DB2 Server for VM: Messages and Codes

Chapter 16. ARI0950-ARI0987 Trace Formatter Messages

ARI0950EINPUT keyword  keyword  is not valid.

Explanation: The submitted control statement keyword is unrecognized. The recognized trace formatter control statement keywords are: AGENTNO, COMP, DATE, DUMPALL, HEADER, RETCODE, SUBCOMP, TIME, TRACENO, and USERID.

System Action: The program ends.

Programmer Response: Select the correct control statement keyword. Each control statement can contain only one keyword.

ARI0951ENumber of parameters in user ID exceeds six.

Explanation: The maximum number of parameters used with the control statement keyword USER ID is six.

System Action: The program ends.

Programmer Response: Reduce the number of parameters to six or less. For more information about USER ID parameters, refer to the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Operation manual.

ARI0952ENumber of parameters in AGENTNO exceeds six.

Explanation: The maximum number of parameters used with the control statement keyword AGENTNO is six.

System Action: The program ends.

Programmer Response: Reduce the number of parameters to six or less. For more information about AGENTNO parameters, refer to the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Operation manual.

ARI0953ENondigit character in one of the AGENTNO parameters.

Explanation: Syntax error. At least one of the parameters used with the control statement keyword AGENTNO contains nonnumeric characters.

System Action: The program ends.

Programmer Response: Submit the parameters with the correct syntax. For more information about AGENTNO parameters, refer to the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Operation manual.

ARI0954ENumber of parameters in TRACENO exceeds six.

Explanation: The maximum number of parameters used with the control statement keyword TRACENO is six.

System Action: The program ends.

Programmer Response: Reduce the number of parameters to six or less. For more information about TRACENO parameters, refer to the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Operation manual.

ARI0955ENondigit character in one of the TRACENO parameters.

Explanation: Syntax error. At least one of the parameters used with the control statement keyword TRACENO contains nonnumeric characters.

System Action: The program ends.

Programmer Response: Submit the parameters with the correct syntax. For more information about TRACENO parameters, refer to the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Operation manual.

ARI0956ENumber of parameters in COMP exceeds one.

Explanation: The maximum number of parameters used with the control statement keyword COMP is one.

System Action: The program ends.

Programmer Response: Enter only one of the allowed parameters: CONV, DBSS, DRRM DSC, RA, RDS, WUM, or STG.

ARI0957EParameter in COMP not valid.

Explanation: The parameter specified with the control statement keyword COMP can be CONV, DBSS, DRRM DSC, RA, RDS, WUM, or STG.

System Action: The program ends.

Programmer Response: Submit the correct parameter: CONV, DBSS, DRRM, DSC, RA, RDS, WUM, or STG.

ARI0958ENumber of parameters in SUBCOMP exceeds eight.

Explanation: The maximum number of parameters used with the control statement keyword SUBCOMP is eight.

System Action: The program ends.

Programmer Response: Reduce the number of parameters to eight or less. For more information about SUBCOMP parameters, refer to the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Operation manual.

ARI0959EParameter in SUBCOMP not valid.

Explanation: At least one of the parameters used with the control statement keyword SUBCOMP is not valid. The allowable parameters for the subcomponents DBSS, DRRM, DSC, RA and RDS are:

 For RDS:     For DBSS:     For DSC:     For RA:
 AU           DC            AGENT        RA
 AG           DM            COM          COM
 EXEC         ENTRY
 INT          EXIT
 OPT          INDEX         For DRRM:
 PA           LOCK
 SG           LOG           DICT
              LUW           GEN
              SORT          PARSE
              STAT          RDIIN

System Action: The program ends.

Programmer Response: Submit the correct parameters. For more information about SUBCOMP parameters, refer to the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Operation manual.

ARI0960ENumber of parameters in DATE exceeds two.

Explanation: The maximum number of parameters used with the control statement keyword DATE is two.

System Action: The program ends.

Programmer Response: Input the two parameters 'start-date' and 'end-date' or the parameter 'target-date'.

ARI0961ESyntax error in one of the DATE parameters.

Explanation: Syntax error. Each portion of the date must be specified as two digits; that is, a leading zero must be entered where needed. The delimiter must be /. The second date, if used, must be greater than the first date. An example of correctly specified dates is: DATE 01/23/85 02/08/85.

