statement ended. Statement is incomplete. |
Explanation: The end of the SQL statement string was reached before all required segments of the statement were found. This may be caused by an incorrectly placed statement delimiter or by the presence of an open-ended literal in the statement.
System Action: Preprocessing continues. A new package is not produced. If the package existed previously, it is restored.
User Response: Supply the required missing statement segments or correct the problem with the string or statement delimiter. Rerun the preprocessor.
ARI5399I | The preprocessor found errors. [Return Code 8 was changed to 4 | The error statements were accepted] because the preprocessor parameter, ERROR, was specified. |
Explanation: When the preprocessor parameter ERROR is specified, the preprocessor tolerates most statement-parsing errors. The error message is inserted into the modified source and listing files in comment form, and processing continues. The program can be compiled and executed, but the erroneous statement cannot be executed on the application server that issued the error. See the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Application Programming manual for a discussion of the ERROR parameter.
System Action: Preprocessing continues. The modified source code is generated and package functions are performed.
User Response: If you intend to execute the erroneous statement on the application server that issued the error, correct the statement and rerun the preprocessor. If you do not intend to execute the statement on that application server, ignore the message.
ARI5400I | Warning: statement-type is not supported. |
Explanation: The SQL statement shown (statement-type) is not supported by the database manager. Examples of statement-type values are DECLARE TABLE, DECLARE STATEMENT, etc. In other IBM SQL products, these statements cause code expansions to occur. As the database manager does not support these statements, these code expansions have not been done by the preprocessors. However, your program will be preprocessed successfully unless errors occur and you did not specify ERROR as a preprocessing parameter.
System Action: Preprocessing continues.
User Response: If your program depends on the code expansion, change your application so that it does not depend on either of the above statements.
ARI5401E | Cursor name, cursorname , was declared before this statement was prepared. |
Explanation: Your application has a DECLARE for a statement from a quoted literal. The PREPARE for this statement must appear in the application before the DECLARE CURSOR for this statement.
System Action: Preprocessing continues. A new package is not produced. If the package existed previously, it is restored.
User Response: Change your program so that the PREPARE appears before the DECLARE cursor statement. Alternatively, you can assign the quoted literal to a host variable, and use the host variable in the PREPARE statement in place of the quoted literal. In this case, the DECLARE statement can precede the PREPARE statement.
ARI5402I | Preprocessor failed to retrieve the DBCS option. The DBCS option is set to NO. |
Explanation: A DB2 Server for VSE error occurred when the preprocessor retrieved the DBCS option from the SQLGLOB file.
System Action: Processing continued and DBCS defaulted to NO.
User Response: Check the SQLGLOB file for valid DBCS options. If the option does not exist, or is invalid, use the DSQU transaction to create it, or notify your system programmer.
Programmer Response: Use the DSQG transaction to create a valid DBCS option in the SQLGLOB file.
ARI5403E | You cannot submit an SQL statement containing host variables by way of a PREPARE statement. |
Explanation: During the preprocessing of an SQL PREPARE statement, a host variable was found in the SQL statement being prepared. The SQL statement must not contain input or output host variables.
System Action: Preprocessing continues. A new package is not produced. If the package existed previously, it is restored.
User Response: Correct the SQL PREPARE statement.
ARI5404E | The preprocessor version and the application server version are incompatible. Preprocessing failed. |
Explanation: The release level of the preprocessor is incompatible with the target application server release level. Preprocessing is terminated and the portable package is not created.
System Action: None.
System Programmer Response: Make sure that the target application server release level supports the preprocessor release level, or preprocess the program to a application server at a compatible release level, and then unload or reload the package to the target application server.
ARI5406I | The C preprocessor ignored all input after the semicolon in the SQL external INCLUDE statement. |
Explanation: The preprocessor found input after the semicolon in the SQL external INCLUDE statement and on the same line as the statement.
System Action: The preprocessor ignored the input after the semicolon and did not copy it to the modified source file. Preprocessing continues.
User Response: If the ignored input is not a comment starting and ending on the same line, move everything after the semicolon to a separate line.
