DB2 Server for VM: Messages and Codes

VM Abnormal Termination Codes

The return codes from VM Abnormal Termination are found in VM/ESA: System Messages and Codes under the discussions of the CP Abend Codes and CMS Abend Codes.

The database manager does not get control when a CP abnormal termination condition occurs. The database manager does get control when a Conversational Monitor System (CMS) abnormal termination occurs. Because many of the CMS Abend Codes apply to use of VSAM and OS functions under CMS, they are not listed here.

For certain abnormal termination conditions, the database manager issues the CMS DMSABN abnormal termination macro with a unique DB2 Server for VM abnormal termination code. These codes are listed below:

Code Value
Dec (Hex)

VM Abnormal Termination
Code Meaning

242 (F2) Unable to free the resource adapter code when in the saved segment area and single user mode. (CP PURGESYS diagnose failed).
243 (F3) Unable to free the relational data system code when in the saved segment area. (CP PURGESYS DIAGNOSE failed).
244 (F4) Unable to free the database storage subsystem/data system control code when in the saved segment area via the CMSSTACK macro.
245 (F5) FILEDEF failed for ARILARC or ARIARC. During initialization of the DB2 Server for VM system, it was discovered that the block size for DDNAME ARILARC or ARIARC was invalid. An attempt to re-issue a FILEDEF for this DDNAME has failed.
246 (F6) Unable to free the ARICMOD control block from the free storage storage area. (CMS NUCXDROP command failed.)
247 (F7) Unable to free the resource adapter code from the free storage storage area. (CMS NUCXDROP command failed.)
248 (F8) Unable to free the user program when in the saved segment area and single user mode. (CP PURGESYS DIAGNOSE failed.)
249 (F9) Unable to free the user program when in the free storage storage area. (CMS NUCXDROP command failed.)
250 (FA) The DB2 Server for VM system detected a recursive entryination condition.
251 (FB) DB2 Server for VM external interrupt handler encountered a system error condition. A message will identify the system error point.
252 (FC) May be caused by not having enough virtual storage available. A dump is not performed, but the following diagnostic messages are issued:

  ARI0059E     Program cancelled due to
               insufficient virtual storage
  ARI0059E     Module name = xxxxxxxx
  ARI0059E     Storage requested = n bytes
  ARI0042I     DB2 Server for VM
               Reason Code is n
  ARI0043I     DB2 Server for VM
               Return Code is 512
253 (FD) This condition results in either a dumpof the registers at the time of the abend or a dump of the registers and virtual storage. Messages will accompany the dump. For instance, if a request for virtual storage could not be honored because none was available, the system performs a CP DUMP of the virtual machine after issuing these messages:
  ARI0059E     Program cancelled due to
               insufficient virtual storage
  ARI0059E     No diagnostic possible -
               dump function invoked
254 (FE) DB2 Server for VM DBSS/DSC/RDS bootstrap module found an existing copy of either DBSS/DSC, or RDS code, or user exit router when trying to load the code into the free storage storage area with the CMS NUCXLOAD command. (Storage was not reset properly.)
255 (FF) ISQL in not supported in VM/XA mode.

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