System Action: The program ends.

Programmer Response: Submit the parameters with the correct format.

ARI0962ENondigit character in one of the DATE parameters.

Explanation: Syntax error. At least one of the parameters used with the control statement keyword DATE contains nonnumeric characters. Each portion of the date must be specified as two digits; that is, a leading zero must be entered where needed. The second date, if used, must be greater than the first date. An example of correctly specified dates is: DATE 01/23/85 02/08/85.

System Action: The program ends.

Programmer Response: Submit the parameters with the correct syntax.

ARI0963ENumber of parameters in TIME exceeds two.

Explanation: The maximum number of parameters used with the control statement keyword TIME is two.

System Action: The program ends.

Programmer Response: Input the two parameters 'start-time' and 'end-time' or the parameter 'target-time'.

ARI0964ESyntax error in one of the TIME parameters.

Explanation: Syntax error. Each portion of the time must be specified as two digits; that is, a leading zero must be entered where needed. The delimiter must be a colon (:).

Note: The second time specified should be greater than the first time. For example, specifying TIME 23:45:00 00:10:00 will cause no trace output to be selected (no warning message will be issued). Consequently, specifying an interval that passes through midnight must be done in two different runs of the trace formatter. An example of correctly specified times is: TIME 09:05:00 14:04:59. It is possible (but not very useful) to specify only one time with the TIME keyword. For example, TIME 12:00:00 specifies that only the trace records created during that second of time be formatted.

System Action: The program ends.

Programmer Response: Submit the parameters with the correct syntax.

ARI0965ENondigit character in one of the TIME parameters.

Explanation: Syntax error. At least one of the parameters used with the control statement keyword TIME contains nonnumeric characters. Each portion of the date must be specified as two digits; that is, a leading zero must be entered where needed. The delimiter must be ':'.

Note: The second time specified should be greater than the first time. For example, specifying TIME 23:45:00 00:10:00 will cause no trace output to be selected (no warning message will be issued). Consequently, specifying an interval that passes through midnight must be done in two different runs of the trace formatter. An example of correctly specified times is: TIME 09:05:00 14:04:59. It is possible (but not very useful) to specify only one time with the TIME keyword. For example, TIME 12:00:00 specifies that only the trace records created during that second of time be formatted.

System Action: The program ends.

Programmer Response: Submit the parameters with the correct syntax.

ARI0966ENumber of parameters in RETCODE exceeds one.

Explanation: The maximum number of parameters used with the control statement keyword RETCODE is one.

System Action: The program ends.

Programmer Response: Enter only one of the allowed parameters (P, N, or *).

ARI0967EParameter in RETCODE not valid.

Explanation: The submitted parameter used with the control statement keyword RETCODE is not valid. The parameter must be P, N, or *.

System Action: The program ends.

Programmer Response: Enter one of the following as the RETCODE parameter:

Positive (nonzero) return codes only

Negative return codes only

All nonzero return codes

ARI0968EThe trace file does not contain trace data.

Explanation: The trace file (tape or CMS file) does not contain the DB2 Server for VM trace data. (The wrong tape may be mounted.)

System Action: The program ends.

Programmer Response: Ensure that the operator mounted the correct tape and that the correct CMS FILEDEF command was entered for ddname ARITRAC. If the correct file is being accessed, it does not contain the trace data. (The tape is probably empty or rewritten.)

ARI0969ITrace file is empty.

Explanation: The DB2 Server for VM trace formatter program has detected that the DB2 Server for VM trace file is empty. (It contains no records.) When database manager activity was being traced, no trace output data was created.

System Action: The program ends.

Programmer Response: None required. You may want to verify that the correct file was submitted as input to the trace formatter program.

ARI0972EStorage allocation error. Return Code =  nn .

Explanation: In allocating virtual storage during trace formatting, a CMS free storage macro failure occurred. The cause of the error is described by the Return Code value nn (which is the return code from the free storage macro).

System Action: The program ends.

Programmer Response: Report the problem to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response:

ARI0973EError releasing storage. Return Code =  nn .

