DB2 Server for VM: Messages and Codes

VM APPC/VM Communication Codes

The following is a list of VM APPC/VM Communication Codes. They are issued with message ARI0042I, when Remote Relational Access is used.

Dec (Hex)

Code Meaning
101 (65) An I/O error occurred while CP was reading the CP directory. *IDENT was checking for authorization to identify or revoke the resource.
102 (66) The CONNECT parameter list has an invalid function code in FCODE of IPUSER; it is not equal to 1 for IDENTIFY or equal to 2 for REVOKE. The database manager produces a dump.
103 (67) The CONNECT parameter list has an invalid parameter PRMDATA.
104 (68) The directory does not contain an IUCV *IDENT entry for the database being used, or there is no IUCV *IDENT entry for RESANY. The virtual machine is not authorized to connect to *IDENT for the specified resource.
105 (69) An attempt has been made to identify the database as a global resource (DBMODE=G) when it should be identified as a local resource. The virtual machine is not authorized to identify the resource as a global resource.
106 (6A) The virtual machine is not authorized to revoke the specified resource. The database manager produces a dump.
107 (6B) The virtual machine is not authorized to revoke the specified resource globally. The database manager produces a dump.
108 (6C) CP cannot identify the resource because the system resource table currently contains the maximum of 500 entries.
109 (6D) A virtual machine already owns the resource being identified. The virtual machine trying to identify the resource could be the same one that already owns the resource.
110 (6E) A virtual machine revoked the resource. The virtual machine that owns the resource may have revoked the resource.
111 (6F) The resource to be revoked does not exist. The database manager produces a dump.
112 (70) The resource is pending identification by a virtual machine and cannot be identified or revoked.
113 (71) The resource is pending a revoke by a virtual machine and cannot be identified or revoked. An authorized virtual machine is revoking the resource, or the resource-owner virtual machine is severing its path to *IDENT.
114 (72) The connect parameter list has a resource name specified as all blanks. The database manager produces a dump.
115 (73) The directory does not contain any IUCV *IDENT entries.

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