ARI5407I | The application server status the bind file file name. |
Explanation: Bind process of file name is completed and the status of bind file creation is one of the following:
System Action: The status is as specified in the explanation.
User Response: Refer to other ARI05xx messages produced for this program.
ARI5408E | Error reading bind file file_id.
Explanation: A CBND transaction was entered for collection_id.package_id, but an error occurred while reading the VSAM file file_id. Refer to the EIBRCODE for the cause of the error.
System Action: Processing ends.
User Response: Refer to the EIBRCODE and fix the error. If the problem persists, notify your system programmer.
System Programmer Response: Refer to the error message text for the cause of the problem.
ARI5409I | option option [in the bind file] overridden by option option. |
Explanation: The bind option NOCHECK, CHECK, or ERROR was specified on the Bind transaction (CBND). This value will override the NOCHECK, CHECK or ERROR parameter specified during the preprocess of this program.
System Action: The options specified on the CBND replace the options specified on the preprocess.
ARI5411E | Keywords NOBIND, NOCHECK and NOPACKAGE are specified. No preprocess will be done for this operation. |
Explanation: The preprocessing parameters NOBIND, NOCHECK, and NOPACKAGE were all specified. No action will be taken for this preprocessing operation.
System Action: Processing ends. No package or bind file is created.
User Response: Retry the operation with a valid combination of preprocessing parameters.
ARI5413E | Incorrect label information:
Explanation: An error was detected in the label information for file filename.
System Action: Processing ends.
User Response: Notify your system programmer.
System Programmer Response: Check the label information for the file. Refer to the message text for the return code from the label verification.
ARI5415E | Unexpected VSAM error:
Explanation: An error was detected while performing the operation on the file filename. The procedure will contain the name of the DB2 Server for VSE module that detected the error.
System Action: Processing ends.
User Response: Notify your system programmer.
System Programmer Response: Check the VSE messages for the cause of the error.
ARI5417E | The collection_id.package_id bind file records are invalid. Preprocess the program again to regenerate the bind file records. |
Explanation: A Bind transaction (CBND) was entered, and detected a problem with the bind file header record.
System Action: Processing ends.
User Response: Repreprocess the program to recreate the bind file records.
ARI5418I | The bind options currently in effect for package
collection_id.package_id are:
Explanation: A CBND transaction was entered for the package collection_id.package_id with the QRY option. The values displayed are the options that were specified when the package was preprocessed.
System Action: No connection to any application server is established. The options that were specified when the package was preprocessed are displayed.
ARI5419E | BIND process is not supported by FORTRAN preprocessor. |
Explanation: The BIND option was specified while preprocessing a FORTRAN program. This function is not supported by the DB2 Server for VSE preprocessor.
System Action: Processing ends.
User Response: Preprocess the FORTRAN program without the BIND option.
ARI5420I | CBND process for collection_id.package_id aginst
server application server started.
Explanation: The CBND transaction has been started on the target database.
System Action: Processing continues.
User Response: No action required.
ARI5421E | Keyword keyword is not allowed with keywords already specified. |
Explanation: The CBND transaction has multiple keywords that are in conflict with each other. Only one of the keywords or sets of keywords can be specified.
System Action: Processing ends.
User Response: Try the CBND without the keyword specified.
ARI5424E | option option invalid. It is a VSE only parameter. |
Explanation: The preprocessing parameter option was specified, but this parameter is not applicable in the VM environment.
System Action: Processing ends.
User Response: Retry the preprocess without the option parameter.
ARI5425E | Message output error occurred during the process
Explanation: The process encountered an error trying to display a message.
System Action: Processing ends.
User Response: Refer to the message text to fix the cause of the error, and then retry the process.
ARI5426I | process process successful. [Target database: db-name] |
Explanation: The process has completed successfully.
System Action: Processing is completed.
User Response: No action required.
ARI5427E | process process unsuccessful. Target database: db-name [CB2D abend code: abend-code] |
Explanation: The process did not complete successfully.
System Action: Processing ends.
User Response: Refer to previous messages for the reason of the failure. If necessary, notify your system programmer.
System Programmer Response: Refer to previous messages for the cause of the error.