Explanation: In releasing virtual storage during trace formatting, a CMS free storage macro |failure occurred. The cause of the error is described by the Return |Code value nn (which is the return code from the free storage |macro).

|System Action: The program ends.

|Operator Response: Report the problem to your system programmer.

|System Programmer Response: Make a record of the return code and contact the designed support group for |your installation.

ARI0974E operation  error on DDNAME  xxxxxxxx . Return Code =  nn . EREASON= nn .

Explanation: An error occurred during a sequential input/output operation on the xxxxxxxx file.

The Return Code value is the Primary Error Code value. The EREASON value is the Secondary Error Code value. For further explanation, look up the displayed error codes under either Chapter 23, Sequential File Errors, or "SEQ FILE ERRORS" in the HELP text.

System Action: The program ends.

Operator Response: Return console output with the output listing.

System Programmer Response: For corrective action, look up the displayed error codes under either Chapter 23, Sequential File Errors, or "SEQ FILE ERRORS" in the HELP text.

ARI0975ENumber of parameters in EXTLUWID exceeds one.

Explanation: The maximum number of parameters used with the control statement keyword EXTLUWID is one.

System Action: The program ends.

Programmer Response: Enter only one parameter.

ARI0976EParameter in EXTLUWID is invalid.

Explanation: The specified parameter used with the control statement keyword EXTLUWID is not valid. The parameter must be specified again.

System Action: The program ends.

Programmer Response: Specify a valid LUWID in external format.

ARI0980ADB2 Server for VM will invoke CMS XEDIT to allow you to prepare the trace formatter control statements. You will use XEDIT to edit the CMS file SQLTRFMT SQLTRACE A1. PF3 will store the edited file. Press Enter when you are ready to edit this file.

Explanation: Control statements are needed by the DB2 Server for VM trace formatter. These statements are read from a card-image file named SQLTRFMT SQLTRACE A1, which is the SYSIN file for the trace formatter.

When you press the ENTER key, the CMS XEDIT facility will be invoked to let you create (or update) this file. In XEDIT you can enter control statements in lowercase letters, but they will be stored in uppercase form. In XEDIT the PF3 key will be set to do the FILE operation (storing a copy of the file on your A-disk). After you store the file on your A-disk, SQLTRFMT EXEC processing continues.

The SQLTRFMT SQLTRACE A1 file is not erased by SQLTRFMT EXEC processing. This file is kept on your A-disk so that it can be used again. Each time you use the SQLTRFMT EXEC, XEDIT presents you with the previous copy of the file (if any).

System Action: SQLTRFMT waits for you to press the ENTER key. When you press the ENTER key, the CMS XEDIT facility will be invoked to let you create (or update) the SQLTRFMT SQLTRACE A1 file.

Operator or User Response: Press the ENTER key. Create or update the control statements for the trace formatter. Press the PF3 key when you are ready to have the trace formatter use the control statements. The control statements are described in the DB2 Server for VSE & VM Diagnosis Guide and Reference manual.

ARI0981DTrace formatter output can be a virtual print file or a CMS file. Enter PRINT for print file or enter CMS for CMS file.

Explanation: The trace formatter output (SYSPRINT file) can be directed to either the virtual printer or a CMS file. This prompting message asks you to make your choice.

System Action: The system waits for your reply.

If you reply PRINT, the trace formatter output will be sent to the virtual printer.

If you reply CMS, message ARI0983A will be displayed so that you can enter the file name, file type, and file mode of the CMS file to be used for the output.

Any other reply causes message ARI0981D to be displayed again.

Operator or User Response: If you want to look at the trace formatter output immediately (using an editor), type CMS. You can later print the file with a CMS PRINT command (using the CC option).

If you want only printed output from the trace formatter, reply PRINT.

ARI0982ITrace formatter program ended successfully.

Explanation: The DB2 Server for VM trace formatter has successfully selected, formatted, and displayed the trace file. No errors occurred.

System Action: The SQLTRFMT EXEC completes processing with a return code of 0.

ARI0983AEnter file name, file type, and (optional) file mode for CMS output file. File mode defaults to A1.

Explanation: You have chosen (through message ARI0981D) to direct the output of the trace formatter to a CMS file. The SQLTRFMT EXEC is now requesting you to specify the file name, file type, and (optionally) the file mode of that CMS file.

System Action: The system waits for your reply.

If you enter three values (separated by one or more blanks), they will be used as the file name, file type, and file mode, respectively.

If you enter two values (separated by one or more blanks), they will be used as the file name and file type, respectively; file mode will default to A1.

If you enter fewer than two values, this message will be displayed again.

Operator or User Response: Enter any valid CMS file name and file type. If you want the file to be placed on a minidisk other than your A-disk, also enter a valid CMS file mode. Separate your entries with one or more blanks.

ARI0984ETrace formatter program ended with an error.

Explanation: The DB2 Server for VM trace formatter ended with an error condition. The error message is contained in the trace formatter output file. If the error was an I/O error on the output file (SYSPRINT), the error message is displayed on the virtual machine console.

System Action: The SQLTRFMT EXEC completes processing with a return code of 8.

Operator or User Response: Take action based on the error message in the trace formatter output file. Save any CMS messages (those having a DMS prefix) for use in problem determination.

ARI0985EAn error occurred in the FILEDEF process. DDNAME= xxxxxxx  Return Code= nn .

Explanation: An error occurred while executing the CMS FILEDEF command for the file identified by the DDNAME value. The Return Code value is the CMS FILEDEF command return code. The FILEDEF command was issued by the DB2 Server for VM trace formatter EXEC SQLTRFMT.

System Action: The SQLTRFMT EXEC is ended with the Return Code value.

Operator or User Response: If the DDNAME value is SYSPRINT and you entered the CMS file name, file type, and file mode, verify that you entered the correct values. Use the CMS error message (message with prefix DMS) to verify this. If you made a specification error, re-execute the SQLTRFMT EXEC. Message ARI0983D prompts you to enter the file name, file type, and optionally the file mode for the SYSPRINT CMS output file.

Otherwise, this is a DB2 Server for VM system error. Save the EXEC output and give it to your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: If the terminal user did not specify an improper CMS file name, file type, or file mode for the SYSPRINT FILEDEF command, this is a system error in the SQLTRFMT EXEC. Determine the service level of the system and report this problem to the designated support group for your installation.

ARI0986EAn error occurred in the NUCXLOAD process. NAME=ARIMTRA Return Code= nn .

Explanation: An error occurred while executing the CMS NUCXLOAD command for DB2 Server for VM load module ARIMTRA. This load module is in the ARISQLLD LOADLIB file on the DB2 Server for VM production minidisk. The Return Code value is the NUCXLOAD command return code.

Note that the CMS NUCXLOAD command does not work in the CMS DOS environment. Ensure that the CMS DOS environment has not been set on before executing the SQLTRFMT EXEC.

System Action: The EXEC SQLTRFMT is ended with the Return Code value.

Operator or User Response: Ensure that the CMS DOS environment has not been established for the virtual machine. Consult the VM/ESA: CMS Command Reference manual for a description of the CMS NUCXLOAD command return codes. If a CMS error message (one with prefix DMS) was displayed, consult the VM/ESA: System Messages and Codes manual. Take the corrective action indicated or suggested by the message or return code. If you cannot resolve the problem, consult your system programmer.

System Programmer Response: Perform problem determination as indicated above. If a DB2 Server for VM or VM system error occurred, make a record of what went wrong and contact the designated support group for your installation.

ARI0987EAn error occurred in the NUCXDROP process. NAME=ARIMTRA Return Code= nn .

Explanation: An error occurred while executing the CMS NUCXDROP command for the DB2 Server for VM load module ARIMTRA. The Return Code value is the NUCXDROP command return code. This is a database manager or VM system error. (The NUCXDROP command is described in VM/ESA: CMS Command Reference manual for your system.)
Note:The DB2 Server for VM trace formatter program has completed processing. It has produced its output in either a virtual printer file or a CMS file, according to the options selected by the user of the SQLTRFMT EXEC.

System Action: The EXEC SQLTRFMT is ended with the Return Code value.

Operator or User Response: Save the EXEC output and give it to your system programmer. You can take normal action to examine or print the trace formatter output. The failure to do the NUCXDROP can be circumvented by re-ipling CMS. (Load module ARIMTRA is still occupying virtual storage.)

System Programmer Response: Determine the service level of the database manager and report this problem to the designated support group for your installation.

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